

My conversation with Father weighed heavy on my mind. I didn't want to live that kind of life. Everything was as frustrating as anything could get. I couldn't even go back to the penthouse afterward.

I went straight to the park to clear my head and take a walk. My personal favorite thing to do was to watch babies playing around as parents ran after them to get them to stay in one place.

I wished I was a baby again. They were so carefree and free of all burdens. They were so innocent that they didn't know how much the world was riddled with sin and evil people.

Looking back, even when I was a baby, I was subject to violence. I couldn't count the number of times the walls of the Agosti mansion had been repainted to hide the blood stains that wouldn't come off.

But no matter the number of layers of paint they plastered on the walls, they were always dirty in my eyes.