Chapter 5: A Choice of Independence

Realizing she might always be under the demon's watchful eye, Anna felt a jolt of fear. But she quickly calmed herself. Hadn't she already considered this possibility?


As she followed the coachman Shane into the Earl's mansion, Anna wondered about the existence of the Light Goddess. If she sought help from the church, could the priest invoke the goddess's power to banish the demon?


The stark contrast between the opulence of the Earl's mansion and the squalor of Pomegranate Lane was overwhelming. The mansion felt centuries ahead of her humble home, a testament to the disparity between the wealthy elite and the impoverished masses.


Anna soon realized Shane was not leading her to the kitchen. Instead, he was taking her directly to the demon. She stole a glance and immediately recognized the demon still inhabiting Parrysh's body. Though fear prickled at her, she reminded herself that she had already faced this demon and emerged unscathed. Surely, she could handle it again.


For Rotgar, this was the second day of his possession. Initially, he had planned to easily charm dozens of human women into accepting his proposals, win the bet quickly, and move on. But yesterday's encounter had forced him to reconsider his strategy. Although subsequent experiments with the maids confirmed his initial assumptions about human women, the unexpected defiance he encountered irked him.


Now, as he saw the woman who had caused his initial failure being led toward him, a cold smile formed in his mind. Clearly, this was no naive girl but a cunning one. Her falls, refusals—everything had been part of a calculated plan.


Suppressing his sinister amusement, Rotgar adopted Parrysh's charming demeanor. "The girl who captured my heart at first sight, have you finally come to accept my affection?"


Anna looked away from Parrysh's flawless smile, knowing it masked the demon's murderous intent. Her body stiffened, but she quickly lowered her head, trying to stay composed.


To Rotgar, her lowered gaze seemed like shyness. He was already contemplating how to torment her once she accepted his proposal.


With her head bowed, Anna found her courage. "No, Master Parrysh. I'm just here looking for work... in the kitchen."


Yesterday, the demon's sudden appearance had terrified her, but today, she felt more composed. Reflecting on his behavior, she found it almost laughably poor. His actions and words seemed inconsistent and unconvincing. How could anyone fall for such a clumsy act?


Rotgar, surprised by her response but less shocked than yesterday, thought her refusal was merely part of her deeper strategy. Summoning Parrysh's memories, he feigned disappointment. "Would you rather work in the kitchen than be my wife?"


Anna didn't look at him, finding his act overly dramatic. "I'm really sorry," she said without hesitation.


Sighing, Rotgar addressed Shane. "Inform the kitchen to keep her."


"Yes, sir," Shane replied, still puzzled by the girl's repeated refusals but glad his decision to bring her here was correct.


As Shane led Anna away, Rotgar watched her steps lighten with apparent joy. Clearly, she was pleased to have a legitimate reason to stay close to him. Whatever her plan, he would unravel it in time, and her eventual suffering would be all the sweeter.


On the way to the kitchen, Shane offered Anna some unsolicited advice. "Noblemen have limited patience. You'd do well to please Master Parrysh while he still likes you."


To Shane, the situation seemed straightforward. Yesterday, Parrysh had noticed Anna, and she had cleverly played hard to get. He believed she was trying to secure her position by making Parrysh value her more. But Parrysh hadn't pursued her today, so she must have panicked and hurried to the mansion. Shane assumed she was aiming too high, thinking she could become the Earl's wife when, at best, she might become a favored mistress.


Anna mentally scoffed, knowing the demon's true intentions. "Thank you, Shane. I'll keep that in mind."


Shane sensed her dismissal of his advice and feared she would regret it. "Just remember who helped you get in here."


"Of course, Shane. I won't forget," Anna promised, knowing she genuinely owed him. But the demon was her biggest helper, albeit unintentionally.


Yesterday, the demon's command to keep her had sped up her heartbeat. Despite knowing he had ulterior motives, she chose to focus on the positives: she had a job now, with higher pay and status. And she had taken the position Lily wanted, which felt satisfying.


Though she still feared the demon, she noticed his adherence to certain rules. She guessed that as long as she kept refusing his marriage proposals, she would be safe.


Upon reaching the kitchen, Shane didn't leave immediately, having more instructions to relay. The kitchen was bustling with activity. Several new girls, including Lily's aunt, had been recommended for the open position.


Five new girls lined up nervously before a plump, middle-aged woman who was clearly in charge. In this impoverished world, seeing someone so well-fed was rare.


Lily's eyes widened in shock and anger upon seeing Anna. "Anna! How did you get in here? This isn't your place. Get out!"


Why was Anna here in a place reserved for girls with recommendations? Lily remembered Anna's claim about taking her job and felt a cold dread. Had Anna really come to steal her opportunity?


The middle-aged woman, Mrs. Mary, frowned at Lily's outburst. "No shouting in the kitchen. You're dismissed, Lily."


Lily's face fell. She pleaded, "Mrs. Mary, I'm sorry. Please give me another chance."


Mrs. Mary remained firm. "You're dismissed. Stand aside."


Anna nearly laughed at the scene. She hadn't even done anything, and Lily was already out.


Lily, who had always been aggressive towards Anna, now had to hold her tongue and step aside, wiping tears away. The other four girls watched, some with barely concealed amusement.


Mrs. Mary then turned to Shane, her expression respectful. "What brings you here, Shane?"


"Master Parrysh has a message," Shane replied.


Mrs. Mary straightened, nodding. "What is it?"


"Master Parrysh said to keep her in the kitchen," Shane said, stepping aside to reveal Anna.


Mrs. Mary showed no reaction other than a nod. "Understood." She turned to the remaining four girls. "We only need one person. You can all leave."


Lily, still standing aside, now looked smug, enjoying the misfortune of the other girls. The four girls, disappointed but aware of the importance of following orders, reluctantly left, casting angry glances at Anna as they went. Lily's glare was not just angry but filled with hatred.


Anna met Lily's eyes, silently mouthing, "I told you."


Lily's face contorted with rage, barely restraining herself from attacking Anna in the Earl's kitchen.


Anna, now employed in the mansion, felt a strange mix of triumph and unease. She had won this battle, but the war with the demon was far from over.