The Third Game:Yun Hai City 1

Wen Nannan's eyes fluttered open, the blinding white light before her faded into a bustling city scape dominated by towering skyscrapers.

The streets were eerily empty, the silence so profound that she could hear the soft rhythm of her own breathing. A familiar, luminous screen materialized before her:

[Welcome back to the Survival Game. This round, 200,000 NPCs and 9 players will join you. Please strive to survive for thirty days. Current game: Yunhai City]

As the message vanished, the surrounding silence was broken by the rising murmur of voices. Wen Nannan found herself standing in a shopping mall, a nearby television playing a promotional video for the city:

[Yunhai City: the most popular coastal tourist destination, boasting breathtaking scenery and a pleasant climate. Tourists from all corners of the globe are welcome!]

Without the guidance of an NPC this time, nor needing to play the role of an NPC herself, Wen Nannan stood there at a loss.

The home appliance section of the mall was teeming with people, all desperately trying to purchase air conditioners.

Standing among them, Wen Nannan listened to the NPCs' conversations.

"The forecast says it's going to rain every day, but it never does, but it's unbearably hot," complained a woman with dyed red hair.

"Exactly, it's been sunny for two or three months now without a drop of rain," her companion agreed, nodding. "Just going out once nearly killed me with the heat. I'm really hoping it rains soon."

Their words confirmed what Wen Nannan suspected: the weather was scorching, and rain had become a distant memory.

Stepping out of the mall, she was hit by a wave of heat that seemed to open every pore on her skin.

A nearby newsstand was broadcasting the latest news: [Yunhai City has issued a high-temperature orange alert today. The highest temperature in the next 24 hours will reach 39 degrees Celsius. Citizens and tourists are advised to take precautions against the heat.]

"Excuse me, could you please get me an ice pop?" Wen Nannan asked the vendor.

She discovered that Yunhai City used the same currency as The Real World, but the prices were exorbitant.

Wen Nannan wandered away from the city center, stopping at various places until she finally found a relatively affordable apartment. It was in a dilapidated building, located on the sixth floor with no elevator access and situated in a remote area.

"Two thousand a month," the homeowner stated flatly. "Includes natural gas, air conditioning, a television, and one bedroom, one kitchen, and one bathroom."

Wen Nannan nodded in agreement. "Sounds okay."

After the homeowner departed, Wen Nannan switched on the air conditioner. It rattled ominously, as if on the verge of collapse, but for now, it functioned.

Sitting on the bed, she surveyed her surroundings. Crumbling cement walls, rusty window frames, broken furniture, and insects lurking in the corners all spoke of the room's age and neglect.

Wen Nannan dedicated half the day to cleaning, finally making the apartment somewhat presentable. Glancing at the time, she realized it was already five in the afternoon.

Switching off the air conditioner, she prepared to venture out for bedding and groceries.

The heat remained relentless, and by the time she reached the mall, her back was drenched in sweat.

A large banner hung in the mall, proclaiming: Welcome to Yunhai City, where the temperature is pleasant, and the scenery is beautiful.

"Damn 'pleasant temperature'." Wen Nannan scoffed silently, pushing a shopping cart and filling it with rice, noodles, bread, and bedding.

At the checkout, the total on the bill made her gasp. This game was not only a matter of survival, but also a drain on her finances. It was a true fight for life and livelihood.

Wen Nannan cursed the game under her breath while contemplating ways to earn money.

The following day dawned even hotter. Wen Nannan set out early, searching for work along the way. After numerous inquiries, she finally stumbled upon a small supermarket in need of a cashier.

"Three thousand a month, meals included but no accommodation, is that alright?" the stern-faced proprietress inquired.

Three thousand a month was undeniably low for Yunhai City. Sensing Wen Nannan's hesitation, the proprietress added, "The pay may not be high, but the work is easy. It's only busy in the mornings, and we close by four or five in the afternoon."

Wen Nannan rested her chin on her hands, her round eyes meeting the proprietress's gaze. "Alright, but I'd like to be paid daily."

The proprietress raised an eyebrow at this unusual request. It was the first time someone had asked for daily wages at her store.

With the previous employee having abruptly left, she was desperate for help. She scrutinized Wen Nannan, noting that despite the low salary request, the girl was well-mannered and attractive.

"Very well, work hard. If you perform well, I'll consider a raise."

The proprietress's demeanor softened as she encouraged Wen Nannan before turning to greet customers entering the store.

Wen Nannan donned an apron and efficiently scanned customers' items, collecting payments with practiced ease.

Her first day on trial proved to be a busy one, and the proprietress was pleased with her performance, readily handing over the day's wages.

With a formal salary and three free meals a day, Wen Nannan used the money she earned to buy three boxes of mineral water and two boxes of bread from the store.

The proprietress watched Wen Nannan leave, shaking her head with a smile. "If only there were more simple-minded girls like her, how wonderful the world would be!"