I spent my day at the local library trying to find ways to figure out the case of the minor who was accused of murder. There was so little I could do from here but I had to try. Taylor spent the day on the beach, by herself, sun bathing. Even if she wasn't by herself, I had a strong doubt I would have given a damn. She was just a girl I was spending time with and sleeping with to clear my head. I cared about her but not deeply. I wasn’t in a good head space.

When I got back to the hotel room, ready to fuck hell out of her then sleep, I met two children with her. They were actually the most beautiful kids I had ever come across. She was reading a story to them when I came in. She explained that she'd met and reconnected with her college friend at the beach and the friend begged her to watch over the kids while she went for an appointment. I wondered what kind of appointment would make a mother leave her children at night. Luckily I bought enough doughnuts incase Taylor hadn't eaten so the doughnuts went round. When the mother came to pick them up, she didn't enter the room. I was so itching to give her a piece of my mind, let her know how careless and reckless it was of her to leave her kids with someone she hadn’t seen or heard from for several years. I mean what if Taylor had changed and wasn't a good person anymore? You should trust no one with your kids. She was lucky she didn't get in.

I promised treating Taylor to a fancy breakfast for being absent the previous day. As we got dressed, my phone vibrated on the nightstand. It was Sydney calling. I contemplated picking up as I was in no mood for her screams and questions. But I had to. No matter what, she was still my wife and I was supposed to be trying to work out our relationship and not make things worst. But I was so mad at her for even considering a divorce.


"Where the hell are you, Byron? " she yelled.

Taylor moved to my front to help me buckle the belt on my Jean. "Where I am is none of your business. You are the one who wants a divorce yet you're still the same person worried about my whereabouts."

She huffed. "Don't kid yourself, Byron. I need you to come sign this papers so I can be free. I need to be free, Byron. So get your ass home."

"In your dreams, baby. I've told you already, I am not signing shit." I said and hung up. What went wrong in our marriage? What didn't I do right? Did she really want to get away from me that fast? Taylor held my face in her hands, placing kisses all over.

"Pay no attention to her, By. If you ask me though, I think your marriage won't work anymore. She's no longer happy so why not give her the freedom she so desires?"

My eyes dilated as those words came out of her mouth. I grabbed her chin with a little force. "Don't you dare say that again! I can and I will make Sydney happy. My marriage will work, alright? Now get your purse and let's get the fuck out of here." I wasn’t fighting to make the marriage work because I was in love with her, no. I was fighting to make it work because I didn’t want to fail. I did not want to look at myself in the mirror and see a failure. My mood was already ruined. I didn't feel like going out again but a promise was a promise.

“I'm sorry." she meekly apologized and went to fetch her purse.

As soon as we arrived Puerto Rico, I hired a car for the number of days we'd be around so going places would be easy. I was never one to ride in public vehicles or buses. Taylor and I drove to a restaurant called Cafe Berlin. The place was warm and every breakfast they served was yummy. Desserts were pure heaven. As we ate, my mind wandered to my unborn child in Sydney's womb. My first seed. Would he or she have a lot of similarities with me? For the sake of that little one, I was going to fight for its parents to remain together. I already loved the little one even though it hadn't been born yet. I knew I always put off having children and that was mainly because I was young and scared of being a father. I was too reckless at my young age but now at thirty-five, I wanted a legacy, an heir. I got giddy from thinking about the little one.

"Hmm. Those kids crossing the road looks like the twins, don't you think?" Taylor spoke, distracting me from my thoughts.

"I wouldn't know, Taylor."

"Can we atleast go say hi? I want to see my friend."

I rolled my eyes. "You go. I'm good here. Just don't stay long else I'd leave without you."

She snorted as she stood up and left. I stared after her as she quickly crossed the road to meet up with them. She hugged who I was guessing was the mother. Holy cow. The mother had nice curves. The back view of her body was fucking lit. She had a tiny waist connecting to her perfect medium sized ass. It wasn't too big, just perfect for her frame. She stood tall like she owned the place and I loved that kind of confidence in women. Sydney wasn't as confident as that. Take away her pride and money and she would be left with nothing. But Normani, Normani had the confidence of a goddess. She feared no one and she never went with anything she didn't approve only on occasions when she wanted to please me. I missed her.

I drank the last liquid of coffee in my cup just as Taylor approached me with the kids. Just as I was preparing to give her a tongue lashing for not considering my feelings and that of my dick before taking over the role of a nanny, the girl twin ran to me with excitement in her eyes.

"Doughnut guy!" she exclaimed as she jumped on me. I don't think I've ever had a kid that excited to see me. Ever.

"Doughnut guy?" Taylor asked with a smirk on her face. If only I could wipe that stupid smirk off her face while pounding her from behind, pressing her head into the bed. Get your thoughts back together, asshole!

"How are you doing, little one?" I asked, patting her hair.

"I'm doing okay. I missed you. Tay Tay said we could hang out with you today."

I was going to kill Taylor. The boy twin walked up to me, eyes on me like a hawk. I almost started laughing. He was checking me out, checking for threats. I couldn't blame him because I was exactly that way when I was his age. Anytime I went to dinner parties with my mother, I always acted so tough so no one would dare offend her. So little yet so brave. I ruffled his hair. "How are you today, young sir?"

He slapped my hand away. "Not the hair. Don't touch my hair." he answered with a frown.

I laughed. The kid cracked me up. "So have you kids had breakfast?"

"They were on their way to breakfast when their mom got a distraught call about their accommodation. So you see, it was a good thing I went to say hi."

I glared at her. I would rather spend my morning through afternoon buried deep inside her than babysit. How could she not tell? But what could I do? A man gotta do what a man gotta do.

"So what do you guys want to eat?"

"Pancakes." little one nearly screamed my ears off. "And chocolate syrup." That was exactly how I ate my pancakes. I wouldn't have it any other way.

"I want a burger." the boy twin said.

"Burger isn't breakfast, sir. You have to go with something practical."

"What does practical mean, doughnut guy?" little one asked.

"Real, baby. It means he has to eat something that says breakfast and not snack." I replied and she giggled. I ended up ordering pancakes for the both of them. Little one wouldn't eat unless I fed her which I did. Freaking Taylor had a nice time watching me go through uncomfortable moments.

After breakfast, I asked them if they wanted going back to the hotel with us to watch television and they agreed. Apparently, when we got there, we realized the hotel didn't have enough channels so there was nothing they could watch on the satellite and I did not have any kids program on my laptop either. So we made a vote and the conclusion was to go to the beach. Thankfully, my trip to the library didn't only yield a loophole in the case of the minor but I also found out there was a beach with a cave in it at Aquadilla. But Aquadilla was one hour fifty-eight minutes away. Apparently two hours. I knew the children would have so much fun playing in the caves, the only problem was convincing their mother. I told Taylor about it and her response was "fuck it. Let's go. We would be back before she's knows It." and so I fucked it and drove to Aquadilla. The look on their faces when we arrived was priceless so I took a video of them running around happily.

Taylor and I sat on the sand watching them build sand houses. Little one asked her brother to build a princess palace for her. She was so adorable and she won my heart. Whenever he didn't follow her directions and built the wrong thing, she'd act like she wasn't going to speak to him ever until he corrected his mistake. I could spend forever watching them.

"I could give you a kid if you want." Taylor said staring straight into the blue ocean.

I had to bring down my glasses to my nose to look at her. She couldn't be serious. "You’ve got to be kidding me. By the way, I already have a child remember? With my wife."

She frowned. "I was just kidding. Stop being so serious all the time."

Instead of answering her, I got up and ran to the children. "Want to see something super cool?"

"Yes." they nodded their little heads.

"Alright come with me." they stood up immediately and followed me as I led them to Punta Borinquen where the cave was. It was quite a walk though. We had to walk in the water in order to get there but when we finally did, the view was worth it. I took the children to the edge of the water to have a feel of the water without getting their clothes wet. They enjoyed the water and giggled as they splashed water on me. I honestly enjoyed myself. When they were done, they complained of hunger so on our way back to the car, we stopped by a food bus and I got everyone Alcapurrias. They were fritters, with a batter made of green bananas and stuffed full of crab fillings. I hoped Taylor would love them. We returned back to her and met her in a panic mode. As soon as she saw us approaching, she ran to us.

"My friend is so mad at us. She's freaking shooting out lightning from her fingernails right now. She wants the kids’ home now."

"What time is it? We haven't been here for that long, have we?"

"It's dinner time, By. Dinner time."

"Okay calm down. I will explain everything to her. Chill. Let's go."

An hour into the drive, the children fell asleep. Taylor was shaking in fear and I understood her. But I was going to talk to the mother.

We got to the mother's hotel and Taylor was determined to be the one to take the children inside. She didn't want me getting yelled at. The boy twin was already awake so while Taylor carried little one, she held his hand and they walked into the lion's den.