The Pact Unveiled

Her eyes caught a stranger who extended a friendly hand. "Hi, my name is Prince Adrian," Adrian introduced himself. "So, you must be Princess Elena," he continued. Elena nodded as Adrian sat beside her, both admiring the moon. "Isn't she such a beauty?" Adrian remarked. "Yes, I guess you're right," Elena replied. "I've heard a lot about your kingdom, especially your dad, the King," Adrian mentioned. "Best in the land, many would say," he added. "My dad has been a great king over the years and a great father," Elena acknowledged. "Then I'm sure he must be, as they must have told after all," Adrian responded as they continued their conversation.

In a dark corner of the walls, his fingers clawed through, Damien whispered with a smirk, "Been a while, Princess Elena," before swiftly leaving.

The morning sun rose as Elena and Leonidas mounted their horses, ready to depart. Adrian gave Elena a slight wave and a smile, "I'll be sure to visit your kingdom soon to confirm the words," he said. Elena replied, "I'll be expecting you, Prince Adrian," as their horses galloped off towards Jas Kingdom. Riding on and on, they finally arrived back at Jas Kingdom with the sunset."Such a delightful time, my princess," Leonidas remarked. "Indeed, Sir Leonidas, Elysium Kingdom is truly a wonderful place," Elena responded. "And what might you two be discussing?" Cedric joined in, unnoticed until then. "Oh, Dad," Elena acknowledged as she dismounted her horse. "Welcome, my princess," Cedric greeted her. "Thanks, Dad. I see you've been waiting up for me," Elena noted. "Yes, my princess, the palace was so much quieter without you around," Cedric expressed. "Oh, you really don't say. I guess that's why you missed me so much," Elena teased. "Yes, my princess," Cedric confirmed. "Good evening, my king," Leonidas greeted. "Oh, good evening, Sir Leonidas," Cedric replied. "Why don't you rest from the long journey? When the sun breaks tomorrow, we will talk about the reply from King Ragnar," Cedric suggested. "Alright, my king," Leonidas agreed.

"Why don't you go rest as well, my princess?" Cedric turned to Elena. "Okay, Dad," Elena replied as she headed to her room escorted by her ladies in waiting.

As the night unfolded, his steps echoed on his way to his chamber, frustration evident on his face. Maximus was welcomed by Isabel in his chamber, waiting on his bed. "Seems I was much expected," Maximus noted. "Yes, I was expecting your arrival, my love," Isabel expressed. "Pleasant to hear," Maximus replied, sitting on his bed, his back laid down, seeking rest."Could see you're already tired," Isabel observed. "Evident as it was a tough journey, took a lot in me convincing and talking to that fool of a king," Maximus expressed. "I'm sorry, my love. What was his final say in it?" Isabel inquired. "Of course not. They're all nothing but cowards hiding behind their throne," Maximus dismissed. "Sorry, dear," Isabel sympathized. "Don't know why he pesters so much on joining hands with a kingdom of such a low name, all with foolish cowardly Kings," Maximus criticized. "You know I don't blame him. I should have been king by now if it wasn't for you," Maximus pointed out. "Me?" Isabel questioned. "If you had given birth to a son as we discussed, our plan would have been fulfilled but foiled by your stupid chubby daughter who knows nothing more than eating and eating," Maximus lashed out. "Stop it, love. Why abuse her as if you aren't her father?" Isabel reprimanded. "I am not the father of such," Maximus declared. "Why behave like this, love? I didn't plan on giving birth to a girl, but fate had its reasons," Isabel explained.

"Fate? We make our own fate. I shall be king, and nothing on earth shall deprive me of such," Maximus asserted. "Words nevertheless said. Why not get rid of your brother and claim the throne?" Isabel suggested. "Easy as said, but this is a game of politics, love. Not only me wish to attain the throne, so we play it smartly," Maximus explained, reluctantly laying down to sleep. "I seek for a room of silence," Maximus requested. "Alright, love. I guess we shall continue another day," Isabel agreed as she silently made her way out of Maximus's chamber, her eyes downcast as she returned to her own quarters. The morning sun cast its warm rays as Elena emerged from her bedchamber, stretching her hand out. "What a pleasant day it is, my princess," Leonidas remarked. "Indeed, Sir Leonidas," Elena replied. "I'm sorry I didn't ask you this yesterday, but how's your friend, the one you wanted to see?" Leonidas inquired. "Well, the situation I found her in wasn't good, but she insisted she was alright," Elena explained. "She probably didn't want to burden you with her troubles," Leonidas observed. "I know we're friends, and she shouldn't act like we're not. I tried to convince her to come back to the castle with me, but she declined," Elena shared. "What's your next step, my princess? It seems like your friend doesn't want to rely on you," Leonidas pointed out. "But she won't, Sir Leonidas," Elena insisted. "You might think so, but that's how it may appear to her," Leonidas cautioned. "You could be right," Elena conceded before being interrupted by a guard announcing the King's request for Leonidas at the Royal Court. "Seems like we'll talk later, my princess. Your friend will understand your intentions with time," Leonidas reassured as he headed towards the royal court.

Entering the grand hall, the governors, royal chiefs, and commanders found their seats. "Have your seat, Sir Leonidas," Cedric said as Leonidas settled in. Shortly after, Maximus arrived, greeting the king with a "good morning, my king." Cedric welcomed Maximus with a "morning brother" as he took his place. "Alright, so let's begin," Cedric announced.

One of the governors raised concerns about demons rumored to rule the night in the city of Marigold, which he governed. Cedric swiftly decided to dispatch troops from Jas Kingdom to enhance security in Marigold and requested to meet the royal commander overseeing the troops there. The governor agreed and resumed his seat.

Turning to Maximus, Cedric inquired about his day in Mistwood Kingdom. Maximus shared his observations, mentioning a sense of fear among the people and the King's reluctance to send troops to aid in the fight against the demons. Cedric, concerned by this news, decided to send a stern message to the Mistwood Kingdom's king, warning of dire consequences if they failed to unite against the common enemy.

One of his messengers acknowledged the order and left to deliver the message.

"Indeed, a cowardly king indeed," Cedric remarked with a tone of disdain. Turning to Sir Leonidas, he inquired about King Ragnar's response to the message he had sent. "My king, King Ragnar confirmed it as so," Leonidas replied. Cedric, taken aback, realized the truth of the matter. "So it is true, King Malachi has been secretly making a deal with the demons," Cedric stated firmly, silencing the murmurs that filled the royal court.

"Silence!" Cedric commanded as he processed the information. Leonidas reiterated King Ragnar's confirmation, highlighting the disappearances and deaths among Malachi's people. "What a cruel, cowardly, and selfish king," Cedric expressed his disgust. Upon hearing King Ragnar's support for action against Malachi, Cedric made a decisive decision. "A man of such cruelty shouldn't be allowed to be a king. I want a word sent out to King Malachi as a warning," Cedric declared. He instructed to warn Malachi to relinquish his throne and submit to Jas Kingdom's rule or face the consequences of war.

"Alright, my lord, your words shall be delivered on," Leonidas affirmed. As the discussions concluded, Cedric rose from his seat, signaling the end of the meeting. The royal chiefs, commanders, and governors followed suit, standing as Cedric exited the royal court, his mind set on the path ahead.