Re-enter the Game:Village Carnival 10

Li An expressionlessly drew out his blade, tossing the several mineral water bottles he was holding to Zhang Yuan, who was still standing there in a daze.

"Save all his blood. We can use it later to replenish water and salt."

"Brother Li, are we really going to drink his blood?"

Zhang Yuan suddenly came to his senses, his expression showing slight disgust.

He had been fighting with this man just to seize his supplies and survive. It didn't mean he wanted to kill him, let alone drink his blood.

"The blood you're disgusted by now will be an invaluable resource in the later stages of the game, Zhang Yuan. Do you want to die at this game?"

Li An smiled amiably, but it made Zhang Yuan break out in a cold sweat. With trembling hands, he took the mineral water bottles and gently placed them near the man's heart.

The player on the ground hadn't been dead long. His body was still soft, and even the blood trickling into the mineral water bottles was warm.

Li An clearly didn't want to dwell on this topic for long. He changed the subject, asking, "Who did you meet in this cave just now?"

Li An lowered his eyes, hiding the gloom in his gaze.

Just now he was sitting in the back, waiting for Zhang Yuan and the dead player to lose both sides. But something must have happened in between, ending their fight.

Both of them had conserved their strength. For safety, Li An kept the more foolish Zhang Yuan by his side.

"We saw an NPC from the town. That little girl is lucky. She happened to be up in the mountains when the locust plague hit and escaped unscathed."

Zhang Yuan, who was still squatting on the ground diligently collecting blood, replied. Upon hearing this, Li An's expression suddenly turned strange. He then rushed towards the cave.

It was empty.

There were no living supplies.

The cave didn't even show any signs of being inhabited.

Zhang Yuan, who hadn't noticed Li An's ever-changing expression, obediently handed the two bottles of blood to Li An.

He couldn't bring himself to drink that stuff. Even though it was considered a resource, Zhang Yuan didn't have any desire to claim it.

Li An glared at him, asking gloomily, "Did she take anything with her when she left?"

The spotless living environment in the cave gave Li An a bold guess. However, he wasn't completely sure yet.

Until Zhang Yuan scratched his head and said, "No, she left empty-handed. And she ran really fast."


Li An finally had no more questions. His face flushed with anger, and he strode off in pursuit.


Meanwhile, Wen Nannan on the other side of the mountainside sneezed uncontrollably.

She pulled her thin clothes tighter around herself. She couldn't afford to get sick at this crucial moment.

Along the way, Wen Nannan had been running and keeping an eye out, gathering information.

The locusts had stopped spreading when they reached the foot of the mountain. Then they disappeared without a trace.

The players who had united in the early stages of the game were now divided into many factions. They fought each other every day, vying for the meager resources on the mountain.

Wen Nannan sat by the side of the road, rubbing her aching calves. She hesitated about which way to go next.

She couldn't return to the old cave. Going back now would be like walking into a trap.

Although the player who had let her go was too stupid to notice anything, that didn't mean there weren't any clever people among the other players.

While she was pondering, a voice suddenly rang out from ahead.

"How can you be such a person!"

The sharp female voice interrupted Wen Nannan's thoughts. Wen Nannan tucked herself into a large thicket of bushes, trying to reduce her presence.

But the scene in front of her almost made her eyes pop out.

She watched in horror as a burly male player not only robbed the female player of her resources but also took her life.

Like a reaper reaping souls, he held the female player's neck tightly, her legs dangling in the air as she struggled and flailed, slowly losing her life.

The difference was, the reaper only took lives. But this man was taking both resources and lives.

This was terrifying.

Wen Nannan turned pale with fright. Although her legs were shaking uncontrollably, she couldn't move, wishing she could bury herself in the ground.

The summer sunlight filtered through the gaps in the trees, becoming fragmented, casting a shadow on the female player's wide eyes. The sight made Wen Nannan shiver.

Fortunately, the ruthless man hadn't noticed her presence. After a moment, he dragged the female player's body away, taking the resources with him.

Wen Nannan watched the man leave, but she didn't get up right away. She waited for a few more minutes. When she was sure he was really gone, she got up and fled the scene.