Ever Watchful

Cedric making his way to his royal chamber only to notice Elena sitting alone on a bench, her eyes cast down. "Why do I not sense your usual joy in the air, my princess?" Cedric inquired as he approached her.

"Dad, you're here," Elena greeted him, rising to meet him. "Please, have your seat back, my dear," Cedric offered as Elena settled down. Cedric took a place beside her and asked, "What's troubling you, dear?"

"Just worried about my friend Lily," Elena confided. "Lily? Oh, Lily. What's happened to her? I recall her family relocating due to her dad's job at Elysium. Did you check on her yesterday?" Cedric probed.

"I did, but it was distressing. Her parents are no longer with us," Elena revealed. Cedric expressed shock, "That must be truly tragic and overwhelming for her."

Elena shared, "I tried inviting her to stay at the palace, but she refused, feeling burdened by the offer." Cedric empathized, "She likely doesn't want to burden you or seem dependent." Elena nodded silently, lost in her thoughts.Cedric gazed at Elena with a gentle smile, "So, what you gonna do, my princess?"

Elena pondered for a moment, "I don't know, Dad."

Cedric suggested, "Have you tried sending her a gift at least? If she refused to come to Jas with you, you can send something to assist her in surviving."

Elena considered, "Sounds really good, Dad, but won't she reject the gifts?"

Cedric reassured her, "That she can't do. You won't have to deliver it yourself; you can just send one of your ladies in waiting so she would see no means of declining."

Elena agreed, "True as said, Dad." She then turned to Elara, "Lady Elara."

Elara responded, "Yes, Princess Elena."

Elena requested, "Would you be so kind to assist me in delivering some items to Lily at Elysium?"

Elara graciously accepted, "It would be my pleasure, my princess."

Cedric interjected, "See, there you go. Now just smile, my princess, everything is gonna be okay with your friend."

Elena nodded, "Alright, Dad." She then led Elara to prepare the items for Lily.

As Elara departed with the items on a royal chariot escorted by guards, Elena anxiously awaited their return, the cool weather signaling the approaching night.

The next day, with the sun setting, Elena sat in the palace vicinity. Cedric approached her, "And who are you curiously waiting for, my dear princess?"

Elena replied, "Oh, it's nothing, Dad," her eyes briefly scanning the surroundings before returning to rest."Is it Lady Elara returning?" Cedric asked as he sat beside Elena.

"Yes, Dad, it's been a while now. They should have arrived by now," Elena said anxiously.

"Just calm down, my dear princess. Elysium is a faraway kingdom; they should be close by now. Just put your mind at ease," Cedric reassured her.

"I know, Dad, but..." Elena started, only to be interrupted by Cedric, "You sitting down here won't change a thing, my princess. They are sure to arrive soon."

"Alright, Dad," Elena replied.

"So, how was your day today, Dad?" Elena asked.

"It was quite stressful, as though I am tired. I was on my way to my chamber to have a good sleep, but seeing you here, I decided to join you and figure out who you are waiting for," Cedric shared.

"Oh, thanks, Dad, but you should go and rest. Today has been really stressful for you," Elena suggested.

"I will do, my dear princess, but please take my advice. They are soon to arrive; just calm yourself down," Cedric advised.

"Alright, Dad," Elena replied as Cedric stood up, stretching a bit before making his way to his chamber. Elena, with some time passed, decided to stand up and make her way to her chamber.

As the sun set, Elena thought they might not come today, only for her ears to pick up horses trotting in.

She anxiously stood from her bed as she left her chamber. The King was already asleep, having had a full day.

Elena's eyes wandered around, her gaze on the royal chariot entering, guarded by the guards. Lady Elara emerged from the royal chariot, and Elena's face filled with excitement as she saw her coming.Elena's eyes wandered around, taking in the sight of the royal chariot, flanked by the guards. Lady Elara emerged from the chariot, and Elena's face lit up with excitement as she noticed none of the gifts she had sent with Lady Elara. However, she couldn't help but interrupt as Elara began to present the gifts. "Did Lily not accept my gifts?" Elena pondered silently as Elara made her way towards Lily.

"Good evening, my princess," Lady Elara greeted.

"In the evening, Lady Elara. I thought you weren't coming today," Elena expressed.

"Not really, my princess. I apologize for our late arrival. We reached the kingdom walls before sunset, but we were delayed on the way due to the bustling market," Lady Elara explained.

"Alright, it seems Lily rejected my gift," Elena mentioned.

"Not exactly, my princess. I regret to inform you that something unfortunate has happened to Madam Lily," Lady Elara revealed.

"What? What happened?" Elena inquired anxiously."Arriving there, my lady, I couldn't find her at home with the address you provided. I asked around the neighborhood and a woman informed me that Madam Lily had been reported missing that morning," Elara relayed. "What?!" Elena exclaimed. "Yes, my princess. With some persuasion and a price, the woman shared more details with me," Elara continued. "And what did she say?" Elena inquired anxiously. "She mentioned that Madam Lily was involved with some unsavory characters and supposedly kidnapped by a man who sold her to a notorious figure known as Shadow Mistress," Elara explained. "Shadow Mistress??" Elena gasped. "Yes, my lady. A well-known illegal trafficker. The woman didn't have her address but knew where to find her partner. They had a falling out, making him an easier target for information. He resides in Veridia Kingdom in a small house behind the market area," Elara revealed. "Alright, Elara. But why would Lily keep such a deep secret from me?" Elena fretted. "I'm not sure, my princess, but I suggest we inform the King. Perhaps he can assist," Elara advised. "But my father is asleep," Elena noted. "Then we shall inform him tomorrow, my princess. Why don't you rest for now?" Elara suggested. "But what if tomorrow is too late? Lily's life is in danger!" Elena protested. "I understand, my princess. The woman warned us about a dangerous gang they're involved with, ruling the black market," Elara explained. "And yet you suggest waiting until tomorrow??" Elena questioned with concern.

"No other options, my princess," Elara said as she placed the gifts down. "Alright, Lady Elara, I truly appreciate your effort and help in gathering this information," Elena expressed. "It's my pleasure, princess. This is small compared to all you've done for me," Elara responded. "Alright, Lady Elara," Elena acknowledged as Elara left, and Elena made her way to her chamber.

Elena tried to sleep, but despite the cool weather, she found it difficult as she tossed back and forth, finally managing to sleep. "Lily!" She woke up with a scream from a nightmare. "I can't just sit here and do nothing; Lily's life is in danger. Tomorrow might prove too late," Elena thought to herself as she decided to take the dangerous path.

She put on a casual dress and, as she left her chamber, she turned towards Cedric's chamber. "I'm sorry, Dad, but I can't let anything happen to Lily," she whispered as she sneaked out of the kingdom walls.