The Third Game:Yun Hai City 10

The rain continued to pour, food was scarce, and more precious than food was water.

Despite the heavy rain, Yunhai City had become a water city, but clean water was becoming increasingly scarce.

Some families had already run out of water and were drinking rainwater. Unboiled rainwater. After drinking it, the whole family fell ill.

At a time when it was difficult to even keep warm and fed, there was no medicine to be had. Except for a young man in his twenties who survived, the rest of the family died of illness.

The store owner stood up with his things in his arms. "Sister, do you have any water? Actually, I have something good here that I can trade you for."

"What is it?" Wen Nannan asked.

The store owner saw that there was a deal to be made and said enthusiastically, "An inflatable boat engine. I want ten bottles of mineral water."

As he spoke, he took the item out of the cabinet. "I'll also give you two barrels of gasoline."

An engine and gasoline, that was indeed a good deal.

Wen Nannan: "Three bottles of mineral water."

Store Owner: "Sister, are you still so good at bargaining? Eight bottles of mineral water, I'm not making any money off you!"

Wen Nannan: "Four bottles."

Store Owner: "Six bottles of mineral water, that's my lowest price."

Wen Nannan looked at him coldly. "Four bottles."

"Five bottles, five bottles, okay?" The store owner clasped his hands together.

"This is all German-made! You can take it home for five bottles of mineral water! I'll even install it for you."

The store owner was about to cry. Who would have thought that the German goods he had bought for thousands of dollars before were now worth less than a few bottles of mineral water?

Wen Nannan nodded and asked him to teach her how to use it, then took out the mineral water and placed it on the table.

The store owner was also efficient.

In no time at all, he had installed the engine on the back of the inflatable boat.

Wen Nannan even tested it out. It was stable and didn't capsize, and it was fast. She was quite satisfied.

It was still raining heavily outside. Wen Nannan looked at the big red basin that had been with her for more than ten days and suddenly had an idea.

Wen Nannan skillfully assembled the titanium alloy rods into a frame and then used ropes and tape to secure the frame to the inflatable boat.

She turned the big red plastic basin upside down on the frame and tied it tightly with ropes, creating a simple boat top.

Inflatable boat version 2.0 was a success.

Although it couldn't cover the entire boat, it covered the top.

Wen Nannan struggled to lift the two barrels of gasoline onto the inflatable boat and secured them. She sat in it and skillfully started the engine.

The inflatable boat sped across the water, sending up sprays of water.

The rain poured down, and the raindrops hit the water, creating ripples. The murky water was filled with all sorts of garbage and waterlogged corpses.

Wen Nannan navigated the inflatable boat through the water, dodging floating branches and garbage. She looked back from time to time to observe the situation behind her.

Various water containers were placed outside the buildings along the road, and people were waiting anxiously behind the containers.

Some containers were already full of water, and people were cheering; some containers had only a little water, and people were looking worried.

The gas cylinder factory was flooded, and numerous gas cylinders were floating on the water. They collided with each other on the water, making a clanging sound.

Wen Nannan stopped and stood up to look at the water ahead.

There were too many gas cylinders, floating like explosives in the middle of the road. It was too dangerous to force her way through.

She had to find another way.

Wen Nannan glanced at the map of Yunhai City and quickly turned the inflatable boat in another direction.

In the residential area, a child looked at the building below with envy. "Mom, that big sister is so cool. She has a boat."

Inside the house, the gaunt woman pulled the child away from the window and closed the curtains tightly.

It was getting dark. It was no longer suitable for traveling.

Wen Nannan looked around and prepared to find a place to stay. The residential buildings were definitely not an option, as they didn't know how many people were hiding inside.

After paddling around the city for a while, she found a library. Two days before the typhoon, all public places were closed, including this library.

Wen Nannan paddled the inflatable boat into the hall. It was spacious and bright, and all three floors were above the water.

She walked around the library, changed out of her wet clothes, and used the dry books upstairs as fuel. She dried her clothes and cooked a bowl of instant noodles.

The weather outside was completely dark. Wen Nannan sat by the fire, took out her notebook, and began to record her recent experiences as a vagrant.

[On the 17th in Yunhai City, the rainwater rose rapidly and is currently about eight or nine meters deep. The main problem now is heavy rain and humans. It's cold now and very humid. Although I prepared a lot of food and drank water, I am often frozen into a popsicle.]

After finishing her diary, Wen Nannan looked at the flames next to her, put away her dried clothes, and dragged out the inflatable boat again.

To ensure her safety, she decided not to stay overnight in the library.