An Unforgettable Love Tale

**Chapter 2**

Max smiled warmy at Sakura as she wiped her tears away. She was really going through a lot, and he could feel her pain and struggles as if they were his own. His heart twisted with sympathy as he gently took her hand in his, wishing he could protect her from the horrors of her past.

Sakura looked up at him, her eyes still wet with tears. For a moment, she felt like a little child again, so vulnerable and helpless. But the presence of Max beside her made her feel protected and safe.

"I'll be okay," she said softly.

Max nodded and squeezed her hands gently.

"I know you will," he said confidently, trying to reassure her.

Sakura took a deep breath and tried to gain her composure.

She was still emotional, but she didn't want to be a burden on Max by continuing to cry.

"I'm sorry for putting all this on you," she said, her voice still shaky and tearful.

Max smiled softly and squeezed her hand. "It's okay," he said kindly. "Don't apologize. It's not a burden at all. I want to listen and help whenever I can."

Sakura nodded, taking in his words of kindness and reassurance.

She took another deep breath, trying to rein in her emotions.

"Well… there's actually something else I haven't told you yet..."

Max's attention instantly snapped back to her as he sensed she was about to reveal more important information.

Sakura glanced down at her hands, trying to find the courage to say it.

Max's gaze was fixed on her, waiting for her to reveal what it was that she had been keeping from him.

She took a deep breath and looked back up at him.

"There's a reason why I'm so closed off and private…"

Max felt a surge of concern as she said this, and his curiosity was piqued.

He instinctively reached over and took her hands again, gently cupping them in his.

He knew that she was going to say something extremely personal and vulnerable, and he wanted to make sure that she felt supported and safe.

"Go on," he said softly, his tone gentle yet reassuring.

She took a deep breath and finally spoke. "Well...the real reason I'm so closed off and private is Because I was bullied in school. The kids found out about my father, and they always teased me because of him."

"They made my life here miserable, and I was never able to forget or move past that..."

Max's heart sank as he realized how much she must have suffered. his eyes darkened as he was flooded with anger and disdain for the kids who had bullied her.

Max couldn't believe he hadn't put this together before, but he shouldn't have been too surprised considering how private she was about her past.

"Those assholes," he said under that breath, his eyes burning with rage.

He felt his muscles tensing up as he pictured the kids who had made Sakura's life so miserable.

"It's not fair, you know. That they put you through that..."

Sakura nodded silently, her eyes filling with more tears as his anger seemed so sincere.

She was used to people not understanding her pain, or blaming her for it. But Max seemed to truly get it, and he was mad on her behalf.

"It's not fair," he repeated, his voice shaking with emotion.

Then he pulled her into a tight hug, his hands gripping her back softly.

"It's not fair," he mumbled again, his voice cracking a bit with rage.

Even though Sakura had been through so much, this was her first time ever being comforted like this.

The gesture took her by surprise and her body

softened under his embrace.

"Shh," Max whispered, his voice soothing and gentle. He squeezed her tightly, holding her close as she began to cry again.

Max rocked her gently with his embrace and patted her on the back, his arms and chest protecting her from the outside world.

Even though they were in a busy restaurant, they were completely secluded within their own little bubble at that moment.

And Max could sense that even though she was still crying, there was something comforting about being held and comforted like this.

Max continued to rock her gently, his eyes closed and his own throat tightening up in emotion.

"Don't worry," Max murmured, his voice husky and soothing. "I'll keep you safe. I'll never let anyone hurt you again."

Max reached for his wallet, pulling out his credit card as he realized that they had finished their meal.

He paid the bill without even thinking about it, only focused on making sure Sakura was okay.

As they walked out of the restaurant, he held her hand gently and didn't let go, his protective instinct taking over.

Sakura was still a little shaky and tearful, but she seemed a bit more calm now that he was holding her hand and leading her safely away from the restaurant.

They walked a few blocks, and after a while, she finally spoke up.

"Thank you," she whispered quietly, her voice trembling slightly.

Max glanced down at her, and his heart filled with warmth at her gratitude.

"You don't have to thank me," he said, his voice gentle and reassuring.

Sakura smiled up at him with watery eyes, and he could feel her hand twitching slightly in his grasp.

"You really don't," he repeated. "It's the least I could do."

Max smiled softly, his hand squeezing hers gently as he continued walking along the sidewalk.

They were heading down a relatively deserted street, and the night sky was beginning to darken.

He was thinking to himself that he should come up with a plan for the next time they meet up, when he suddenly remembered something.

His eyes lightened up, and he stopped in his tracks, grabbing her hand tighter.

"Wait a minute," Max said. He pulled her back slightly, turning her around to face him.

"I just remembered something..."

Sakura's eyes immediately grew wide and her heart skipped a beat, feeling his tight grip on her hand as she turned to face him.

Max's eyes were glinting with mischief, and he had a playful smile on his face.

"I forgot to tell you something..."

Sakura smiled back, her eyes still watery from crying earlier.

"What is it?" she asked softly, her heart fluttering slightly as she held her gaze.

Max smiled more broadly, and then he leaned forward, slowly approaching her.

Sakura felt her heart pounding in her chest as Max leaned closer and closer towards her.

She felt a rush of adrenaline, like something intense was about to happen.

Max's lips were barely an inch from hers, and he was moving slowly, like he was savoring this moment.

Sakura could feel her breath hitching in her chest, and her heart was pounding like mad.

Max's lips were so close to hers, and she couldn't help but lean forward slightly as well, closing the rest of the distance between them.

Her lips brushed against his, and then they pressed together.

Max pulled her tightly into his embrace, his arms wrapping around her as he deepened their kiss.

Sakura felt her body melt into his embrace, clinging to him as she savored each and every moment of this intimate and unforgettable exchange.

They stayed like that for a while, their mouths locked together in a passionate and intense kiss.

Max didn't want to let her go, and she didn't want to end it either.

After a few moments, Max finally pulled back, breathing heavily.

Sakura's mouth was burning from the intensity of the moment, and she was still clinging tightly to him, her heart still pounding from the rush of adrenaline.

Max reached up his hand and gently cradled the back of her head, caressing her cheek with his thumb. His eyes were glinting with admiration and affection as he looked down at her.

He leaned towards her again and brushed his lips against her ear.

"You are the most beautiful and amazing person I have ever met," he whispered in her ear.

Max's words made Sakura's heart skip a beat, and she felt her face warming up slightly.

Just as she was about to say something in response, she felt a few drops of water fall on her cheek.

They looked up at the sky, and suddenly, it started pouring rain.

Sakura gasped, as the rain slowly started to pick up in intensity. Max took her hand and pulled her under the nearest awning, protecting her from the rain.

He stood close to her, shielding her from the rain.

Max looked down at her, her eyes flickering with amusement.

"Well, talk about perfect timing," he said with a playful grin.

Sakura smiled back at him, her eyes glistening with childlike joy.

"It's like the spirits are trying to give us a romantic moment," she said, her voice slightly shaky but still gleeful.

Max's grin grew wider, and he brushed a strand of hair away from her face.

"We don't need them for that," he said, his tone teasing yet affectionate.

Sakura laughed softly, feeling his playful tease but also finding it endearingly sweet.

Max took her hand in his again, and they stood together under the awning, watching the rain fall.

They stayed like that for a while, soaking in the atmosphere and enjoying each other's presence.

A few minutes later, Max reached out his other hand and softly brushed Sakura's chin.

He looked at her for a moment, her face bathed in the flickering light of the street lamps, her hair stuck to her head because of the rain.

Max brushed her wet hair out of her face, and then he leaned down and kissed her again, softly grazing his lips against her rain-soaked face.

Suddenly, there was an ominous crackle of thunder, and the rain grew even heavier.

Sakura jumped slightly at the sudden noise, her heart fluttering in her chest.

Max pulled her tighter into his embrace again, and she felt his strong arms wrap around her as she rested her head on his shoulder.

He looked down at her, feeling a surge of protection and affection for this beautiful, frail girl.

After their intimate moment under the awning, Max and Sakura reluctantly went their separate ways. Max was just about to get on the subway to go back home when his phone vibrated in his pocket.

Sakura was already a few steps ahead, and she was walking casually away from him, her head down and her umbrella open.

Max pulled out his phone and looked at the text message he had received from his friend, Sam.

Sam's text message read: "Hey man, you still coming over tonight?"

Max quickly tapped out a reply: "Yeah, I'll be there in a bit."

He put his phone back in his pocket and started to catch up with Sakura.

Max caught up to her and matched her pace, walking beside her as she continued to slowly make her way home.

She was still drenched from the rain, and max was able to smell the scent of shampoo and perfume that were mixed with the rainwater.

Max walked a little closer, his hand brushing against hers occasionally.

After a few moments, he finally spoke up, his tone a mix of playfulness and affection.

"You're walking really slowly, you know."

Sakura couldn't help but giggle at Max's playful comment.

"I'm trying to extend the moment," she said softly, her voice a bit shaky from her laughter.

Max chuckled and brushed his fingers against hers, his hand gently grasping hers.

"So you actually liked our moment under the awning, huh?"

Sakura smiled back at him, a gentle blush spreading across her face as she looked up at him.

"I did enjoy it," she confessed, her eyes flickering with delight at the memories of their intimate moment.

Max took notice of her blush and his smile widened as he noticed how innocent yet sweet she was. He could tell she was a delicate girl, easily embarrassed but also very sincere and hones.

Sakura looked up at Max with a curious expression.

"Where are you going, anyway?" she asked, her voice a bit softer and lower than it was before.

Max paused for a moment, and then he finally gave her an answer.

"I'm going to meet my friend at his place later tonight," he said casually, avoiding an awkward pause between them.

Sakura thought for a moment, considering whether she should ask him another question or not.

Then she finally decided to do it, looking up at him and asking in an uncertain tone of voice.

"Do you live close by?" she asked hesitatingly, her curiosity finally overcoming her slightly reserved nature.

Max smiled, finding her uncertainty really endearing. He liked the way she kept asking questions even after he had already answered her previous one. It showed her curiosity and enthusiasm for life.

He brushed her hair out of her face again, and then he leaned in closer to her, his voice dropping slightly as he spoke.

"I live just a few blocks from here," he said, his gaze intense and slightly flirty.

Sakura found herself flustered by his intense and flirtatious gaze, and she couldn't help but blush again.

She smiled nervously, her eyes flickering with admiration and amusement at the way he was flirting with her.

"Just a few blocks?" she repeated softly, her tone teasing but tinged with flirtatious curiosity.

Max laughed softly, noticing the playful tone of her voice.

"Yep, just a few blocks. In fact, I live right around the corner."

He winked playfully at her, his tone playful but flirtatious. He liked making her flustered.

Sakura smiled faintly in return, finding his flirting charming. She liked the playful nature of his flirtation, and she liked the way he was so comfortable around her. She appreciated his casual and friendly attitude towards her.

She thought she saw him wink, but she was so distracted by his warm presence that she wasn't sure.

She giggled softly, and then she finally spoke up again.

"So, do you mind if I follow you?"

Max laughed softly, a tiny smirk appearing on his lips as her playful question caught him off guard.

He felt a tiny rush of amusement flood his body, and he chuckled softly again.

"I'll meet my friend later." He shrugged casually, his gaze flicking to her playfully. "For something as lovely as you, I don't mind giving him a little delay."

Max chuckled again, a playful glint in his eyes. He was definitely enjoying their playful exchange, but he was also aware that he had plans to meet his friend later.

He glanced down at her again, feeling a strange feeling in his chest as he noticed how beautiful and innocent she looked standing next to him.

Max was usually a very confident person, but this girl was making him feel like a hopeless romantic.

Max leaned in a little closer towards her, his voice a mix of playful teasing and affectionate flirtation. "Maybe another time?"

Sakura smiled back at him, feeling a burst of excitement and pleasure wash over her as she noticed his flirtatious tone. She was so caught up in his flirty attitude that she almost didn't realize he was suggesting that they meet again.

She chuckled softly, and then she finally realized what he was suggesting.

"Maybe another time," she repeated softly, her tone playful but also sincere.

Max's smile grew wider, as he realized that she was now willingly agreeing to meet him again sometime.

His gaze was intense as he spoke, his playful flirting slowly shifting towards a more sincere and intimate vibe.

He brushed her hair out of her face one more time, his hands gently grazing her cheek as he looked deeply into her eyes. "I'd like that. Now, let me walk you home."

Sakura smiled back at him, the flirtatious tension that had been building between them was finally broken.

She nodded gently, her heart fluttering in her chest, but she couldn't resist teasing him one more time.

"So, you're going to walk me home instead of meeting your friend?" she asked playfully, tilting her head to the side with a teasing smirk on her face.

Max smirked back, enjoying their playful banter greatly.

He laughed softly, taking her hand and starting to walk her in the direction of her home.

"I told you I'll meet my friend later," he explained casually, still giggling as he continued to walk.

"But for now, I want to spend some more time with you."

As they walked, the rain had slowly started to stop, and the storm finally died out completely.

Sakura couldn't help but glance up at the sky, as she felt the drops of rain drying on her skin from the gentle breeze.

She could barely make out the stars in the night sky through the gray clouds, but she found the sight peaceful and calming.

Max also glanced up at the night sky, his eye flickering towards her occasionally.

A few moments later, they reached her apartment, and Max stopped in front of her door.

She couldn't help but feel a bittersweet pang in her heart as she realized that this would be their goodbye for now.

Max laughed softly and brushed her hair out of her face, his gaze soft yet playful.

"Guess this is where I'll say goodnight to you," he said playfully, grinning at her.

Sakura giggled softly, feeling a wave of admiration and affection for him as she looked up at him.

She was sad that they had to say goodbye for now, but she was also excited about the possibility of seeing him again soon.

She looked up at him, a playful smile gracing her lips.

"Goodnight. I'll see you soon."

Max smiled back at her, and even though he wanted to kiss her again, he refrained himself. He was enjoying this subtle flirting way too much, and he didn't want to rush into things too quickly.

Instead, he brushed her hair out of her face again, his hand lightly caressing her cheek.

"Goodnight. I'll text you later, okay?"

Sakura smiled warmly, her heart fluttering in her chest as she felt his warm touch.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for your message," she replied softly, her voice tinged with flirtatious excitement.

Max grinned, his look filled with playful affection.

"See you soon, darling."

Max grinned again, and with that, he finally walked away.

Sakura let out a sigh, feeling a wave of bittersweet happiness and affection for him as she watched him go.

She went inside her apartment, feeling a warm and blissful energy wash over her body.

She stood there for a few minutes, thinking about how lucky she was to meet him tonight. She hoped that they would meet again soon, and she couldn't wait to hear from him again.

Sitting alone in her apartment, Sakura could not escape the thoughts of Max.

She kept repeating their earlier exchange in her head, and her heart fluttered like mad.

She was completely infatuated with him.

At the same time, she also wondered if she would ever see him again, she was anxious for that next text message and for the next time she would get to talk to him.

She felt both ecstatic and tormented by this overwhelming wave of emotions.

After parting from Sakura, Max arrived at Sam's house and was welcomed inside by him.

Sam was standing in the living room, a mischievous grin on his face.

"You were just wasting your time with a girl, weren't you?" he asked playfully, his tone teasing.

Max chuckled softly, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms over his chest.

"You know me too well."

Sam chuckled softly, knowing his friend all too well.

"So, was she beautiful?" he asked teasingly.

Max grinned, a mischievous look flashing in his eyes.

"She was gorgeous."

Sam chuckled again, knowing he had accurately predicted the outcome.

"And did you get her number?"

Max nodded, a wide grin stretching across his face.

"I'm going to text her later tonight," he said confidently.

Sam let out a low whistle, impressed by his friend's smooth moves.

"You really know how to charm the ladies, don't you?"

Max shrugged casually, a playful smirk gracing his lips.

"Just came naturally tonight. She seemed really into me too.

Max and Sakura hit it off instantly, and he walked her home. She is now thinking about him, and anxiously awaiting his text message. Max later visits Sam, who teases him about his encounter with Sakura. Max tells him how beautiful he finds Sakura, and that he plans to text her later. Sam is impressed by Max's charm and smoothness. Max smiles proudly, confident that he has attracted Sakura's attention.