CHAPTER 5: The first mission(New update)

Leon jolted awake, his heart pounding in his chest. He sat up in bed, his breath coming in ragged gasps, his mind racing. He instinctively reached for his side, expecting to feel the searing pain of his wounds, but there was nothing. His body was whole, unmarked, pristine.

"Maybe it was just a dream," he muttered, his voice shaky, his eyes wide with disbelief. He searched for any sign of the attack, any evidence that he hadn't just imagined the whole ordeal, but his room was untouched, his bedclothes undisturbed.

He was about to dismiss it as a particularly vivid nightmare when a voice, cold and metallic, echoed through the room. He turned, his eyes widening as a holographic screen shimmered into existence before him.

"It's not a dream, master."

Leon's breath hitched. His heart hammered in his chest. He stared at the screen, the words forming and reforming, the system's voice a smooth, digital monotone.

"I thought I was just dreaming, after getting attacked by those monsters and all! Oh god, you're killing me!" Leon exclaimed, his voice rising in panic.

"After having me as your assistant and this System," the voice continued, "I have a small gift for you."

A black box appeared, sleek and elegant, its surface gleaming with an otherworldly sheen. It was a perfect cube, just large enough to fit a hand inside.

"What's the use?" Leon asked, his curiosity warring with his lingering fear.

"Just think whatever you want, and this treasure will give it to you," the system's voice explained. "But it's still at level one, if you want more, upgrade it."

Leon stared at the black box, his mind struggling to grasp the implications. A treasure that could grant his desires? Was this some kind of magic? He reached out, his fingers brushing against the smooth surface of the box. It was cold, almost metallic, yet it vibrated with a subtle energy.

"What can it do?" he whispered, his voice barely audible.

The System remained silent, as if waiting for him to discover its true potential. Leon closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He focused his mind, picturing what he desired most. He wanted to be strong, to be able to defend himself, to be able to face whatever dangers lay ahead.

He opened his eyes, and the black box pulsed with a faint light. He reached inside, and his hand closed around something solid, something familiar. He pulled it out, and stared at it in disbelief.

It was a sword. it was different. It glowed with a faint, ethereal light, its edges sharper, its surface smoother. He felt a surge of power coursing through him, as if the sword itself was an extension of his own will.

"Thank you," he whispered, his voice filled with awe. He knew this was just the beginning. He had been given a gift, a tool that could help him on his journey. He had been chosen, and he was ready to embrace his destiny.

Leon found himself in a moment of delight and intrigue as he discovered the mystical powers of the wooden box before him. The prospect of having his deepest desires fulfilled filled him with excitement, as the enigmatic box seemed to offer him something he truly longed for. With a mixture of anticipation and curiosity again of what it can do more, he gingerly opened the wooden box, allowing his hand to delve into its mystical depths while contemplating his favorite indulgence from his old world - the fast food treats his father used to lovingly bring home.

"Give me the fast food that my father used to bring home when i was in my old world."

In a mere heartbeat, the wooden box shimmered with an ethereal light, transmitting a sensation through Leon's hand that left him both exhilarated and slightly bewildered. Upon pulling out the mysterious item concealed within, his eyes widened in astonishment as he beheld a sumptuous feast of spicy chicken, spaghetti, fries, and a delectable burger nestled within a fast food takeout container.

Just as he marveled at the miraculous manifestation before him, Leon's reverie was abruptly interrupted by the entrance of his younger sister, heralding the call for lunch. With a sudden jolt of panic, he swiftly concealed the wondrous meal in his possession, ensuring that his secret remained safe from prying eyes. As he glanced back at the seemingly innocuous wooden box, a wave of relief washed over him, grateful that his newfound treasure remained hidden from his unsuspecting sibling's gaze.

Entering the bright, quaint kitchen, his parents looked up, their faces a mix of amusement and concern, at the sight of their usually laid-back son preparing a food. Her mother is done cooking but Leon asked his mom that he will be going to cook something that his parents and younger sister would like.

Leon took out the food from the inventory system. Her younger sister is happily waiting as it's the first time her older brother cook something.

But for leon, he is not cooking. It's a food he got from the wooden box gift by the system for him.

"Son, what are you gonna cook? You're not opening the fire."

As leon just smile and said " Relax Dad, it's a food i cook when you are sleeping, i cooked this in the middle of night." He lied.

After preparing the food he retrieved from the wooden box, Leon carefully laid out the contents of the paper bag onto a plate, covertly hiding them from his parents. Placing the food on the table, his mother, father, and younger sister were in awe at the sight before them. It was a meal unfamiliar to them—a burger, fries, chicken, and spaghetti.

"How did you manage to prepare this?" his mother inquired.

"What kind of food is this, big brother?" asked his younger sister in wonder.

"How did you cook these and what type of cuisine is this?" his father added.

Leon found his old world's dishes to be a novelty in this new realm. Witnessing his sister's delight as she tasted the fries, he couldn't contain his joy, proclaiming their deliciousness.

Inspired by this reaction, Leon pondered the idea of establishing a business where the cuisine from his original world could be introduced and sold in this fantastical realm he found himself transmigrated into.


Leon spent the next few days honing his skills, practicing with the sword, pushing himself to his limits. The System was his constant companion, providing him with training regimens, combat techniques, and insights into the world around him. He learned to harness the power of the sword, to channel its energy into his attacks, making each swing more precise, more deadly.

He also discovered that the System could enhance his physical abilities. He could increase his strength, speed, agility, and stamina. He felt his body transforming, becoming leaner, stronger, more resilient.

Leon's muscles burned as he pushed himself through a grueling session of push-ups, planks, and sprints, determination etched in every line of his sweat-drenched face. His morning routine had taken a drastic turn, a result of the haunting vision from his dream and the inexplicable pull he felt towards the glowing object on his desk. Ignoring his parents' puzzled glances, he simply muttered something about 'playing a new game', the weight of the unknown bearing down on him like a shroud.

As the days blurred into a haze of relentless training and awe-inspiring trials, Leon delved deeper into the enigmatic system, the allure of its challenges drawing him in like a moth to a flame. His skills sharpened, his reflexes honed to a razor's edge.

After doing the first mission, his body got ached all over. He couldn't understand why but it seems his body got a little more masculine. A 16 years old tried to be strong more than anyone.

Seeing that everything that the system doing is true. He think that the system can help him, to have a peaceful life with his parents in this new strange world.

As Leon continued with his planks, diligently following the mission given to him by the system, he suddenly heard a young male voice in the distance. It sounded like a cry for help. Without hesitation, he stood up and approached the source of the sound, only to find a young child, possibly around 10 years old, hiding behind a bush. The child was dressed in common attire, leading Leon to believe they were not of royal descent.

Facing them was a monstrous creature with sharp fangs akin to a wolf from his previous world, but far more menacing. It had gleaming white fangs and teeth on both sides of its mouth, its black fur tinged with white on the mountainous areas, larger than any regular wolf. Fear crept into Leon's heart, but the system's messages suddenly appeared before him.

Mission: Save the kid and kill the Wolrk

Level 3: Wolrk


+5 Strength

+5 Agility

+2 Intelligence

Hidden Skill

Leon Craven: Rank G (Low class)

Level 1

HP: 20

Stamina: 2

Strength: 2

Agility: 2

Intelligence: 10

Skills: None

Title: Seed of Darklight

Physical Damage: 2

Magic: 1

Possession: Wooden Black Box