Shadowed secrets

Elena rode through the dark forest with unwavering courage, her horse galloping swiftly towards Veridia Kingdom. As she approached, the guards on the wall's edge hesitated momentarily, mistaking her for a demon until they recognized her as the Princess of Jas. With a command to open the gates, Elena entered the kingdom, her horse's hooves echoing through the night.

"Good day, my princess," one of the guards greeted. "Evening to you too," Elena responded, gracefully dismounting her horse. Curiosity filled the air as one guard asked, "What brings you here, my princess, especially at this late hour, amidst the lurking dangers of the night?"

"I carry an important message for King Edmund," Elena explained. The guards, understanding the gravity of her words, escorted her to the palace.

Elena's entrance was met with warm greetings from King Edmund, "Oh, Princess Elena, what a delightful surprise to see you here." Elena respectfully replied, "Good evening, King Edmund." The King expressed his disbelief, "I couldn't believe it when my guards mentioned your presence."

"Skip the formalities, call me Uncle. Your dad and I are close friends, even though he won't admit it," chuckled Edmund, creating a jovial atmosphere. Elena, catching on, said with a smile, "Alright, Uncle Edmund." Pleased, the King asked, "So, what brings you here, my dear niece?"

Elena explained, "I bear a message, Uncle, for a man residing in your kingdom." Surprised, Edmund remarked, "Your dad never informed me of your visit to deliver a message." Elena elaborated, "It was all sudden; there wasn't time to send a letter ahead."Understood, my princess," acknowledged Edmund.

After a moment of silence, the King invited, "Walk with me, Elena." Elena agreed, "Of course, Uncle," as they strolled around the palace grounds."So, tell me, Princess, what's the real reason for your visit?" inquired Edmund. Elena, feeling caught in her deception, responded, "I did mention it, Uncle Edmund. I'm here to deliver a message from my dad, King Cedric."

Edmund, seeing through her words, remarked, "You boldly speak lies, my dear Princess. We both know your dad wouldn't send you out at this late hour, especially considering the dangers of the night." Elena admitted, "You've seen through my words, Uncle Edmund."

Curious, the King pressed, "Then, what truly brings you here?" Elena confessed, "It's Lily, Uncle Edmund." Surprised, Edmund questioned, "Lily?" Elena explained, "Yes, she's my childhood friend, and she's in trouble."

Concerned, Edmund inquired further, "What happened to her?" Elena revealed, "She got involved with some unsavoury individuals and has gone missing." Determined, Elena stated, "That's why I'm here, Uncle Edmund. I can't let anything happen to her."

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Edmund asked, "Are these criminals residing in my kingdom?" Elena clarified, "Not exactly, Uncle Edmund. I'm here to meet a man associated with the Shadow Mistress." Perplexed, Edmund questioned, "Shadow Mistress?" Elena explained, "Yes, she's the leader of the group possibly tied to Lily's disappearance."

Understanding the urgency, Edmund acknowledged, "I see. So, you're here to meet this man." Elena affirmed, "Yes, Uncle Edmund.

"You braved the dangers of the night to come here, quite lucky, my dear. Now, you plan to approach a man involved in dangerous activities," remarked Edmund. Elena, expressing her concern for Lily, replied, "I may sound foolish, Uncle Edmund, but Lily's safety is paramount to me. She's my closest friend."

Edmund, cautious of Elena's plan, questioned, "Do you truly believe he will reveal his ex-members' location to you?" Elena explained her strategy, "I've brought gold coins to persuade him to disclose their whereabouts."

Edmund, recognizing the risks, advised, "I see this as a futile effort, my Princess. Despite your training with the Knights, you're not fully prepared." Elena attempted to interject, but Edmund continued, "No 'buts,' Princess. The night calls for rest. At daybreak, I'll inform King Cedric of your presence, and together, we'll confront the man. No bribes, my men will handle the interrogation."

Concerned about time, Elena mentioned, "Time is not on our side, Uncle Edmund." Acknowledging the urgency, Edmund responded, "I understand your worry for Lily, but I can not jeopardize your safety, Princess. My guards will escort you to a chamber for the night."

"But Uncle Edmund, how can I rest knowing Lily's life is in danger?" Elena expressed her concern. Edmund sternly responded, "Speak no more of this, Princess. It's an order. Go to your room and rest. Tomorrow, we shall depart." Elena reluctantly agreed, "Alright, Uncle."

Despite Edmund's instructions, Elena found herself restless in her chamber. Thoughts of Lily's well-being consumed her, "Lily? I dread to think of her condition." Feeling conflicted, she pondered, "How can I live with the knowledge that I could have saved my friend?"

Driven by her determination to help Lily, Elena made a bold decision. Disregarding Edmund's orders, she armed herself with her sword, mounted her horse, and stealthily left the palace. Riding through the deserted market, she searched for the man's house, finally spotting it on a side street.

"Raven received a knock on his door as he opened, 'And who must thou be?' Raven inquired. 'I am Elena, Princess Elena,' she declared. 'A princess at my doorstep,' Raven chuckled. 'Oh, and I am Prince Raven.'

Elena, focused on her mission, stated firmly, 'I seek no time for jokes. I am here to find out if you know the Shadow Mistress's whereabouts.' Raven, acknowledging the Shadow Mistress's impact, remarked, 'Oh, you mean that wretch. She surely made life a heck of a one.'

As Raven confirmed his knowledge of the Shadow Mistress, Elena pressed further, 'So you do know her.' Raven reflected on their past, 'Yes, a woman of cruelty, no mercy. I saw greatness in her eyes when I took her from the pit. Didn't know she would of such betray me.'

Curious about the Shadow Mistress's actions, Raven pondered, 'But yet I wonder what must have she done for a princess to be after her.' Elena, determined to resolve the matter, replied, 'That would be of my own to worry about.'

"With me, I got a thousand gold coins. If you do well to tell me her whereabouts, they are all yours to claim." Elena reassured

Raven, with a hint of mischief in his voice, responded, "You should have said that at first. Now, you're speaking my language."

Elena, eager to uncover the truth, pressed on, "So now, are you ready to tell me her location?"

Raven, ever the confident one, assured, "Of course, princess."

He admired Elena's bravery and remarked, "But really princess, i must say you have such a brave mind to come lurking for such dangerous things, especially at this hour. And telling me you're a princess, that really changes things."

Confusion clouded Elena's mind as she questioned, "What do you mean?"

Suddenly, silent footsteps approached, and before Elena could react, a man struck her in the head with a wooden object, causing her to lose consciousness as darkness enveloped her vision.