A Predatory Embrace


As reception was about to end I got off the stage . I was searching for Claire but she was nowhere to be seen. 

I was searching for her I bumped into wall as I looked up and it wasn't the wall I saw a tall woman .she was 6'2 f tall and looked very strong . I felt my cheeks burning ,She had dominating aura around her . 

She was looking at me ,I felt her eyes on me checking me out .After few akward minutes staring Andrew cleared his throat.

"Hazel, meet -" he said but got interrupted.

"Ahem . I would like to introduce myself. Hazel call me Evelyn" her voice was deep and husky . She stretch her hand out , I placed mine in her hand and she griped tightly . She was staring in my eyes . 

I heard my phone ring I excused myself to receive the call ,it was Claire.

H : Where are you Claire ?

C: I'm sorry hazel, my cousin came over and I forgot to give the keys to my neighbor as we left in hurry. And my cousins were waiting for an hour so I had to leave .

H : it's okay Claire , please pick me up as fast you can. 

C: sorry, hazel you have to wait for 2 hours because I'm bit tried and the hotel 1 hour away.

H : it's alright Claire you don't have to come take rest I'll see you tomorrow. 

C: Are you sure ?? 

H: yes 

C: THANKYOU hazel , see you tomorrow. Good night

H : night Claire.

I cut the call okay I'm on my own . I walked out of the hotel Wrapping my arms around my body it was cold outside. I can't find any taxi or bus as it was mid night.

I can't even call my dad he'll be angry and if mom got to know about this she will never allow me to go outside from house again .

I start walking down street to my house . I was feeling exhausted ,I might collapse if I blinked .

As fifteen minutes passed 

I heard sounds of engine I turned and saw an black car it was looking expensive stopped front of me . I started walking faster but it kept following me.

I was getting scared but I can't let them know so I stopped and knocked driver side and told them.

" Stop following me you creep , I've taken photo your license plate and if you continued to follow me I'll call the police and tell them I'll get you arrested . "

Suddenly the window rolls down and I saw Ms. Evelyn she was laughing hard and I felt embarrassed so I looked down at my shoes.


I saw Hazel leaving the hotel in hurry ,I had to follow my kitten so I motion Kevin my assistant to allot the rooms to the guest and look after the arrangements. 

I got in my car and started following him He was cold , he hugged himself I want to hug him, protect him .

It has been fifteen minutes and he hasn't stopped so I decided to show up as I pressed accelerator my car roared as he felt my presence he started walking faster.

As I walk about to blow horn he came up knocked my window and he spoke 

" Stop following me you creep , I've taken photo your license plate and if you continued to follow me I'll call the police and I'll get you arrested . "

I can't stop laughing, he was trying to be strong but fear was visible on his face . 

As he saw me then he looked down and whisper a soft " sorry" He was looking so gorgeous . It was getting so hard to control myself.

I tried to distract myself the first thing that came into my mind that is Why he is roaming around street at mid night ? 

" Why are you roaming in dark ? "

He looked at me and replied 

" Ma'am I'm just going to my home " 

I felt anger He was lucky that I've seen him ? 

" Alone ? Have you looked at the time? " 

" Actually ma'am I've came with my friend but she had to leave early, so I'm leaving alone "

Wow, just fucking Wow how could anyone can be so careless to leave this angel alone ?? 

"Do you know it's not safe for you to be out in dark ? " 

"Yes ma'am I know , but I also know how to protect myself " 

I scoffed

Can't leave him alone anything can happen to him 

"Let me drop you " I said 

"No ma'am it- " I interrupted him 

"Get in car "He silently get In car and we took off . 

After 10 minutes passed I asked him for direction " left or right ?"

He didn't said anything I looked at him to find him sleeping peacefully, he was looking so Adorable. I drove him to my home. As I reach Kevin and Jessica was waiting for me , as I opened the car door Jessica was looking at me with question gaze 

" What took you so long " 

I looked at hazel , as they looked at hazel , Kevin whisper yelled " you seriously kidnapped him " 

"No he fall asleep in car and I didn't wanted to wake him up so I took him here "

"Okay " Jessica said 

As Kevin was getting hazel out of the passenger side of car , hazel stirs a little bit still sleepy as Kevin held him up to keep him falling to the ground .

As he carries him from the car , hazel stirs a bit more then nuzzles his face into Kevin's neck causing my jealous and possessive side to go haywire.

"What the fuck are you doing " I growled at him, he looked shocked. 

I take hazel from his grasp and pushed him away , I heard Jess laughing and she said " now I understand why Kevin was worried about that kid " I glared at Kevin he was terrified 

" I take him, see you guys tomorrow " they nodded and left .I pick him in bridal style as I carry him in and up through the house , taking off his shoes Laying in my bed and pulling the blanket and sheet over him. I sat next to him to watch him sleep. He looked so peaceful and delicate, I could not hold myself now I want to touch him, I want to feel his soft skin against mine. 

I inject him Midazolam he hissed in pain " Shhhhhh it won't hurt. Just marking you my love "he was trying to open his eyes but he was unable to open soon he lost control "Perfect" I wisped to myself looking him on my bed then I started planting kisses on his neck . I sucked hard on his neck and bite hard Again suck hard....

"Aaaa" he hissed in his sleep I bite him one last time and kissed him on his pink soft lips.

Marked I whisper and slept next to him holding him between my arms.