The Third Game:Yun Hai City 12

Wen Nannan sped forward in the inflatable boat, her eyes scanning building after building until she spotted the city hall.

"That's it!"

Wen Nannan added some power and charged straight in.

The inflatable boat slid for three or four meters on the floor before coming to a stop. Wen Nannan quickly got off to check for damage.

"Good thing, it's fine."

However, due to the urgency of the situation, Wen Nannan rushed in without properly assessing the situation and was immediately surrounded by the people who were already inside.

Who the hell could have imagined that there were actually twenty or thirty people in the city hall? They were all young people, mostly men.

Wen Nannan looked at these people, her lips slightly pursed. She pressed her hand against the inflatable boat, standing at the exit of the broken window, already prepared to run.

Just then, a man in a blue coat walked out from the crowd. He was tall, his broad shoulders holding up a well-tailored coat.

His powerful chest was faintly visible beneath the thin fabric. He walked with a steady gait, each step carrying an undeniable presence. The crowd automatically parted to make way for him.

As he walked closer, his features became apparent-sharp eyes flashing with a hint of cunning, chiseled features with a sarcastic smile. Handsome and dangerous.

His arrival brought inexplicable pressure to Wen Nannan.

"Little sister, you made such a big noise when you came in."

Wen Nannan took a step back, dragging the boat with her. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you guys were occupying this place. I'll leave immediately."

Knowing when to show weakness is important.

Her second-greatest strength was her ability to bend and stretch.

Knowing that it was unlikely she could defeat this group of people, Wen Nannan quickly dragged the boat towards the broken window.

"What are you talking about, little sister? The City Hall belongs to the people. We wouldn't chase you away."

The man saw through Wen Nannan's attempt to escape and reached out to grab her boat.

"We're more than happy for you to stay. Wang Hu, Liu Yang, find something to patch up the broken window."

With just two sentences, the man cut off Wen Nannan's escape route.

His gaze swept over Wen Nannan, from head to toe. Despite being slightly disheveled from the rain, her fair face, dark, glistening eyes, and wet hair made her look like a lost, precious kitten.

A glint of surprise flashed in the man's eyes, his smile widened. He extended his hand towards Wen Nannan, "My name is Shen Nanzhou. What's your name, little sister?"

"Wen Xiaohua."

Wen Nannan glanced at his outstretched hand, then dragged her boat and walked into the city hall.

She casually scanned the surroundings. There were traces of people living here, but the building mostly retained its original appearance, suggesting that these people had only recently arrived.

The way they slept was interesting. They all gathered together, vaguely guarding a particular room.

Wen Nannan moved closer.

Two men next to her blocked her way. "That's enough, this place has been occupied by us, you can only stay in these peripheries."

As he spoke, more than twenty people all looked at her uninvited guest with unkind expressions.

"Alright, everyone, don't scare this little sister." Shen Nanzhou walked over and patted Wen Nannan's shoulder. "In these difficult times, we should help each other, like a family."

Saying this, Shen Nanzhou took out a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Wen Nannan.

"Don't be nervous, Xiaohua. We're all good people."

His words might have been more convincing if the others hadn't been searching for her boat while he spoke.

"Thank you." Wen Nannan avoided the mineral water he offered and reached for her backpack. "I have my own."

Thunder roared outside. Wen Nannan found a spot away from the windows and sat on the floor to rest.

She wasn't too worried about being trapped by these twenty-odd people. Her most valuable possession was the boat behind her. What else could she do? Since she was here, she might as well make the best of it.

At least she could wait out the thunderstorm outside.

Around five or six in the afternoon, the few women among the people started cooking.

The food was piled up in the room they were carefully guarding, and only Shen Nanzhou had the key.

Soon, the aroma of food filled the building.

Salt-baked chicken, sausages, and smoked fish, even a few cans of beer on the side.

These people were eating quite well!

Despite the days of heavy rain, they still had such a feast.

Wen Nannan looked at the delicious food on the table and silently swallowed.

However, she soon discovered that the food on the table wasn't for everyone. Apart from Shen Nanzhou and a few of his close followers, the rest only had bread and biscuits, and not much of it either.

Sensing Wen Nannan's gaze, Shen Nanzhou's lips curled slightly. He put down his chopsticks and walked over to her. "Xiaohua, would you like to try some?"

"No, thank you."

Wen Nannan shook her head. There was no such thing as a free lunch.

This guy just wanted to distract her and steal her boat.

Was she the kind of person who would lose sight of the big picture for a little food?

Of course not!

Thinking about this, Wen Nannan took out bread and water from her backpack.

Shen Nanzhou chuckled softly, watching her, and slowly walked away.