The Third Game:Yun Hai City 11

During the day, as Wen Nannan navigated the flooded city in her inflatable boat, many people likely saw her entering the library.

She understood the importance of caution, knowing that someone might try to harm or rob her while she slept.

Upon inspecting the library, she discovered it was actually two separate buildings with a narrow gap between them, just wide enough for her boat.

This hidden spot, especially under the cover of darkness, offered a perfect hiding place.

Wen Nannan removed the large plastic basin from the boat and paddled into the gap between the buildings. The overhanging eaves provided shelter from the wind and rain.

She lay down in the inflatable boat, covering herself with the uniform she had taken from the police station. Although the night was chilly, she felt relatively safe.

Late at night, with no stars in the sky and darkness all around, faint splashing sounds, masked by the heavy rain, came from the vicinity of the library.

As Wen Nannan had anticipated, someone was indeed following her under the cover of the storm.

They entered through broken windows, five or six individuals spread out within the library, searching for any dry spots. After half an hour, they regrouped.

"Dashan, is there anyone in the library?"

"I found a pile of dust on the lower floor. Could that girl have already left?"

"Impossible. I saw her come in with my own eyes, and she hasn't left since it got dark."

"Then where is she? Could she be hiding?"

"Let's search more carefully."

After exchanging information, they dispersed again to continue their search for Wen Nannan.

Suddenly, a loud crash! In the darkness, someone tripped over a bookshelf. Wen Nannan was startled awake and heard several people talking nearby.

"Wang Laosi, be careful! Do you want to scare her away?"

"Boss, there's no one here at all. We might as well just find something valuable in the library and go back."

"Nonsense! I've been watching her for a long time, she must still be in the library. Look at the boat we saw this afternoon. Are you willing to let such a fat sheep slip away?"

Wen Nannan held her breath, listening to their conversation, her body tense, not daring to move. They had no idea she was just a wall away. She touched her hairband and took out the pistol from her storage space.

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and search!" the leader shouted. "Don't waste any more time, or she'll really run away."

"Wang Laosi, guard the door and don't let her slip out. The rest of you will come with me. We'll search the library thoroughly."

Thankfully, I didn't stay inside.

Wen Nannan hid in this corner, waiting for them to leave.

Sure enough, after another twenty minutes of searching, the people inside wanted to give up.

"Boss, she might have really run away."

"Yeah, boss, maybe you missed it when she ran away."

"There's not even water in this library, boss, let's go back. It's getting cold."

The voices of persuasion gradually faded away, and Wen Nannan heard their footsteps as they prepared to leave.

Just as she was about to successfully avoid danger, a violent explosion suddenly erupted. The explosions continued, and the flames illuminated the entire street.

Panicked screams came from the other side of the street, followed by a wave of heat.

The originally calm water surface began to shake violently, and several men sitting on a raft were thrown off, staring at each other in the flames.

"Oh my God, that girl was hiding here!" one of the men exclaimed.

Without saying much, Wen Nannan pressed the engine switch and drove the boat out of their encirclement with all her might. The men reacted quickly and tried to grab her.

Wen Nannan moved swiftly, making two sharp turns to avoid the men and sped away in the opposite direction of the explosion. She didn't stop until she was out of the danger zone.

The men were left behind, but the explosions continued.

Wen Nannan stared in the direction of the flames, remembering the gas cylinder factory she had seen during the day.

Hundreds or even thousands of gas tanks were submerged in the water, and with the slightest leak and a spark, they would become time bombs.

The fire did not weaken due to the rain, but instead grew more and more intense, engulfing the entire street. The raging flames, accompanied by strong winds, showed signs of turning into a fire tornado.

More and more people jumped into the water, while others, unable to escape in time, were directly engulfed by the flames.

Even those who managed to escape the inferno faced grim prospects, as their burn wounds, soaked in the polluted water for hours, would likely lead to fatal infections.

The water's surface was littered with corpses carried away by the explosion's impact, a scene that chilled the heart.

The air was thick with the acrid smell of burnt fat, reminiscent of the aroma of grilled pork belly in a barbecue restaurant, tempting one to involuntarily swallow.

However, recalling the source of this smell brought on a wave of nausea.

Dark clouds blanketed the sky above Yunhai City, and the rumble of thunder seemed to echo the fiery disaster unfolding below.

On this eighteenth day, the clouds pressed down upon the city as if someone were undergoing a heavenly tribulation.

Lightning flickered within the clouds, striking tall buildings or the water's surface, creating a spectacle of sparks and flashes.

Wen Nannan, who had maintained her composure until now, narrowly avoided being struck by a sudden bolt of lightning.

Even though she was not directly hit, her inflatable boat was soaked, and as long as she remained within the range of the lightning, the risk of electrocution was unavoidable.

Although the Pearl Hotel was not far away, Wen Nannan now realized that she must first find a place to shelter from the lightning.