Dark Deceptions

"Oh my, oh my," Isabel exclaimed, concern etched on her face. "This wound appears to be quite serious, my love."

Maximus, trying to downplay his injury, replied, "Nah, it ain't that bad."

"Why would they hurt you like this, all in the name of acting?" Isabel questioned, her voice lowered.

"We must be cautious, my love, for there are ears in the walls." Maximus said

"I'm sorry, my love. I just can't comprehend why they had to go to such extreme measures," isabel confessed.

"It had to be done to make the belief echo in their ears. After all, it is said that no one comes back alive from an encounter with a demon," Maximus explained.

"True, my love, but this wound does seem serious," Isabel admitted.

"Yes, but nothing hurts as much as learning that our plan failed," Maximus lamented.

"I know, love, and it hurts me just the same," Isabel sympathized.

"But I still can't wrap my mind around how our plan was foiled. It was so perfect," Maximus pondered.

"Having a few demons on our side seemed like a reasonable idea. I thought they would fulfill their part of the agreement, especially since I saw them going after Elena. So how did she manage to survive?" Maximus questioned, his confusion evident.

"Only the wonders of the world can explain it, my love. But I can assure you, what I'm about to say might be hard to believe," Isabel hinted.

"And what might that be?" Maximus asked, sitting up straight, his shock evident.

"Prepare yourself for disbelief, my love, for it seems that Elena was brought home by a demon," Isabel revealed.

"What? Elena brought home by a demon?" Maximus exclaimed, his disbelief and astonishment echoing through the room.

"Indeed, my love, the demon's presence was awe-inspiring. Even the bravest of knights and guards were frozen in astonishment, unable to lift their weapons," Isabel recounted with a hint of marvel in her voice.

"I can't believe it, my love. A demon bringing Elena home? It's quite unbelievable," Maximus responded, shaking his head in disbelief.

"But my love, as much as we find it marvelous, what comes next?" Isabel questioned, curiosity evident in her tone.

"There's nothing left to be spoken of until I meet with them again," Maximus replied.

"You mean the demons?" Isabel clarified.

"Yes, my love. But don't worry, they dare not harm me. They know it won't benefit them, especially with the deal we've made," Maximus reassured.

"But those bloodsuckers are as cunning as ever," Isabel remarked.

"True, but they could never be as cunning and dangerous as you, my love," Maximus replied with admiration.

"Oh, and so you must say," Isabel replied with a smile. "My dangerous nature is what made you fall in love with me, huh? It's something even his first queen, Queen Catherine, couldn't do."

"I suppose you could say it's one of my talents, but his love is partly shared with me," Isabel responded.

"And why do you bring up that love?" Maximus asked.

"Only a blind person would deny that the king loves Elena, his daughter, more than anything on earth. It's evident in the way he loves her, even more than Queen Catherine, Elena's mother," Isabel explained.

Maximus nodded, his anger evident in his words. "I believe it's because Elena is his first child," he replied. "Her presence has consumed his attention, making him blind to anyone else, including you, my love. It infuriates me that our plan failed. If only we had succeeded in getting rid of Elena, my brother would have been completely devoted to you and placed his trust in you alone. But yet all I'm waiting for is the birth of our child." Maximus said

Isabel nodded, her eyes filled with anticipation. "And so, my love," she said softly, placing a hand on her swollen stomach, "I'm eagerly awaiting the day when our prince arrives."

Maximus leaned in, planting a gentle kiss on Isabel's stomach. "I can't wait to welcome our son," he whispered, his voice filled with excitement.

"Yes, my love," Isabel murmured, her fingers tracing circles on Maximus' chest. "And when he is born, with your brother thinking he is the father, his love will shift away from Elena. Our son will become the crown prince, and we will fulfill our final plan."

A smile played on Maximus' lips. "I can't wait for that day to come, my love," he said. "Only time stands between us and the realization of our ambitions. I will become the new king of this kingdom, with my brother out of the way, and you as my loyal queen."

Isabel rested her head on Maximus' chest, finding comfort in the softness of the bed beneath them. "Yes, my love," she whispered. "And together, we shall rule every edge and corner, wielding unimaginable power."

Maximus' eyes gleamed with anticipation. "All that power will be ours," he declared, a sense of triumph in his voice, as they welcomed the cool, breezy air that filled the room.

Elena's eyes fluttered open, the windows in the chamber creaked open, revealing a faint shadow moving swiftly. "I know it's you," Elena said, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. From the dark side of the room, a voice emerged. "Seems you were expecting me," Damien said, stepping into the light. "I knew you would come to check if I was doing okay," Elena remarked, her smile widening. "Well, as I mentioned, my mission wasn't entirely true. I decided to branch over," Damien explained, taking a seat on the bed beside Elena. "You know, you're a really brave girl," Damien complimented. Intrigued, Elena asked why. "Seeing a demon of my kind, yet I sense no fear in you," he observed. Elena shrugged. "Well, you're different. Not like those other demons, those weird bloodsuckers," she said, scrunching her face in disgust. "You're more like an angel, cool and nice," Elena continued. Damien chuckled. "I am a demon, girl," he reminded her. Elena shook her head. "Yeah, but you're a nice one. I think I'm going to call you Mr. Nice," she declared. Damien protested, insisting that his name was Damien. Elena playfully covered her ears and sang, "La la la la, I ain't hearing you!" She giggled. Damien sighed, teasingly calling her annoying.

Elena's voice filled the room as she said, "Tell me a story." Damien paused, slightly taken aback by her directness. "A story?" he replied, trying to regain his composure. Elena nodded, a hint of annoyance in her voice. "Yes, you disturbed my sleep with your weird and awkward entry. Now, it's your turn to entertain me. I need to sleep early because my mom is arriving tomorrow, and I wouldn't want to miss her arrival."

Damien sighed, realizing he had no choice but to comply. "Alright, since you insist," he conceded. "Once upon a time, there were ten brothers. They were on their way home, journeying through a dense forest. As they walked, they shared jokes and laughter, their camaraderie keeping their spirits high. Suddenly, they stumbled upon a cave. It was dark and foreboding, and instinctively, they hesitated."

"Curiosity got the better of them," Damien continued, "and against their better judgment, they decided to explore the mysterious cave. The walls were adorned with eerie carvings of monsters and demons, as if warning them of the danger that lay ahead. Ignoring the ominous signs, their curiosity propelled them deeper into the cave until they stumbled upon a sacrificial altar."

Elena's eyes widened with anticipation as she listened intently. Damien continued, "Unbeknownst to them, their presence had awakened a dormant demon. The sacrificial ritual went awry, and instead of appeasing the demon, it bestowed upon the brothers a curse. Their minds were consumed by darkness, and their bodies transformed. Sharp claws emerged, and their canines elongated into fangs. They were blessed with immortality, incredible speed, and unimaginable strength."

"The sun, once their ally, turned against them," Damien added, his voice filled with a sense of foreboding. "Its rays burned their skin, forcing them to seek shelter in the shadows. The trees whispered their secrets, for they were forever bound to the brothers, witnessing their insatiable thirst for blood. Driven by their newfound power, they embraced their monstrous forms, becoming like gods in their own right. Their presence brought fear and chaos, as they unleashed their wrath upon anyone who dared to cross their path."

As Damien finished his tale, he glanced over at Elena, only to find her fast asleep