Re-enter the Game:Village Carnival 9

Seeing this, Wen Nannan jumped up in fright, stepping on the three-dimensional locusts and the iron box with her foot, turning them into two-dimensional iron sheets.

She stomped on them twice more. Then, she took out the charcoal from her space to destroy the evidence.

The iron box now contained the burnt locust corpses, a pile of dark brown powder and some unidentified lumps.

If she had known about the locusts' terrifying reproductive ability beforehand, maybe she could have helped the townspeople prevent this crisis.

But thinking about the disgusting locust reproduction set in the game, she became unsure.

There was no way to get rid of the locusts from the roots. Even burning them would leave behind burnt remains.

These burnt remains will be consumed by other locusts and accelerate their reproduction.

So, did they just have to let the locusts destroy the environment?

Wen Nannan sighed deeply and looked at the yellow land behind her. Without the protection of plants, it would soon turn into a desert.


Day 11 of the game passed peacefully.

Day 12 of the game passed peacefully.

On day 13 of the game, Wen Nannan continued to eat the food prepared in her space.

She had been staying in this cave for the past few days, unaware of anything happening in the outside world.

Where had the locusts gone? And how do players find food in the back mountains where supplies are scarce?

Life is very leisurely, but it was also very safe.

The experiment a few days ago had given her a huge shock. Though accustomed to staying out of trouble, Wen Nannan, who grew up in a society ruled by law, had never imagined seeing so many people die around her, especially people she had been close to just a few days ago.

However, Wen Nannan was powerless. She just wanted to survive. If she could live until the end of the game without incident, she would be content.

In the evening, a sudden downpour hit the mountains.

The summer rain stopped quickly, but it was enough to bring new life to this resource-scarce mountain.

Mushrooms, wood ear mushrooms, wild vegetables, and even some small insects that could supplement protein.

There will be a lot of people vying for resources tomorrow. The bamboo forests and grass piles, where the most resources could be found, would become battlefields.

The next day.

Wen Nannan was woken up by the sound of fighting outside the cave.

Realizing the fight was close to her, Wen Nannan's good mood in the morning disappeared in an instant.

She collected the bed board in the cave into her space and was about to find a new place to hide.

But the people outside quickly discovered her.

"Stop fighting! There's a cave here!"

The person on the other side stopped fighting upon hearing this and looked in the direction of the voice.

Indeed, there was a cave near the top of the mountain. Due to the terrain, it was very hidden and rarely discovered.

But there was no dust at the entrance of the cave, which meant that someone had cleaned it.

Someone lived here.

Wen Nannan was inside the cave, she heard the fighting outside, and suddenly stopped. A feeling of unease arose in her heart.

The people outside had discovered her.

As if to confirm her suspicions, Wen Nannan ran into two players as soon as she came out of the cave.

"Wen Nannan, are you still alive?"

Zhang Yuan looked at Wen Nannan with suspicion, his gaze moving back and forth.

He remembered this NPC. She was a little orphan in Fuguo Town. She was a young girl, but she hung around with the older women in town gossiping all day.

Although she had a low presence, she had an attractive face that drew attention. Most of the male players in this round had some impression of her.

Wen Nannan lowered her eyes, maintaining her usual harmless expression.

"I happened to be up in the mountains looking for food when the locust plague hit. I ended up staying here for a few more days."

"Oh, is that so?"

Zhang Yuan nodded, not thinking much of it. He made way for Wen Nannan.

"You're a girl, so be careful. It's dangerous everywhere now."

Hearing Zhang Yuan's words, Wen Nannan paused slightly, looked at him meaningfully, and then ran away.

NPC Wen Nannan left. Zhang Yuan gradually returned to his previous fighting state. His fight with the other player wasn't over yet.

Zhang Yuan had been eyeing this player for a while. Yesterday, this player only collected some wild vegetables, but just now, Zhang Yuan saw with his own eyes that he had hunted a fat rabbit.

Thinking about the sizzling meaty aroma of rabbit meat roasting over charcoal, Zhang Yuan's mouth subconsciously started watering.

He hadn't eaten anything greasy for half a month.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, the player hardened his heart and fought back against Zhang Yuan. He even seemed to be gaining the upper hand.

But the next moment, his face froze. He looked at the tip of the knife protruding from his chest in disbelief.

The bright white blade was covered in blood. The blood gushing from his heart dripped down like a leaking faucet.

The intense pain and the sight in front of him both showed that his life in the game was rapidly fading.

He mustered all his remaining strength and looked back, finally seeing the person who had ended his life.

Li An.

The person who had smiled at him most kindly on the first day of the game.