Chapter 8: A Clever Counterattack

Rotgar looked at Anna's seemingly innocent demeanor and couldn't help but sneer. Humans, he thought, are truly repulsive. No matter how dirty their motives, they can disguise themselves as pure as unicorns.


His fingers tapped lightly on the table, and a malicious glint shone in his eyes. "If you didn't want to tarnish my reputation, then you shouldn't have accepted my help yesterday."


Anna was taken aback, and even Wardo looked surprised. They both detected the malice in his words, but Wardo thought he had misheard, while Anna worried that the demon was about to blow the whole charade.


"...I'm sorry. I was too selfish, wanting so badly to work in the kitchen that I overlooked this." Anna spoke sincerely while trying to figure out how to keep the demon from flipping the table. She didn't know what he might do and didn't want to find out.


Gathering her courage, Anna looked at the demon. Sure enough, he was staring right back at her. She forced herself to maintain eye contact, holding her breath until she felt her face flush, then quickly looked down. "I'll clarify things to everyone so there are no more misunderstandings."


She needed to make the demon believe he still had a chance with her, that she had some feelings for him, to prevent him from ending the game.


Rotgar watched all of Anna's reactions, concluding exactly what she wanted him to think... partially. There was no doubt this human woman was already captivated by Parrysh's appearance and status. She was ambitious, intelligent, but unfortunately for her, she had encountered him.


Rotgar suppressed his own expression, replacing it with Parrysh's charming smile. "There's no need, dear. I only said that to make you realize that you do have feelings for me. You might not see it, but I can feel it."


Anna kept her head down. "Perhaps you are right, Master. However, I am just a maid and do not wish to think too much."


Internally, Anna was rolling her eyes. This demon switched faces so quickly. Anyone who couldn't see through his act had to be blind.


Satisfied, Rotgar withdrew his gaze. Progress had been made. He had plenty of time. When she felt secure enough, she would naturally respond to his "proposal," and then he would surprise her.


Rotgar leisurely finished his breakfast. He didn't need to eat, but Parrysh's body did, and he intended to keep using it. Once done, Anna quietly cleaned up and left after a polite bow, escorted out by Wardo.


From his vantage point, Rotgar poured himself a glass of wine and watched Anna leave the small house in the garden, carrying the food box. She hadn't gone far before three maids intercepted her. Rotgar recognized one as Abigail, the maid he had tested the other day.


With Parrysh's excellent hearing, Rotgar only needed to slightly open the window to hear their conversation. After listening for a while, he smiled coldly and headed downstairs.


Anna felt a wave of relief after leaving Parrysh's small house. Facing a demon, especially a malicious one, was extremely stressful. She hadn't gone far when three maids blocked her path.


"You must be the new girl, Anna?" Abigail stood with her hands on her hips, her figure drawing attention.


Anna glanced at the three maids. They were all beautiful and looked haughty, and most importantly, they seemed hostile.


Anna smiled politely. "Yes, that's me."


Abigail looked Anna up and down, then sneered. "You don't look like much."


Another maid with light golden hair giggled behind her hand. "Yeah, she's not even close to me."


The third maid, a brunette, looked Anna over disdainfully. "Is the rumor true?"


Anna didn't want to make enemies. She had been bold with Lily because Lily was no longer at the mansion. But these maids had been here longer, and offending them wouldn't be wise.


"I'm not sure what rumors you've heard, but there's always some exaggeration in rumors, if not outright lies," Anna said earnestly.


Her words did not convince the maids. Abigail glanced at the food box in Anna's hand, annoyed. "You just came from Master Parrysh, didn't you? A new maid like you shouldn't be serving him. How did you manage it?"


"Did you seduce Master Parrysh?" the light-haired maid, Carrie, glared at Anna, though her accusation held a hint of jealousy.


The brunette, Fiona, took a step forward, raising her hand to strike Anna.


But Anna had been ready. She stepped back quickly, evading the blow. Fiona, surprised that Anna dared to dodge, felt embarrassed and looked at her companions before laughing harshly. "Abigail, Carrie, what do you think we should do to teach her the rules?"


Anna sighed inwardly. Her initial plan to avoid conflict seemed naive. It was clear these maids didn't want to get along. They weren't from the kitchen, so it didn't matter if they disliked her. They wouldn't see each other often.


Anna wasn't the type to suffer in silence. Lily had pushed her, and Anna had taken her job. Now, facing three maids who seemed ready to fight, she quickly formed a plan.


"I advise you not to act rashly," Anna said, standing her ground and looking them in the eye. "Whatever you've heard, I can tell you the truth is even more shocking. Master Parrysh wants to marry me, but I haven't agreed yet."


She flipped her hair and winked. "He's smitten with me. If he finds out you're bullying me, do you think he'll let you stay?"


"You're lying! Master Parrysh wouldn't fall for you!" Carrie shouted, unable to bear Anna's "truth."


Anna smiled. "Ask yourselves, if Master Parrysh wasn't head over heels for me, why would he let me work in the kitchen, then call me on my first day?"


Her logic made the maids' faces change. They didn't fully believe her but couldn't dismiss her words either. They had come to confront her because they half-believed the rumors, leaning towards disbelief. But Anna's plausible reasoning made them reconsider. Could Master Parrysh really be enchanted by this young girl?


The three exchanged glances, seeing the uncertainty in each other's eyes. None of them wanted to risk their jobs.


"I just remembered, I have unfinished work..." Fiona mumbled, avoiding Anna's gaze.


Abigail and Carrie quickly followed suit. "Yeah, me too..."


Relieved that she wouldn't have to fight, Anna's relief was short-lived. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone approaching: the demon.


These maids were foolish to confront her so close to Parrysh's residence.


The maids also noticed "Master Parrysh" approaching. Remembering Anna's words and fearing the consequences, they knelt one by one, trembling.


Ignoring them, Rotgar walked past and stopped in front of Anna. His smile was genuine this time, having heard everything Anna said. She was as despicable as he thought. She acted innocent with him but showed her true colors when threatened.


Disgusted, Rotgar used Parrysh's affectionate voice. "My beautiful girl, did they bully you? Are you hurt?"


Realizing the opportunity, Rotgar decided to propose again, playing into her vanity. "They didn't know how much I cherish you. I can't tolerate you being mistreated. Anna, marry me. No one will dare disrespect you then."


Hearing Parrysh's actual proposal, the maids were in shock. They had thought Anna was lying, but now it seemed true.


Anna, head down, was still unnerved by the demon. Despite his attractive human form, he was still a terrifying demon.


"I'm sorry, Master Parrysh, but I am unworthy of you and cannot accept your proposal." Anna's response was almost practiced, with a touch of regret added for effect.


If hearing the proposal was unbelievable, hearing Anna refuse left the maids nearly fainting. How could Anna say no to the master? If it were them, they would be overjoyed.