Chapter 6: Entering the Earl's Mansion

After the other girls had left, and Shane had departed, Mrs. Mary scrutinized Anna quietly. "What is your name?"


Anna lowered her eyes and replied softly, "My name is Anna, Mrs. Mary."


Mrs. Mary was pleased with Anna's respectful demeanor, although she did not show it outwardly. While Parrysh's orders were non-negotiable, having a well-behaved girl under her supervision would certainly make things easier.


"I'm the deputy housekeeper of the Earl's mansion. The kitchen falls under my jurisdiction. As a newcomer, you'll start by learning from an experienced hand. The rules in the Earl's kitchen are very different from those at home. You must learn diligently and not slack off."


"Yes, I understand," Anna replied earnestly.


Mrs. Mary's impartial treatment was a relief. Anna wanted to be treated like any other worker, without any special attention due to Parrysh's involvement.


Mrs. Mary assigned Anna to a maid named Rebecca. In the Earl's mansion, all female staff were referred to as maids, with different jobs and corresponding wages. Anna, working in the kitchen, would earn ten silver coins a month, nearly double what her father earned as a bartender. No wonder people fought so hard to work at the mansion.


Given that her family's current income covered their expenses, Anna was thrilled at the thought of saving her entire salary. Once she had saved enough, her first goal was to move her family out of Pomegranate Lane, away from the slums.


Most kitchen maids did not live at the mansion, coming early and leaving late each day. Because of the presence of the Church of the Light Goddess, this world had a creation myth and a seven-day week. However, unlike the typical rest day on the seventh day, the maids at the mansion didn't get a day off to attend services, only managing a brief prayer.


On her first day, Anna simply followed Rebecca to learn the layout of the mansion from the back door to the kitchen and introduced herself to the four guards who rotated duty at the back entrance. She would start work in earnest the next day.


When Anna returned to Pomegranate Lane, a sturdy young man ran up to her, exclaiming, "Anna, you should hurry home! Someone's causing trouble at your house!"


Anna's face paled, and she quickly thanked him before running home. At this hour, her father Evan and brother Jem were at the tavern, leaving her mother, Adele, and little Evan at home alone.


The young man followed closely behind her.


Before Anna even reached her house, she saw Lily and her mother, Renée, standing at the door, yelling loudly.


"Your Anna is a shameless hussy! She seduced Master Parrysh and stole the job that rightfully belonged to my daughter! How did you raise such a brazen girl? By the Goddess, you should be sent to the demon realm!"


Lily, crying, accused, "That was my job! Anna used her looks to steal it from me!"


As the mother and daughter cursed loudly at the door, Gai stood there, her face pale with anger but unable to retort. "Anna is not the kind of person you're saying she is..."


Seeing this scene, Anna felt a surge of anger. These two were bullying her gentle mother!


Spotting a shovel by the roadside, Anna grabbed it, flipped it around, and charged at Lily and Renée, waving the handle threateningly.


The pair, caught off guard, screamed and backed away. Anna stood at her door, glaring at them. "Lily, you were disqualified by Mrs. Mary for shouting. How can you blame me? You are the shameless one! You claim to be followers of the Light Goddess, yet you dare lie under her gaze? She will not forgive you!"


True believers would never casually invoke the goddess's name, but Anna used it to silence Lily. Of course, she didn't believe her own words. If the goddess truly watched over this world, the demon haunting her would have been banished already.


Lily had lied to her mother about her disqualification, not mentioning she had already been rejected before Parrysh's intervention. Hearing Anna invoke the goddess made her falter, but she quickly retorted, "I-I didn't lie! You did seduce Master Parrysh, that's why he let you work in the kitchen!"


Lily's accusation was shaky, avoiding direct eye contact with Anna.


Renée, more composed, glared at Anna. "Do you know how many favors I had to ask to get Lily recommended? That job was hers, and you stole it, you shameless girl!"


Gai, standing behind Anna, worriedly watched the confrontation. She wanted to step forward, but Anna held her back.


"Trust me, Mom," Anna said, meeting her mother's gaze. Gai saw the determination in Anna's blue eyes and stepped back, nodding.


Holding the shovel for protection gave Anna courage. She coldly addressed Renée, "It was your daughter who got herself disqualified, not me. If I had seduced Master Parrysh, I would be his mistress by now, not working in the kitchen."


Unlike the more conservative ancient East, this world was more open about sex. Being someone's mistress was shameful, but if a commoner became a noble's mistress, others would be envious, even jealous.


Anna's argument was irrefutable. Lily couldn't deny hoping to attract a noble's favor. Everyone knew of her ambition to make a noble fall for her.


Since most people harbored similar thoughts, they believed Anna's words. They couldn't imagine someone refusing the chance to become a noble's lover just to work in a kitchen.


Even Renée was momentarily silenced by Anna's logic but soon shouted, "How do I know what you're planning? Maybe you want to marry Master Parrysh!"


Renée's outburst made the crowd laugh, not at Anna's supposed ambition but at Renée's absurdity. No commoner would realistically aim to marry an Earl's heir.


Without Anna needing to say more, the crowd turned on Renée and Lily. "Your daughter wasn't good enough. Don't blame others," one said.


Another added, "If I were the Earl's wife, I'd pick Anna over Lily any day. Anna's much prettier."


"Exactly! No wonder Lily lost to Anna."


The crowd's mockery silenced Renée and Lily. Outnumbered and outmatched, they left in disgrace.


Anna had achieved her goal. This world's openness allowed her to use the concept of a "lover" to her advantage, diffusing the situation and gaining the crowd's support.


After Renée and Lily left, the crowd dispersed. Anna returned the shovel to its place, feeling the strain in her arms.


The young man who had warned her earlier approached, whistling. "Anna, that was amazing!" He handed her a small bouquet of purple flowers. "These suit you."


Anna hesitated, then accepted the flowers as the young man ran off, waving back at her. She realized he was Mark, the blacksmith's son, and that the shovel was from his family's yard.


Holding the flowers, Anna felt a small joy. It was her first bouquet in this world, even if the flowers were wild and a bit crushed.


As Anna approached her house, Gai stood at the door, glancing at the flowers without comment. Anna cleared her throat and smiled. "Mom, I have good news. I got the job at the Earl's mansion!"


Gai was momentarily stunned, then broke into a smile.


"Forget what happened earlier. The good news is that I got the job," Anna continued. "I'll be earning ten silver coins a month! We'll have potatoes and lamb stew and white bread every day!"


"I want some too!" Adele and little Evan, who had been hiding inside, peeked out, their eyes shining. Even little Evan, at three years old, knew the value of good food.


"Don't worry. Once I get my first salary, we'll all feast!" Anna declared boldly.


Adele and little Evan cheered. Gai, too, couldn't help but smile. Today was a good day, and even she felt like celebrating.


For the first time, Anna felt she could truly change her family's fate. Despite the demon in the mansion, things were looking up, and she believed the future held even more promise.