Whispers Of The Night

Cedric returned, only to find Isabel missing. "And where did she go?" Cedric asked one of the guards beside him. "She was bored, so she left for her chamber, my lord," the guard replied. "I guess the knights' training wasn't much of an entertainment for her," Cedric said, seating himself on the chair with his legs crossed. "Seemed so, my lord," the guard replied. "Only us men seem to find pleasure in this," Cedric said, chuckling lightly. "I guess women are more skilled in their cunning ways to sway us men, wouldn't you say?" Cedric continued, leaving a small chuckle on the guard's face. "Yes, my lord," the guard said. "Time sure seems to drag on today," Cedric remarked, his hand resting on the edge of the chair as his eyes focused on the knights' training.

"The physician reassured Maximus, 'It seems you're going to be just fine.' Maximus replied with relief, 'That's good news to hear.' The physician bowed his head respectfully and said, 'Yes, for I shall now take my leave.' maximus acknowledged the physician's work, 'Alright, your payment shall be sent to you for your great work.' 'My pleasure, Sir Maximus,' the physician replied as he made his way out."

"Maximus turned to the two guards beside him and reflected on the previous night, 'Last night was such a tremendous day, wouldn't you say?' The guard respectfully responded, 'Yes, Sir Maximus, happy to have you back alive and well, sir.' Maximus chuckled, 'Yeah, I guess we could really say I was lucky to be lying down on my bed with only a few scrapes.' 'Yes, sir,' the guard replied."

"As the guards left Maximus' chamber, he requested some time alone to rest, 'You may leave, I need some time alone to rest.' 'Alright, sir,' the guard said, and the two guards made their way out."

Elena emerged from her chamber, her hand gracefully swaying as she spun around, a smile adorning her face. Cedric, her father, called out to her, "Hey princess!" Elena's voice echoed as she replied, "Dad." With joy in her heart, she ran towards Cedric, her little legs carrying her swiftly. Cedric stood up, embracing Elena in his arms. "And how is my little princess today?" Cedric asked. "Good," Elena replied. Cedric smiled and said, "I'm surely glad to hear that."

Elena's excitement grew as she asked about her mom's return. Cedric's expression saddened as he gently placed Elena back on her seat. "I'm sorry, my princess," he said. "Something came up, and your mother won't be able to make it back today." Elena's eyes filled with disappointment. "But it's been two weeks, Dad," she said softly. Cedric sighed and explained, "I know, dear. I know you miss her. But I can assure you that your mother will be back tomorrow."

Elena nodded, understanding her father's words. "Alright, Dad. I so much await her return," she said. Cedric shared her sentiments. "Same here, my dear princess. But what about your friends? Aren't you going to Lily's house? I thought you said it was her birthday today." Elena's face lit up as she remembered. "Oh, yes," she exclaimed. "She'll be expecting me." Cedric smiled and replied, "Yes, she surely would."

!"Alright, Dad, bye," Elena said, giving a wave as she prepared to leave. Cedric smiled and replied, "Bye, Princess."

"But Dad, how do I look in this dress? Should I really go get another one to wear?" Elena asked. Cedric looked at her with a loving smile and said, "My little dear princess, I don't see why you should. You look so delightful in this dress, I'm sure they would all be dazzled by your appearance."

"Thanks, Dad," Elena said gratefully, almost ready to make her way. But Cedric caught her attention again. "And Princess, some guards are going to escort you on the way," he said.

"But why, Dad? I'm good with the ladies-in-waiting you employ to follow me," Elena protested. Cedric gently explained, "I know, my dear, but it's for your safety. I wouldn't want anything to happen to my darling little princess."

"Alright, Dad, bye," Elena waved as she left. Cedric watched her go, then noticed that the knights' training had finished. "Seems like their morning training is over," Cedric remarked, looking around and realizing he was the only one in the vicinity.

"Guess today kinda seems like a less busy and boring day for me," Cedric mused, relaxing a bit in his chair with his eyes slightly closed.

As Elena walked, she sang with her hand dangling, accompanied by both the guards and the ladies-in-waiting.

."Princess, why didn't you use your royal carriage? Why stress your legs walking?" Elizabeth asked.

"I know, Aunt Elizabeth, but it's Lily's party and the royal carriage sometimes feels stuffy and lonely. I'd rather be out, seeing the people and walking around. It gives a lovely mood and fresh air in the open space," Elena explained, her giggle echoing as she continued on her way with the guards and ladies-in-waiting by her side. The ladies-in-waiting had a slight smile on their faces, enjoying Elena's joyful spirit.

Finally, they arrived at Lily's house, where the left side of the roof was broken and the windows were smashed, patched with torn cloths. The odor in the house wasn't pleasant. "Is this where your friend stays?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yes, Aunt Elizabeth," Elena replied.

"Here?" Elizabeth asked again, sounding surprised.

"Yes, Aunt Elizabeth. Why do you ask?" Elena questioned.

"Well, I don't know, my princess, but I don't see a reason for you, my princess of so much royalty, to be seen around this vicinity. It doesn't speak well of you," Elizabeth expressed her concern.

"Lily is my friend, Aunt Elizabeth, and what harm is it gonna cost me being here? As Mom would say, all humans are the same, and none should be treated differently or judged based on their title or wealth," Elena replied with a smile.

"It seems Queen Catherine left no stone unturned in making our little princess good at heart," Charlotte remarked.

"The door swung open as Lily emerged, calling out, 'Elena!' Her hand reached out towards Elena as she ran towards her, and without hesitation, Elena enveloped her in a warm embrace. A peculiar scent emanated from Lily's clothes, causing the ladies-in-waiting nearby to wrinkle their noses and turn away.

'i thought you wouldn't come,' Lily said, a hint of disappointment in her voice. 'But you were wrong again. I wouldn't miss my friend's birthday party for anything,' Elena replied with a smile.

Lily expressed her relief, sharing how some of their friends had teased her about Elena not attending. 'But now we'll prove them all wrong, won't we?' Elena declared.

Hand in hand, the two friends entered the venue, with Elena leading the way, followed by her loyal ladies-in-waiting. The guards remained outside, standing watch over the front yard. Time flew by as Elena engaged in lively conversations and laughter with Lily and their other friends. Jokes were cracked, and gifts were presented to Lily, filling the air with joy.

As the night approached, Elena bid farewell to the festivities and returned to the palace, accompanied by her guards and ladies-in-waiting. After a satisfying dinner, she retired to her chamber, ready to embrace the sweet embrace of sleep."

Isabel woke from her slumber, her gaze fixed on Cedric, ensuring he was sound asleep. She rose gracefully, her gown flowing around her as she made her way through the dimly lit corridors to Maximus' chamber. The night hours cloaked their secret meeting.

Maximus, already aware of her arrival, sat on the edge of his bed, waiting for her. As Isabel approached, she took her place beside him, her hand gently finding its way to rest upon his chest. Maximus reciprocated by placing his right hand on her cheek, his lips brushing against her skin in a tender kiss. His nose caught the scent of her hair, enthralling him further.

"I can't help but be enraptured by your lovely hair, my love," Maximus whispered, his voice filled with adoration.