CHAPTER 4: The System(New update)

Leon stepped out of the cabin, the crisp morning air invigorating. He craved adventure, a taste of the fantastical world he now inhabited. Curiosity gnawed at him, a relentless itch he had to scratch.

"I'm a man of curiosity," he declared, stretching his arms wide, his voice echoing through the silent woods. His gaze fell upon the axe his father had been using, its blade still embedded in a fallen log. He snatched it up, the weight of it familiar, yet somehow different in this new reality.

"Goddam God, why didn't you give me a power when you transmigrated me into this fantasyland?" he grumbled, frustration bubbling within him. "You know, like powers! Air, water, first like Avatar! Like those anime shits!" He stormed into the forest, his eyes scanning the dense undergrowth, searching for a glimpse of the fantastical creatures he'd only read about in books.

Hours passed, the sun climbing higher in the sky. Leon, exhausted and disappointed, found himself empty-handed. "No power, I'm even a commoner. What else!?" he shouted, his voice echoing through the silent trees.

A flock of startled birds took flight, their wings beating a frantic rhythm against the air. Then, a low growl, deep and guttural, sent shivers down his spine. He turned to see three monstrous creatures, their forms larger than any wolf he'd ever seen, their bodies twice the size, with two heads, red eyes blazing with predatory hunger, and fangs like daggers. His heart hammered in his chest, his legs turning to jelly.

"R-run, come on, follow me," he gasped, his voice barely a whisper. But his legs refused to obey, rooted to the spot by fear.

One of the monsters lunged, its jaws snapping at his side. He stumbled back, his body slamming against a tree, a sharp pain lancing through his ribs. He coughed, blood staining his lips, dizziness clouding his vision. He wanted to live, he had to live. He struggled to his feet, but another monster attacked, its claws tearing at his legs, shattering his bones. His arms went numb, his body screaming in agony.

"G-goddam God, s-so I'll die again?" he whispered, his voice fading into a groan. He felt himself losing consciousness, the world blurring into a kaleidoscope of colors. Then, a strange sound, like a chime, pierced through the fog of his pain. Words appeared before his eyes, shimmering in the air like a holographic display.

Do you want to live?

His mind, numb with shock, struggled to grasp the meaning. He saw the monsters, their eyes fixed on him, their forms looming over his weakened body. He glanced back at the words, his voice a mere rasp. "I-i want to live, p-please."


He lost consciousness. His body pulsed with a strange light, the monsters recoiling in confusion. Then, with a blinding flash, he vanished, his body disappearing into thin air, leaving nothing but the echo of his desperate plea.

Leon awoke to a blinding white light, his body tingling with an unfamiliar energy. He was no longer in the forest, but in a vast, empty space. The air hummed with a strange energy, and a holographic screen shimmered before him, displaying words in a language he understood.

"Welcome, Leon Cranve," the screen announced, its voice a smooth, digital monotone. "You have been chosen to participate in the Transmigration System."

Leon blinked, his mind reeling. Transmigration System? Was this some kind of joke? He looked down at his body, feeling a strange lightness, a sense of renewed strength. His injuries were gone, his body whole and healthy.

"What is this?" he asked, his voice a shaky whisper.

"This is the Transmigration System," the screen replied patiently. "A program designed to transport individuals from other worlds to this one, to help them survive and thrive in this dangerous and magical realm."

Leon stared at the screen, his mind struggling to process the information. He was in a fantasy world, transported here by some kind of system, and given a second chance at life. But why? What was the purpose of this?

"Why me?" he asked, his voice laced with confusion and fear.

"You were chosen for your unique qualities," the screen replied. "You possess a strong will, a thirst for knowledge, and a resilience that will serve you well in this world."

"What about the monsters? The ones that attacked me?"

"Those were just low-level creatures," the screen said dismissively. "You will encounter more powerful beings, but you will also have the means to defend yourself."

"Means?" Leon asked, his curiosity piqued.

"You have been granted by our Lord, you're his descendant. And this system." the screen explained. "A personal interface that will assist you in your journey. It will provide you with information, skills, and resources."

The screen flickered, displaying a new menu. It showed a list of options: Skills, Inventory, Quests, and Stats. Leon felt a surge of excitement, the prospect of power and adventure filling him with a sense of purpose.

"This is… amazing," he breathed, his voice filled with wonder.

"It is," the screen agreed. "Now, let's begin your training."

The screen vanished, and Leon found himself standing in a virtual training ground. He felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins, a newfound strength and agility. He practiced basic combat techniques, his movements fluid and precise, his body responding instinctively to the instructions of the System.

As he trained, he learned more about the System, its capabilities and limitations. He discovered that he could learn new skills, acquire items, and complete quests to gain experience and level up. He could even customize his appearance, choosing a new hairstyle and outfit.

"This is incredible," he muttered, his eyes wide with wonder. He was no longer the helpless, scared man who had been attacked by the monsters. He was a warrior, a hero, a chosen one. He had a purpose, a destiny to fulfill.

Leon, still buzzing with excitement and the newfound power coursing through his veins, couldn't help but ask, "Can I ask you a question? How many of us have this System?"

The holographic screen flickered, the words shimmering with an ethereal glow. "Only you, Leon. Please use the Lord's power wisely. I am His right hand, and I am here to guide you. May the System be with you."

Leon, however, was left with more questions than answers. He wanted to ask about the Lord, about the purpose of this transmigration, about what it meant to be the only one with this System. Was he truly the only one? Was he somehow special, chosen? A descendant of the Lord, perhaps?

He felt a surge of curiosity, a burning need to unravel the mysteries surrounding his new reality. He knew he had a long road ahead, filled with challenges and dangers, but he was ready. He was ready to embrace his destiny, to become powerful.

He was no longer just Leon Cranve, the commoner. He was Leon Cranve, the Transmigrant. And he was ready to embrace his new life.