Morning After


I woke up next day feeling fresh. Staring unfamiliar black Ceiling I sit up and groan 

I remember every single detail of last night. I check my phone 

Mumma : 1 missed call

Dad : 2 missed calls 

Claire : 15 missed calls, 7 message

" Oh no I'm so dead "

Getting out of large queen size bed I check my surroundings

The room screamed money with expensive paintings decorating the gold walls a huge chandelier hanging on the ceiling, the the black furnitures that may cost more then normal apartment. I snap out of it 

Going to the door I opened it and peek out the room into hallway staring from left to right seeing no one there I step out . Silently I walk towards the railing of the staircase.

" Good morning hazel " I turned to see a man in blue suit 

"Morning" I replied 

"I'm Kevin assistant of Evelyn" he introduced himself 

"Nice to meet you " we shook hands 

"Evelyn is on meeting right now she will meet you in 30 min "

"Sorry but I need to go home I haven't told my parents. Say thanks to Ms Evelyn for letting me stay here."

"Okay" Kevin said 

I took a cab and my phone rang it was Claire

H: "hel-"

C: hazel were are you?Are you okay?? Why weren't you picking up? 

H: "Jeez Claire I'm okay currently I'm on cab- "

C : "come to my home right now I've told you're parents that you stayed in my home and I'll drop you. " 

H : "thank you Claire your my saviour"

C : "just come here fast "

H: "yeah"

I cut the call 

As I reached her house she tackles me with bone crushing hug 

"Can't b- breathing" 

She released me 

"You idot were where you ? Do you have any idea how much worried I was ?" 

"I didn't know when I fell asleep in Ms Evelyn's car so she took to her home as I woke up I took a cab and came here"

"I'm glad hazel you're safe ,now get in car I drop you home" 

As I reached home mom and dad were waiting for me 

Dad spoke first "At least pick up you're phone or tell us that you're staying in her home Do you know how worried we were? "

I looked down and apologized "I'm sorry dad, it won't happen again "

Mom : "You are not allowed to go to anywhere alone, go to your room and Tommrow we are going to get you enrolled in college. "

I nodded and got inside of my room I looked like a messed I changed into pjs after a long shower. And start planning for next day .


"What do you mean by he's gone ?" I shouted at Kevin

"Evelyn he was in hurry , I tried to stop him "

"I've just told to you to keep eye on him, but it's seems even little task is too much for you "

"Eve-" I interrupted him 

" I need all the details of hazel by the evening on my desk "