The Third Game:Yun Hai City 2

Wen Nannan didn't hear the proprietress's ridicule and continued to move her things.

The climb to the sixth floor with boxes of water and bread left her exhausted.

After a quick shower, she collapsed onto the bed, the fan's futile attempts to combat the stifling heat offering little relief.

On her third day in Yunhai City, the temperature soared even higher.

The government issued a red alert for extreme heat, with temperatures reaching a scorching 43 degrees Celsius.

The supermarket remained mostly deserted, except for customers seeking ice cream and water.

The TV's sound echoed through the empty store:

"Following three months of high temperatures, our city is expected to experience a particularly heavy rainstorm in the coming days. Let's hear from experts on the potential impact of this extreme weather event..."

"They keep saying it's going to rain, and air conditioner prices have tripled, but I haven't seen a single drop. What kind of experts are they?" the proprietress grumbled.

Wen Nannan paid close attention to the news, aware of the game's tendency to embed clues about future events in seemingly insignificant details. The mention of heavy rain piqued her interest.

After work, instead of heading straight home, Wen Nannan decided to explore the city. The evening brought a welcome respite from the heat. As she strolled along, she found herself drawn to a rain gear store.

With no rain for three months, the store's business had plummeted. A "Shop for Rent" sign hung on the glass, and a row of discounted umbrellas, raincoats, rain boots, and waterproof pants lined the entrance.

The "low price" tag caught Wen Nannan's eye, and she stepped inside.

"Hello there, miss! What can I help you with?" the enthusiastic owner greeted her, relieved to finally have a customer.

Wen Nannan surveyed the discounted items and selected one of each, spending all her earnings for the day and even dipping into her savings. Looking at the meager change remaining, she sighed, "I'm so broke."

The owner, empathizing with her plight, sighed in response. "Well, since you're my first customer today, you can choose another item from the ones outside for free."

"Oh, I couldn't..." Wen Nannan feigned hesitation before bending down to make her selection without a second thought.

The rain gear owner thought to himself, "What a shameless girl."

Suddenly, Wen Nannan's gaze fell upon a hairband. Pure white with a faint shimmer, it triggered a sense of déjà vu.

Stunned, she reached out and picked it up. The moment her fingers brushed against it, familiar words appeared:

[Congratulations on obtaining the only spatial item in this survival game, the "Spatial Hairband". Once the bracelet is bound, it will follow the player until the end of the game or the player's death.]

Wen Nannan chuckled, how lucky.

"I want this," she declared, holding up the hairband.

The owner, surprised by her choice after such a long deliberation, especially since it wasn't even his product, smiled and nodded.

"Sure, you can have it." He thought to himself, "What a strange girl."

With the spatial item secured, Wen Nannan hurried back to her apartment to confirm that its functionality remained unchanged despite the altered appearance.

Despite the oppressive heat of the late afternoon, Wen Nannan's desire to fill her space remained undeterred.

At the city's largest private hospital, a low-key black car arrived. Several men in black suits emerged, swiftly loading boxes of medicine with foreign labels before disappearing just as quickly.

Meanwhile, Wen Nannan visited a small pharmacy, purchasing common anti-inflammatory and cold medications.

As she walked back, a sudden gust of wind rustled the leaves of the birch trees and sent loose trash flying.

"Is the wind picking up?"

The unexpected change in weather caused many pedestrians to stop and look around, while residents opened their windows to investigate.

Dark clouds rapidly gathered in the previously clear sky, casting an ominous shadow over the city.

Raindrops began to fall, and people looked up in unison. The light drizzle quickly intensified into a downpour.

"It's raining!"

Pedestrians who had stopped to observe now started running, seeking shelter from the sudden heavy rain.

With her apartment only a few hundred meters away, Wen Nannan decided against retrieving an umbrella and sprinted home, quickly gathering the clothes drying outside.

After three long, dry months, it was finally raining.