A Desperate Search

As the sun cast its warmly glow, a lady-in-waiting rushed towards Edmund, her voice filled with urgency. 'My lord! My lord!' she cried.

Edmund raised an eyebrow, his expression hinting at annoyance. 'Why do you shout my name so much?' he asked.

The lady-in-waiting curtsied, her eyes wide with worry. 'I apologize, my lord, but I have grave news. I can not find Princess Elena in her chamber.'

Edmund's expression turned stern. 'What? She must be somewhere in the palace.'

The lady-in-waiting shook her head. 'I have searched every vicinity, my lord. She is nowhere to be found.'

Edmund's face darkened. 'I hope she wouldn't...,' he muttered to himself. 'Get me my horse!' he commanded one of the guards.

As the guard scurried off to obey, Edmund turned to his general commanders. 'Assemble my Knights! I want them to search every nook and corner of the kingdom. Ask anyone who has seen the princess. I will ride to Jas Kingdom to investigate.'

His commanders nodded, and soon, the guard returned with Edmund's horse. Edmund mounted it, his guards flanking him as he rode towards Jas Kingdom.

Meanwhile, Cedric woke up to news from one of his men that King Edmund was on his way. He stood up, a joyful smile spreading across his face. As Edmund entered Jas, he rode straight to Cedric's palace, where Cedric welcomed him with open arms.

"King Edmund, what a pleasant surprise to see you here," Cedric said, his eyes gleaming with warmth.

Edmund's expression, however, was far from pleasant. "My days are not pleasant, Cedric," he said, his voice laced with concern.

Cedric's brow furrowed. "What troubles you, my friend?"

Edmund's eyes narrowed. "Is Elena around?"

Cedric's gaze flickered. "Yes, she should be in her chamber."

Edmund's request was direct. "I wish to see her."

Cedric's tone turned cautious. "You wish to see my daughter?"

Edmund nodded, his jaw set.

Cedric's eyes searched Edmund's face. "Is that the purpose of your visit today?"

Edmund's response was cryptic. "I need to confirm some things."

Cedric's curiosity was piqued, but he gestured for Edmund to follow him. As they walked, Cedric noticed the tension etched on Edmund's face. "Are you certain you're well, Edmund?" he asked, his voice soft with concern.

Edmund waved his hand dismissively. "I'm fine, Cedric. Let's proceed."

They arrived at Elena's chamber, only to find it empty. Cedric's eyes widened in surprise. "And where could she have gone?"

Just then, Elara appeared, her greeting warm. "Good morning, my king."

Cedric's eyes locked onto hers. "Lady Elara, do you know where the princess is?"

Elara's brow furrowed. "I haven't seen her today, my lord. I thought she was still in her chamber, which is why I came to check on her."

Edmund's eyes narrowed. "Thought she came back, but I guess I was wrong again."

Cedric's gaze turned inquiring. "What do you mean, King Edmund?"

Edmund's expression turned regretful. "I apologize, my friend, but I should have known the princess was stubborn and adamant. I thought she would obey my commands, but I was wrong again."

Cedric's eyes widened in confusion. "What are you trying to say, Edmund?"

Edmund's voice was laced with concern. "Princess Elena came to my palace last night, late."

Cedric's eyes shot up. "What? Elena? Night? Your palace?" he murmured, his mind racing. "How and when did this happen?"

Edmund's explanation was grave. "She said she was looking for a man residing in my kingdom, someone involved in the kidnapping of her friend."

Cedric's eyes narrowed. "When did all this happen?"

Elara intervened, her voice hesitant. "I'm sorry, my king. I did tell her to inform you first before taking any action."

Cedric's confusion deepened. "Wait, can you explain clearly what you're both saying?"

Elara's words spilt out in a rush. "Well, given the message she gave me to send gifts to Madam Lily..."

Cedric's eyes lit up with understanding. "Yeah, i did advise her through.."

"Yes, my king. Only, when I arrived at Elysium, I didn't find Madam Lily. The neighbours told me she was involved with dangerous people and had been missing since morning, possibly kidnapped. I decided to investigate further to assist the princess. I received the address of a man living in Veridia who might be involved in the kidnapping."

The room fell silent, the weight of their words hanging heavy in the air.

"So, you're telling me Elena left at night to find the man?" Cedric asked, his voice laced with disbelief.

"It seems so, my king," Elara replied, only to be cut off by Cedric's outburst.

"What are you saying?!" Cedric shouted, his face red with anger.

Edmund intervened, his voice calm. "Calm down, King Cedric."

Cedric took a deep breath, his expression still fierce. "OK, OK. But since Elena is in your kingdom, and you saw her, why come here searching for her?"

Edmund explained, "As I said, I thought she would obey me. She approached me last night, saying she wanted to see the man, but I declined, telling her we would do it in the morning with my knights. But I should have expected she wouldn't obey my orders."

Cedric's eyes widened in alarm. "Wait, hold on. So, you're telling me Elena proceeded to the man's house and now you can't find her? You can't find my daughter, the Princess of Jas?"

Edmund's apology was sincere. "I am so sorry, King Cedric."

Cedric's face turned stern. "Don't apologize to me. I'll find my daughter, and I'll behead anyone who lays a finger on her."

He shouted, "Leonidas!!" as he stormed out of the chamber.

From afar, Leonidas responded, "Yes, my lord!" and hastened towards Cedric.

"I fear my daughter, Princess Elena, is in grave danger," Cedric said, his voice laced with concern.

Leonidas's eyes widened in shock. "The princess? When did this happen, my king?"

Cedric's expression turned grim. "I'm still trying to wrap my head around it, Sir Leonidas. It's like a nightmare come true. But yes, take a few of my knights and head to Veridia Kingdom. Lady Elara seems to know more about this, and she'll accompany you to explain the situation."

Leonidas nodded. "Alright, my king. I'll not return until I bring back the princess."

Cedric's eyes locked onto Leonidas's. "I want my daughter back, Sir Leonidas."

Edmund intervened, "My knights and a few of my guards will assist you once you arrive at Veridia."

Leonidas acknowledged, "I'll request their assistance, King Edmund."

With that, Leonidas and Elara set off, accompanied by a few knights. The sound of horses' hooves echoed as they rode towards Veridia Kingdom, determined to rescue Princess Elena.

Cedric sank onto his bed, his chamber, with a sigh.

"I'm sorry, my friend. I should have seen this coming and ensured Princess Elena obeyed my instructions." Edmund said

Cedric understood. "I know my daughter, King Edmund. She's adamant about her words, but I don't understand why she'd risk her life to save her friend."

Cedric's eyes clouded as he continued, "You know, my daughter is just like her mother, Queen Catherine - kind and selfless. She always puts others before herself."

Edmund offered comfort. "Everything will be alright, King Cedric. We'll find the princess."

Meanwhile, Elena's eyes fluttered open, her head throbbing. She was met with the sounds of screams and cries, her vision blurry. As her eyes adjusted, she saw she was in a cage with other girls, some of her age, and others younger. Their clothes were torn, their conditions dire. Elena's mind raced, trying to make sense of her surroundings. "Where am I?" she whispered, her voice shaking.