Anna, a modern woman unexpectedly transmigrated to a fantastical world, finds herself persistently pursued by a demon who takes over various bodies to propose to her. Armed with the ability to see through his disguises, Anna sincerely and repeatedly turns him down.
Archdemon Rotgar, driven by a bet to secure a hundred human brides in six months, is baffled when the first woman he encounters, Anna, rejects him outright. Not swayed by the charm of a handsome city lord's son? What about a young, gifted mage or a noble, pure temple saint? Each attempt is met with unwavering refusal.
Frustrated and humiliated, Rotgar becomes fixated on winning her over.
Six months later... Rotgar humbly grovels at Anna's feet, his crimson eyes dazed as he kisses her toes, murmuring, "Please punish my insolence..."
Anna: "..." If he regains his senses, she's doomed!