
As his mind backtracked to earlier events, the smile faded from Sawyer's lips. He walked out to the single-person balcony his apartment complex offered, leaning heavily against the ledge. A deep sigh escaped him, feeling as if the weight of the world was crashing down upon him. The dimly lit complex was illuminated by the hazard lights of a box truck, catching his eye. They were delivering the bike Ezekiel had.

Excitement surged through Sawyer, momentarily banishing his dark thoughts. He rushed downstairs, his feet barely touching the steps in his haste. Outside, he saw the box truck just finishing the unloading process and beginning to drive off in the opposite direction.

Taking up the space Ezekiel's parking number was his bike which immediately caught Sawyer's eye, with its radiant design. It was a 600NPS, the words Nova Powersports displayed brilliantly on the side his belly pan. This machine was capable of hitting a top speed of 152mph.

The fairings, painted a lustrous gold, shimmered under the dim parking lot lights. The rims which were black, but adorned with gold lettering that read "Devils Disciples". The contrast between the gold and black created a visually appealing effect.

It had an aggressive stance encouraging speed and control. The front cowl was aerodynamically designed, housing sharp, piercing headlights that gave the bike a predatory look. The gold fairings hugged the bike's frame tightly. The tank was sleek yet robust, leading to a aggressive seating like most supersport bikes.

Suddenly, two headlights peered from the entrance of his apartment complex. Sawyer instinctively retreated to his apartment complex. He peered cautiously through a crack in the window blinds. It was then Ezekiel emerge from the back of an Uber illuminated by departing car's headlights.

Sawyer's heart beat steady and unrelenting, each thud resonated with a sense of apprehension. Ezekiel's footsteps became louder echoing in the stillness of the night. With Bated breath, Sawyer listened as his footsteps became closer.

A knock on the door shattered the calming stillness, reverberating through the empty hallway. Sawyer stood motionless, his breath caught in his throat. Two more knocks followed, each one met with a stony silence from within. The sound of footsteps receding from the door sent a chill of calmness down Sawyer's spine.

Sawyer's back slid down the rough surface of the door. He sank to the floor, his head cradled within his hands.





[Name: Sawyer Knight]

[Rank: Novice

Special Abilities:

Eagle Eye: Lvl 1(New)

Steel Nerves: Lvl 1(New)

Road Whisperer: Lvl 1(New)


With his finger pressed against the window, Sawyer clicked on the three dots sitting below the 'Steel Nerves' ability. As the three dots opened up, the description of the ability appeared.

"{Improves ability to stay calm and focus in high-pressure environments}," read the description for the Steel Nerves ability. The window and description disappeared in front of his eyes.

'I guess that's the reason I was calm the whole time he was knocking…' Sawyer thought to himself as he slowly picked himself back up and walked to his room. He plopped on the bed and closed his eyes, hoping to forget all that took place today.

Sawyer found himself still haunted by the visions of yesterday the next morning, the weight of the memories clinging to him like a persistent fog despite the reappearance of the sun. The grogginess of the morning hit him with full force as he struggled to rise from his bed.

With a sigh, he went through the motions of his morning routine. He dressed in his biker outfit, slipping into sturdy biker boots, securing his helmet, and pulling on his gloves with practiced ease.

Before lowering his visor, he paused, his gaze drawn to the window screen in front of him.





[Name: Sawyer Knight]

[Rank: Novice

Physical Stats:

Strength: 8

Health: 3

Ability: 11

Toughness: 27

Dexterity: 6


"All of my stats are extremely low… but at least there's something I can do about this one," Sawyer thought. He kicked his bike stand up and smoothly shifted into first gear.

The engine roared to life beneath him, a familiar and comforting sound, as he accelerated away from his apartment. The streets blurred past him, but none of this mattered to him as he was intent on reaching his destination. As he downshifted from second gear, letting out a loud exhaust pop, the bike slowed to a halt in front of a large building, the sign above reading "Pulse Fitness" in bold, electrifying letters.

'There's nothing I can do about most of my stats, but at least I can work on my strength…!' Sawyer told himself. His small frame moved through the gym with purpose, choosing weights that matched his current capabilities. Though they were the smallest available, they would provide him the foundation he needed to build his strength.

Two hours passed in a blur. By the end of his workout, he felt a sense of accomplishment, even as his limbs trembled from the exertion. He wiped his brow, the sweat staining his clothes.

Ready to leave, he donned his helmet again. The ride home was steady and uneventful, his mind clear and his body exhausted. The sun hung high in the sky, casting a golden glow over the landscape as he pulled up to his apartment complex.

As Sawyer parked his bike and removed his helmet, he noticed Ezekiel standing nearby, leaning casually against his own motorcycle. Despite his relaxed posture, his face was etched with concern. Ezekiel approached Sawyer before he could get off the bike.

"You okay?" Ezekiel asked, his voice tinged with genuine concern as he watched Sawyer remove his gloves and helmet.

"Yeah…" Sawyer replied, though his tone lacked conviction. Carefully tucking his helmet and gloves in his right arm.

Ezekiel stepped closer, his eyes never leaving Sawyer's. "You know you can't just leave whenever you want, right?" His words were gentle, but the underlying message was clear.

Sawyer nodded slowly, his thoughts racing. 'No way after witnessing a murder they'd ever let me go,' he mused in his head, the reality of his situation settling heavily on his shoulders. He understood the unspoken rules now binding him to the club, the web of loyalty that he couldn't easily escape.

Sawyer sighed deeply before he spoke, trying to mask the unease that still gnawed at him. "… I know… I just needed some time after yesterday… like you said, I was overexhausted. I'm better now, though," he said convincingly, though the knot in his stomach betrayed his words.

Ezekiel smiled, his demeanor lightening up. "Good. We should head out to the city on our bikes later tonight," he suggested, a spark of excitement in his voice.

"Sounds good," Sawyer replied, patting Ezekiel's shoulder as he made his way upstairs.

'Let's see how much my stat has gone up since the workout!' Sawyer thought joyfully to himself. With a thought, the blue screen charting his physical stats materialized before his eyes.