
A view round "seems really nice" Elena complimented. "whats that my princess" Leonidas questioned. A smile on Elena face "the kingdom. Elysium really deserve its praises" Her eyes gazed at the crowds passing by. "yes my princess" Leonidas responded. " Beautiful it is at Elysium, especially on a festive day like today" He remarked with a smile. " Traders from all other kingdoms coming here to trade" He turned towards Elena. " As so i am curious my princess" He whispered out " Why did you insisted so much on coming with me to Elysium" His curiousity piqued. " A friend " Elena confessed. " Been a while i last saw her" She stated on. " Oh seems you surely would have missed her alot"Leonidas said. A glimpse of the sun casting down as darkness slowly consumed the day only to welcome the night.

"yes Sir Leonidas. Really missed her alot" Elena responded. Her eyes turned toward Leonidas. "As so i wont be able to follow you to king Ragnar palace. I got to visit her" A longing heart. Elena turned at a opposite. "I understand my princess" Leonidas said "just be safe and make sure not to get lost. Elysium can sometimes be a maize" He chuckled, leaving a smile on Elena face "Alright Sir Leonidas" Elena said swaying her horse at a opposite direction "sure to hold on to that" She rode on, escorted by two of the guards. Leonidas in the other continued along his path, evident to lead him to king Ragnar palace.

Elena arrived at a destination as her eyes fluntered round "Hmm" she hummured, totally confused. "And where must lily home be. She did mention the address to me but seemed quite hard to locate it" She echoed through her thoughts only to be interrupted with a man presence walking by. Elena dismounted her horse "Hey!!" she waved at the man. The man attention drifted toward Elena "Hi. I am Elena" she introduced herself with a pleasant smile "I am just curious if you happen to know a girl my age, Lily " She questioned. The man stood stairing, consumed by his thoughts as he tried to recall " Oh! You mean Lily?" He said. Yes thats her" Elena confirmed as she felt her longing was finally over. "Thats her home" The man pointed. Elena overjoyed her legs quickened to movements " But? " The man cutted in. " Just that it is impossible for her to be at home at the moment " He said.Elena turned back "Oh" taken back by her excitement "and why is that " She questioned "work. She works, some say as an helper but all we know is she comes late and claim to have gotten a work" He explained further. Elena turned toward her horse, depressing in the fact of not meeting Lily "but wait" she stopped. A thought popped in as she gently return back toward the man. "and what of her parents. They at home?" she questioned. "her parents?" the man seemed suprised "yet i must ask how are you related to Lily" he questioned. Elena mind wondered why for this sudden question "a childhood friend" she uttered. A minuet of silent from the man "shocking!" he said as Elena lost in what was going on "and why so" she never failed to ask. "just shocking that you yet to know that Lily parents are dead" the air tensed "dead??" Elena shooked in shock "how is that possible" her mind struggled to accept. The man turned facing Lily home "not long ago as tho we heard. A year from now" his eyes stairing at the stars"her mom died from an encounter with a demon" he said as Elena marvelled unable to digest the words "her father in the other hand lost himself to drinking. Getting drunk became his daily routine" the man elucidated further "a sign of pity as we all watched lily suffer incredible been punished by her dad" a sign of sadness on the man face as he recalled further "her dad slowly turned insane, as not able to live with himself he ended his own life" emotions wavering "and why did she never informed me about this" Elena questioned "who knows, she surely would have her reasons" the man said. Elena stood in depressing feelings, worried for the condition Lily had been ongoing "please mister, can you tell me her work place" she asked as the man tried to recall "oh yeah. I dont really know of her work place but learned she works at a particular vicinity, just follow your path straight ahead you sure to see it at your left side" he pointed. Time not much on the side as Elena mounted her horse"thanks mister!" she waved in appreciation as she rode on.

"get out of here " a loud voice echoed. Lily fell to her knees "please madam" she pleaded as her hands begged on Ruby feets "let go of me" a push as dust scattered resting on Lily torn cloths "you unlucky whore!" Ruby turned making her way back to her brothel "please am sorry" irristantly begging "sorry? You get the hell out of my brothel and if i see you coming back here you surely won't be able to look yourself in the mirror" a big slam as Ruby closed the doors. Tears shattered like glass as Lily landed on the dust sobbing. A loud neigh echoed with horse's trotting, a slight turn. It was Elena "Elena?" Lily eyes gazed at Elena. Her mind quickened leaving a thought to hide, she stood as she started walking but yet the eyes couldnt decieve. "Lily!!" Elena said aloud as she tried to gain Lily attention but surprised as Lily played an ignore role as her legs lingered on with braces evident on her feets. "Lily!!' the voice repeated"Lily?" Elena voice went on echoing aloud. Unwavering Elena dismounted from her horse "Lily!" she layed her hands on lily shoulder. Lily slowly turned "whats wrong? I was calling you" silence went on with Lily as she stood disheartened "am sorry" a silent whisper. Lily sobbed, crying her eyes out "am sorry! Am sorry Elena" she repeated leaving Elena sorrowfully sorry, she assisted lily in mounting her horse as she held on to the rope halter, directing the horse back at Lily home.

Finally arriving. Elena and Lily entered as the two guards stood outside with only one aim of protecting there princess. Inside the house was total darkness, Lily sighed deeply and sat down, a view of depression evolved round as Elena struggled to find the fire lamp, she sat beside Lily afterward "whats going on" she laid a conformting atmosphere "i feel like we aint even friends anymore" taken by the words, Lily turned at Elena "we are Elena. Am sorry" she apologised. Elena placed her hand on Lily's"but why? Why didnt you inform me of your parent demise and things you've been passing through" she confronted Lily with her questions seeking for answers "i just didnt want to be a burden" Lily said "a burden?" Elena flustered "Lily! You like a sister to me you aren't a burden. You really should have told me about your predicaments" she elucidated "all said and done, i just saw it not to bother you. Sorry if that got you annoyed" silence went on in the room for a moment "but i must say i am extremely sorry for the demise of your parents. They were of good hearts" Elena said with her hand crossed by Lily shoulders as she tried to comfort her "all in the past. But i must ask why you in Elysium Elena? " Lily pique in her curiousity "what other reason do i have other than seeing my closet friend" a smile on Elena face "oh, happy to see you Elena" Lily mouth twisted into a rictus "why don't you return with me back to Jas kingdom" Elena suggested, a reply but Lily lingered in her words. A moment as she gathered herself "but for what reasons Elena, for i know i got nobody back there" Lily responded "but you got me,i just don't want to see you like this, we friends as so i choose to render a helpful hand. Please follow me back to Jas" Elena said but yet the depressing feelings seemed to quench all the positive energy "as so i must ask again Elena, what is my mission back there" Lily repeated "i just" a deep sigh "i just want to see you alright again Lily" Elena uwavering in her smile choosing not to be conquered by the depressing atmosphere setting off "thanks for your charity my princess but i am better off with my scraps and dust" an unpleasant mood wavering round "why the formalities. I just don't know but it feels as such like the friend i once knew is long gone, ain't we friends no more" Elena said "repeatedly said princess we are, as so i am happy to see you " Lily responded. Elena couldnt understand nor seemed to get a grip of what was going through Lily head, she just sat there wondering what was going on with a minuet silent she stood up "alright. I will surely miss you and so if you change your mind be sure to let me know" Elena said with a smile but rejected with no response. Lily sat in complete silence as Elena felt sorry for her "bye Lily" Elena went out Lily home, she mounted her horse as she roded off with the two guards escorting her "just hope you change your mind Lily" a slight thought going through Elena mind as she rode on, there directioin evident to lead them to king Ragnar palace. Reaching the market side, passerby crowds seemed to had block the way, moving round trading. "should we get them out of the way my princess?" one of the guards requested "no let it be" Elena said as she dismounted her horse "well seens am gonna be stuck here for the meantime, it would be nice to explore Elysium well known market" she journeyed on through the crowd with her two guards by her side. Elena eyes glanced on many valuables, precious and catching to the eye, her mind not able to decide of one to pick

Suddenly in the midst of the crowd. A man with scarf covering half his face


Elena moved closer, a wind blew of the scarf "what!!" shocked. Her eyes stunned "Mr nice?" she uttered as the crowds clashes through together leaving Elena with no sight of him again "Mr nice!!" her voice echoed loud but yet her search was put to an end with failure to find him, she wondered if it was all just in her head. She mounted back on her horse with a way to pass, she roded on to king Ragnar palace

Arriving at the palace,she greeted king Ragnar as she was taken to her chamber. The air filled with a lovely atmosphere as the cool breeze left a dazzling moment, yet she found it hard to sleep as she stepped outside her chamber only to seat. She sighed deeply, her hands acting up as a shelter from the cold as her eyes up looking at the moon and marvelled by the sky beauty


She felt a presence of someone, his steps further echoed through her ears as she turned back