The Unsettling News

Damien gently laid Elena down, a small smile lighting up his face as he saw her peacefully asleep. "Goodnight, little princess," Damien whispered before swiftly leaving the chamber and making his way to the forest.

As the sun rose, its rays gently touched Elena's eyes, waking her from her slumber. "Good morning!" Elena greeted the new day, glancing around and noticing that Damien had already left. She made her way out of her chamber to enjoy the fresh morning air.

"Good morning, Princess," Elizabeth greeted Elena. "Morning, Aunt Elizabeth. Where is Dad?" Elena inquired. "Well, it seems your father is busy in the royal court, my dear princess," Elizabeth replied. "Oh, I suppose I'll have to wait then," Elena sighed. "Why don't you wait for him in his chamber? I'll make sure to pass along the message that you're expecting him," Elizabeth suggested. "Alright, thank you, Aunt Elizabeth," Elena said with gratitude. "My pleasure, my princess," Elizabeth replied.

Elena made her way to Cedric's chamber, her footsteps echoing softly.

"And what have I been hearing, Leonidas?" Cedric asked with a hint of frustration. "Yes, my lord, it is true. King Lionel sent a message declining our offer. He disagrees with joining forces with our kingdom to eliminate the demons in the vicinity," Leonidas explained. "Why would he say so? Doesn't he realize that joining our armies together would ensure victory?" Cedric pondered. "Well, he must have his reasons, Your Highness," Leonidas replied cautiously.

"I mean no disrespect, my king," Gideon spoke cautiously, "but I believe that King Lionel is harboring fear within his heart."

"Fear?" Cedric raised an eyebrow in surprise. "But his armies are renowned for their training. Why would a king be afraid of demons?"

Gideon took a deep breath before responding, "It is true, my lord, that the demons hold great power. Their high-ranking members are often found lurking in the shadows, making it incredibly difficult to defeat them."

Cedric nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I do not expect you, Sir Gideon, to speak highly of the demons. You and Sir Leonidas are among my most trusted knights, and I know of your prowess in battle. However, I am curious as to King Lionel's perspective."

Gideon's eyes met Cedric's, filled with sincerity. "Indeed, my lord, I do not praise the demons. I merely offer an insight into King Lionel's mindset, attempting to understand why he might have declined our proposal."

Cedric's expression hardened, determination etched across his face. "If King Lionel chooses not to join forces with us, then so be it. Our kingdom shall prevail against the demons. I shall give my utmost to protect our lands from any demon that dares to approach."

Then a guard entered the royal court, addressing Cedric, "My lord, one of the ladies-in-waiting seeks to relay a message." Cedric nodded and replied, "Let her in." The guard stepped back and allowed Elizabeth to enter the court.

"My lord, it seems the princess awaits you in your chamber," Elizabeth informed Cedric. He sighed, "Oh, really? It must be about her mother's arrival. But shouldn't she be back by now?"

Cedric pondered for a moment and then instructed, "Send a message to Veridia Kingdom for Queen Catherine. Inquire why she hasn't returned yet, as her daughter expects her return."

"Alright, my lord, as you have commanded," the guard acknowledged, making his way out of the court.

Cedric bid farewell to the royal court, accompanied by the royal chief and commanders. As they made their way out.

Maximus caught a glimpse of Isabel hand and gently guided her to a secluded corner between the walls.

"You've been missed," Maximus whispered, his voice filled with longing.

Isabel glanced around cautiously, aware of the potential ears lurking in the daylight. "Indeed, my love, we must be cautious. The walls have ears, as you've wisely said."

Maximus pulled her closer, a hint of playfulness in his voice. "Don't use my own words against me, my love."

Isabel smiled, her eyes filled with affection. "I meant no harm, my love. We must be mindful of the daylight hours, as the sun exposes our secrets. Let us not take unnecessary risks, my love."

Maximus nodded, impressed by her wisdom. "You speak wisely, my love. I will be expecting you soon."

With a gentle sway, Maximus made his way, allowing Isabel to pass in the opposite direction.

Elena's singing voice echoed in Cedric's ears as he entered his chamber. "And who must have such a delightful voice?" Cedric said, surprised. "Oh, dad, you're back!" Elena exclaimed with a smile. "Yes, my little princess. It seems I was caught up in your soothing voice," Cedric replied, his heart filled with joy.

"I believe my princess must be here to meet me for an important reason," Cedric continued. "Yes, dad. When is mom arriving? I've missed her a lot," Elena asked eagerly. "As far as I know, my princess, a word has been sent to her already. I'm sure your mom's return will be greeted with great joy in the palace," Cedric reassured her.

"Alright, dad. I really hope she returns soon," Elena sighed. "It's alright, my princess. I'm certain your mom will be back in the palace soon," Cedric comforted her. "Alright, dad," Elena replied, a sense of longing in her voice.

"And so, I must ask, what does my little princess plan for today?" Cedric inquired. "Nothing, dad. It seems like it's going to be a quiet, or should I say, a boring day," Elena confessed. "And I wouldn't want that for my dear princess. You know what?" Cedric suggested. "What?" Elena asked, curious.

"Why don't you go to your favorite stream with your new friends?" Cedric proposed. "Really, dad? Are you going to let me go?" Elena asked, her eyes lighting up. "Yes, my dear princess. I wouldn't want your day to be boring," Cedric replied with a smile. "Thanks, dad," Elena said gratefully, her excitement evident.

"Only on my condition, which is that you must be back before sunset. You know it's not safe outside the walls when nightfall arrives."Cedric spoke with a stern tone,

"Alright, Dad," Elena replied, her voice filled with determination. "You have my word."

Cedric smiled, relieved to hear his little princess's commitment. "Good to hear, my dear. As usual, some guards will be assigned to accompany you for your protection."

"Alright, Dad," Elena said, her face beaming with joy, as she left Cedric's chamber. However, her happiness was short-lived when Isabel entered the room.

"It seems the princess is truly happy," Isabel remarked.

"Yes, she is," Cedric responded. "I allowed her to go with her friends to her favorite stream."

Isabel raised an eyebrow, concerned. "And you allowed it, knowing what happened the last time she went there?"

Cedric sighed, his voice filled with reassurance. "I know it wouldn't have happened if they had returned before sunset. As long as the sun is up, they are relatively safe."

"Alright, my king," Isabel said, her voice filled with trust. "I believe so as well."

Cedric changed the subject, curious about Isabel's visit. "So, what brings you to my chamber, my dear queen?"

Isabel smirked playfully. "Well, I must have a reason to be welcomed in my love's chamber, don't I?"

Cedric smiled warmly, inviting Isabel to sit on the bed beside him. "I missed you, my queen. I'm glad you decided to visit me in my chamber."

Isabel rested her head on Cedric's chest, feeling a sense of comfort and love in his embrace.

"My king, I must inquire about our unborn heir to the throne. What are your plans for our child?" Isabel asked, her voice filled with curiosity and concern.

"It's evident, my queen. Once our dear prince is introduced to the world, I will personally train him to be a great king, teaching him my swordsmanship skills and guiding him in becoming a wise and just ruler," Cedric replied confidently.

"That sounds wonderful, my dear king. I hope to see your words turn into action," Isabel responded, her voice tinged with hope.

"Why do you say that? Do you doubt my intentions?" Cedric inquired, his tone slightly defensive.

"It's just that your overwhelming love for our daughter Elena sometimes makes me wonder if our unborn son will receive an equal share of that affection," Isabel admitted, her voice tinged with concern.

"That isn't true, my dear queen. Of course, he will! My love for the two shall be equal and impartial in every situation," Cedric assured her, his voice filled with sincerity.

"I believe your word, my king. I just needed to be sure that you would truly act on it as much as you have said," Isabel replied, her voice filled with relief.

"I understand your worries, my queen, but trust me when I say that I am a man of my word," Cedric reassured her.

"I know that of you, my king, and yet it's been evident. Please forgive my insecurity," Isabel said, her voice filled with remorse.

"Alright, my queen. I hope you won't think of such doubts again," Cedric said, his tone gentle yet firm.

"Alright, my king," Isabel replied, interrupted by the guards at the chamber door. "My king, I seek your attention," the guard said, breaking the concern. The guard hesitated momentarily, aware of the weight of his words. "My lord, it concerns Queen Catherine, the mother of Princess Elena," he began. Cedric's heart skipped a beat as he anxiously urged, "Go on, what about her?" The guard delivered the news with a heavy tone. "I regret to inform you that upon reaching their kingdom, King Aldric revealed that Queen Catherine has not been present for the past two weeks, and there is no record of her arrival," the guard explained. Cedric's voice filled with disbelief and anger as he exclaimed, "What!"