Silent Echoes

"Isabel?;" catherine couldnt of so believe her eyes

"shocked?" the air intense

"why?. you!" catherine questioned on "yeah!,its all didnt really think i was gonna let it low on you?"voice tangling as she echoe on her betrayal, "you really shouldnt have acted on as a barries to my path".she left on a smirk

"your path?".

"right now the entire guards are in search of the so called queen.Queen catherine" she murmured on in her deciet "they have no idea of the mind behind it all,but yet i doubt not that the little princess must be dinning on with her tears at the moment."silence whisper

"Where is my mummy!" she mocked

"you wretched woman!" catherine struggled on to lay an attack but subdued by the chains, "why don't i leave you on.You clearly need sometime," chains kept on rattling

"i would say it would be nice as so for you to get use to your new home" she laid on a mockery smile "cuz, seems you gonna be staying here for a while longer". Isabel jestured,a sign of a smirk.

she made her way out

"isabel.!!" catherine grunt.Her anger evident

" don't you dare lay a finger on my daughter!!" her voice echoed through the room only to be repyled on by it.

Silent echoe of footstep,his face wraped with a black scarf as the night laid upon him an invisible vail.

His eyes set not to betray him as it wandered for anyone approaching. He venture off,his aim evident as the forest danced on through the breeze. Deeper he journeyed as unknown whispers echoed through his ear.

"what a pleasant visit from you" a voice echoed through only to reveal himself from the shadows

"as so my days havent been so pleasant" maximus removed the scarf as his eyes fluntered as he persume the other demons hidden in the shadows.

"we had an agreement as yet all i saw from you was failure" anger evident through his face

"dare not cross the line" victor laid a warning sign, "we did as per our agreement as tho you are the one yielding from your word" he clearify, his eyes unfriendly. "you didn't!". Maximus ignited on with anger

"you think am a fool?. You didnt fulfill your part as so why expect such from me." silences round,his voice tangling with his anger echoeing through there ears. "only one job" he pointed "get rid off the princess!!. But why?. Why is she still alive?" he questioned on.

"blame us not" victor confronted with a response, "non expected the presence of an original" struggling on. A sign of despair


"10 brothers, or we may 10 great demons blessed with undifined powers" he elaborated on, "first of us to exist!. As so heard, they attain peace with themself, hidden from us demons and so humans "

"then why was one sighted?" maximus questioned, "non knows" victor replied

"it took him not much of a second to kill two of my demons." he solaced in despair of his fallen brothers.

"as so all said, you failed. Cowardly!! I see no reason for me to fulfill my part"

The shadows went unfriendly, sharp claws and fangs evident. Slaughter! The mind knew nothing less.

"you really much of a comedian" victor smiled with a smirk evident at the end. "getting a group of demons to reason with. This really made you to forget your place" he whispered on loudly.

His claws slit through the air as his grapse on maximus neck, only one aim.

Rip it off!!

"know your limit human!! We are superior beings as thou inferior to my kind!" his grip tightening with his claws sinking through the flesh.

"you monster!" maximus choked in his words

"leave our sight" victor grip loosened

"remember your part, dare not betray your words" presence of death longering through the air

"a war you shall be seeking. Know you stand no way in winning" a sign of mockery at maximus choking state as they returned on the shadows.

The night left maximus on his words choking.

The guards and few of the knights went on an endless search, consuming the day and night. Hope to find the queen only to be lost in repeated days.

Many years gone by..

Sword clashing. "seems you've gotten a lot weak Sir Leonidas" Elena retreated her sword

"not even a bit " leonidas played a defensive role

"i am so still as skilled as before my dear princess" there sword clashed ending with Elena landing a defeating blow on Leonidas.

"i would say, you have gotten really good at swordmanship my princess" Leonidas dusted his clothes as he withdrawned his sword.

"not as yet perfect. I know i still have more to learn" Elena replied.

There discussion interrupted with cedric arrival. "my king" leonidas acknowlegde cedric presence.

Cedric turned as his face looming with a smile "morning Sir Leonidas" he replied

"seems my dear princess have gotten really good" Cedric complimented on.

"evident as so my king" a proud gaze left on Elena.

"i am so proud of my daughter" he laid his hand on Elena shoulders.

"Linda!!" a loud voice echoed

"Linda! Come here would you" Isabel stumbled on her dress

"Linda!" she stood up back, struggling on. "seems Linda is really putting her mom in a lot of stress" Cedric said. Elena with a smile "she is just been naughty dad, sure she is soon to change" she reasurred. "Alright" silence went on.

"i must be on my way now princess" Leonidas cutted in, "i neet to attend to some important issue" he stated on. "oh. Alright" Elena excused Leonidas as he made his way, his aim asurred to him "Dad. Where is uncle?" she questioned "Maximus is yet to arrive from a quest assigned to him my princess" Cedric strolled on. Elena walking with him. "as so may i know of what that might be dad" she whispered out, "curious you always are" a silent whispers.

"he was sent to one of the kingdoms. A issue concering the war with the demons" He drew his dagger and playfully spun it. 'Time assures us of victory,' he remarked, sheathing his dagger. Elena's gaze fixed on Leonidas. 'Excuse me, my princess, I have an important meeting at the royal court,' Cedric stated as he walked towards the court. Elena veered off towards Leonidas. 'You have yet to depart, Sir Leonidas,' she teased with a smile. 'Soon, Princess, just preparing my horse for the long journey ahead,' Leonidas replied, tending to his horse. 'Is the place that far?' Elena inquired. 'I am heading to the Elysium kingdom, my princess, to see the king,' Leonidas explained. 'Wait, you mean you are going to the Elysium kingdom?' Elena asked. 'Yes, my princess, and I must leave now,' Leonidas confirmed. 'Can I follow you, Sir Leonidas?' Elena asked. 'I disagree, my princess. It is dangerous beyond the walls, and Elysium kingdom is a distant land. We may not return today,' Leonidas cautioned."

"Then I say I want to come with you," Elena insisted. "And what are you afraid of anyway? At least I am as skilled in swordsmanship as the kingdom's best knight," she confidently stated.

"I won't say that, my princess," Leonidas replied.

"I did defeat you, you know that, right?" Elena challenged.

"Only by luck, my princess, and I was going easy. A rematch will be announced soon," Leonidas replied with a smile.

"Oh, then we shall see the best," Elena declared.

"I guess you can say that, Princess," Leonidas acknowledged.

"So, what's it going to be, Sir Leonidas?" Elena inquired.

"Well, that's for the king to declare. The final decision. So, I advise you to speak with him before I set off," Leonidas explained.

"Alright, I will be sure to do that then," Elena responded as she headed towards the royal court, her entrance stunning the royal chiefs and counsel seated.

"what are you doing here, my princess?" Cedric questioned.

"I am sorry, I just-" Elena tried to explain, but she was interrupted.

"Women are not allowed in the royal court! Please leave, my princess!" Marcus, one of the other chiefs, exclaimed angrily.

"Silence!" Cedric intervened as he rose from his throne, with the seated royal chief and counsel following suit.

"How dare you speak to my daughter, the princess of Jas Kingdom, in such a tone," Cedric said furiously.

"I am sorry, my king, I am only stating the real fact. Women of such are not allowed in the royal court," Marcus defended.

"And yet, what rule defines your statement?" Cedric challenged.

"It has been made by our ancestors, my king, and followed for centuries," Marcus explained.

"Alright. Then as the king, I have the right and power to change such rules," Cedric asserted.

"But, my king?" Marcus tried to object, only to be cut off.

"Enough!" Cedric declared. "It is an order. From now on, women are allowed in the royal court," he announced firmly.

"Alright, my king, be it as you have said," Marcus acquiesced.

"Alright, the meeting is adjourned for another day," Cedric concluded.

"You may all leave," Cedric instructed, as the royal counsel and chiefs took their leave.

"Dad, you shouldn't have done that," Elena expressed her concern.

"And why do you speak of such, my princess?" Cedric inquired.

"I didn't find it offensive. He only acted upon the rules laid down," Elena defended.

"I don't see them as rules, my princess, and some changes had to be made about the old days' rules," Cedric explained.

"Alright, Dad, if you agree so," Elena acknowledged.

"And so, what brings you here, my princess?" Cedric asked.

"I just seek your permission for me to follow Sir Leonidas to Elysium Kingdom," Elena requested.

"That's a no, my princess," Cedric replied firmly.

"But why, Dad?" Elena questioned.

"It's a dangerous world outside the walls of our kingdom, my princess," Cedric expressed his concern.

"And so what, Dad? I am ready for what's out there, and I really want to go to Elysium," Elena persisted.

"And why must you want to go there so much?" Cedric probed.

"Well... Just been two years now since I last met her. Surely missed her so much, as much as I wondered why her parents moved to Elysium Kingdom so far away," Elena revealed.

"Alright. You may go," Cedric finally agreed.

"Oh, really, Dad?" Elena's excitement was palpable.

"Yes, my princess. Just promise me you're going to stay out of danger's sight," Cedric requested.

"Alright, Dad. I promise," Elena replied, a smile evident as she gave Cedric a hug before leaving the royal court.

"Be safe, Princess," Cedric bid her farewell.

Elena, as she journeyed towards Leonidas, her gaze fell upon her mother's portrait, Queen Catherine, in her chamber. She stood there, captivated by the beauty of the painting, her emotions swirling within her. "I wish you were here with me, Mom. It's been fifteen years, and though many believe you're gone, I still hold onto the hope that you're out there somewhere, alive. I miss you so much, Mom," Elena expressed softly to the portrait. Just then, Leonidas called out her name, breaking the poignant moment. Elena, with a heavy heart, tore her eyes away from the portrait and made her way towards Leonidas.

"So, what's the king's decision?" Leonidas inquired. "He agreed, Sir Leonidas," Elena replied. "Oh, guessed right," Leonidas remarked. "Well, your royal chariot has been arranged, my princess. We set off now," Leonidas informed. "Chariot?" Elena questioned. "Yes, my princess," Leonidas confirmed. "I am better off with the horse, Sir Leonidas," Elena stated as she climbed onto her horse. "Oh, nice. I guess we're going to arrive there a bit quicker then," Leonidas commented. "You wanna race?" Elena challenged. "Your horse ain't no match for mine, my princess. My horse is one of the best in the land," Leonidas chuckled. "That's just words, Sir Leonidas. Why don't we see who's the best?" Elena proposed. "Alright, glad to show you my horse's capability," Leonidas accepted. The two kicked their horses as they rode, followed by a few knights and guards assigned to protect Princess Elena. They rode, stopped to drink and eat, and continued riding until they arrived at the Elysium Kingdom in the evening hours.