An Unforgettable Love Tale

# Chapter 3: The Bruises

Sakura was walking her usual way, approaching her apartment building when she saw her father standing outside. Her heart instantly sank as she saw him here, and she quickly tried to turn around and walk the other way.

But before she could make a single step, her father grabbed her arm and pulled her into him.

Sakura froze in place, feeling a surge of fear as her father grabbed her wrist tightly and pulled her towards him. Her eyes flashed with fear and terror as she looked up at his face, unable to resist.

He was just as she remembered him, angry and aggressive, with a cold look in his eyes.

Sakura tried to pull away from him, but her father's grip on her wrist was much too strong. She had no choice but to look at him right in the eye.

"What did I tell you about being out so late? How many times have I told you, young lady??" Her father growled menacingly, his voice low and intimidating.

Sakura flinched, feeling a surge of fear wash over her as she saw the anger and frustration in his eyes.

She had heard this many times, and she knew that she had to agree with him, even if she felt otherwise.

"I'm sorry, dad. I won't do it again," she whispered softly, even though she didn't mean a single word of it.

Her father scowled at her, his gaze filled with anger and contempt.

"I'm not going to repeat this again. Do you understand me, young lady? I want you to stay in the house like a good girl, and not leave until I tell you to."

Sakura nodded hastily, feeling overwhelmed with fear and insecurity.

"Yes, father. I understand."

Max was walking home from Sam's apartment, feeling a lighthearted and happy mood after spending time with him once again. His mind was filled with playful thoughts of Sakura, and he was eagerly looking forward to that moment when he would text her again.

To his surprise, as he approached Sakura's apartment building, he saw her standing outside with someone else. His heart suddenly fluttered inside his chest as he saw her, and he quickly took a glimpse to see who her companion was...

Max froze in his tracks when he first got a look at Sakura's father, feeling a wave of dread wash over him as he got a better look at his face. As he watched Sakura interacting with him, he could sense the tense, aggressive energy coming from the person, and he could see how the man's hold over Sakura was clearly dominating and oppressive.

Max's breath caught in his throat as he caught sight of the bruise on her face, and he could tell that the man beside her was responsible for it. He could sense the aggressive and oppressive energy coming from him, and he could feel tension and aggression radiating from the entire scene.

To Max's horror, her father was yelling at her, scolding her as he pushed and pulled her towards where he wanted her to go.

...her father suddenly struck her in the face, punching her in the cheek, and she crumpled to the ground. Her eyes were glazed over with shock and fear, and he could hear her screaming in pain and outrage.

Max's rage finally boiled over when her father threw that punch, and he screamed out of anger and fury as he witnessed the brutality in front of his eyes. His voice was loud, enraged as he screamed at her father.

He didn't even care about what the two of them were talking about, as his hatred and anger completely overwhelmed him.

He walked briskly towards them, his heart pounding in his chest, and stopped only when he stood right in front of her father.

Max saw Sakura clutching her cheek where her father had punched her, staring at him in shock and fear.

He ignored her father completely and turned to her, his voice soft and gentle, even though his veins were still burning with rage.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Let me see."

Sakura was shaken and scared, and she could barely speak. She nodded slowly, her eyes filled with fear and despair.

Max gently lifted her hand away from her cheek, his eyes flashing with anger again as he saw the bruise clearly visible on her face.

Max's eyes were burning with rage as he saw her bruised face, and his voice was tight with anger as he glared into her father's eyes.

He crouched down in front of her, looking at her softly and gently, while his eyes were filled with rage.

"Look at me, sweetheart."

Sakura nodded slowly, trying hard to not let her fear and anxiety show. Her eyes were locked onto Max's eyes, which were filled with anger and protection.

She could smell the rage coming off of him, and she knew that she was safe with him.

"I'm okay," she whispered softly, her voice tremulous with fear.

Max's expression softened when he saw how scared she was, and he took her into his arms and held her close, feeling a wave of affection and concern for her.

He gently wiped the tears from her face, caressing her cheek gently and soothingly.

"It's all right, darling. You're safe now."

As he held her close, Max could feel her trembling and leaning into him for safety. She looked even more fragile and vulnerable than before, and he knew that she was still scared.

Suddenly, he heard her father's footstep walking away from him.

"Go inside, Sakura..."Max said in a stern voice, "We'll deal with this later."

Sakura nods slowly, her eyes gazing up at him in a mixture of gratitude and fear.

Max gently pulls her to her feet, helping her stand up and stand on her own.

With a final glance at her father, her eyes fill with fear and distrust.

Max squeezes her hand gently, and he leads her inside.

Max leads Sakura inside her apartment, closing the door behind them.

Sakura leans into him again for support and safety, and he gently wraps his arm around her slender waist.

Max looks at her softly and gently, and his eyes are filled with concern for her safety.

"You're safe now", he says softly, "no one can hurt you anymore."

Max holds her close, and his care and affection for her become apparent. They hug each other tightly, with Max cradling her against him, his body warm and protective around her.

His voice is gentle and soft, and he strokes her hairs slowly, soothingly, as they stand there in silence.

He leans his head down to her shoulders, breathing in her neck and letting his lips softly brush her skin.

Sakura shudders, feeling his warm breath on her skin and the gentle tickling of his lips.

She closes her eyes, letting out a soft sigh, and her body melts against his.

She feels like she is safe and sheltered inside his arms, sheltered and embraced by love and affection.

Max holds her even more tightly, wrapping his arms around her more and pulling her closer to him.

He feels the softness of her skin against his, and the warmth of her body as he holds her close. He nuzzles his face into her neck, and her hair tickles his face as he kisses her gently.

Sakura sighs softly, feeling a wave of pleasure wash over her as she rests her body into his. She closes her eyes again, feeling the tenderness of his touch, and the warm of his breath on her neck.

She lets out another soft sigh, feeling content and safe in his arms.

Max holds her tightly, squeezing her waist and caressing her body, and his breathing becomes deeper as he feels his lips on her skin.

Sakura leans into him more, feeling his lips on her neck again, and her body sighs softly, letting his touch and warmth envelope her.

Max pulls away from her neck again, and he looks at her face, his eyes glowing with affection and care as he smiles gently at her.

He brushes the hair out of her face, and then he leans in and kisses her softly on the lips.

Sakura melts into his kiss, feeling completely safe and protected under his touches.

They break the kiss for a moment, their breath heavy and their eyes locked.

Max lets out a slow, soft sigh and leans in to kiss her again, more forcefully this time.

Sakura smiles into the kiss, the passion rising between them, and she wraps her arms around him, pulling him close as they make out passionately.

Their hands start to explore each other's bodies, and their kisses become more frantic and intense with each passing moment.

Sakura is overcome with a wave of sensation, and she squeezes him tightly, her breath coming in short, quick gasps.

Max pulls her closer to him so that her body is pressed tightly against his, and their hands start to roaming all over each other's body.

The passion and lust building inside them becomes overwhelming, and they can no longer control their urges.

Max lifts Sakura into his arms and walks over to the bed, laying her down gently.

Sakura squeezes him tightly, the desire inside her bursting into flames.

Max gently lays her down on the bed, and he leans over her, the heat building between them.

Max lays on top of Sakura, his body pressed against her soft and delicate frame.

Sakura closes her eyes, feeling the pressure of his weight, and her fingers find their way into his hair as she pulls him closer.

With a deep groan, Max kisses her deeply, and their mouths move together frantically and passionately.

Max starts to move slowly and passionately, his hands roaming all over her body, and slowly exploring her every inch.

Sakura is consumed by the heat inside her, and she pulls him closer. Her fingers dig into his hair, and she holds onto him tighter and tighter.

With every passing moment, their touches become heavier, their bodies moving together in rhythm, as max slowly builds his pace, their breath becoming faster and louder....

Max's movements become faster, and his touches become more aggressive, as he loses himself in the heat and passion.

Sakura wraps her legs around him tightly, pulling him into her, her body responding to him with every twitch of passion.

They kiss more aggressively, and they move in unison together, a wave of passion and lust sweeping away both of their defenses....

Max finally loses control, and he lets out a wild roar of pleasure.

Sakura responds, with her own cries of pleasure. Their bodies move in rhythmic unison, their breaths becoming shallow, and their kisses becoming desperate and frantic.

Finally, the passion is too much, and their bodies erupt, together into a burst of pleasure, and they collapse into each other's arms, exhausted but completely satisfied....

Max and Sakura's breathing slowly returns to normal, their bodies pressed together, exhausted yet completely fulfilled. They lie there, breathing heavily, and finally relaxing into each other's arms.

Max's body slowly relaxes on top of hers, his weight becoming heavier but not uncomfortable, and he wraps his arms around her.

They lay there for a while, just resting and enjoying the afterglow of passion.

"You were amazing," he whispers, breathing softly into her neck.

Sakura smiles, her body still trembling slightly as she breaths heavily.

"You were too," she whispers, pressing her body tightly against him.

They lie in silence for a moment, their breathing slowly returning to normal as the afterglow of passion begins to fade.

Max gently presses his lips to Sakura's neck again, and his hands start to explore her body again, slowly moving up and down her body....

Sakura shivers as his lips brush her neck again, his fingers slowly moving across her body.

Max grins, his eyes gleaming with lust and passion as he can't contain himself any more.

He starts to move slowly and passionately once again, and Sakura's breath catches as she feels her body beginning to respond again...

Max's movements become more frantic, as his breath grows heavier, and his touches become stronger.

Sakura responds in kind, her body moving with him as their bodies move in sync, and her breathing grows shallow, becoming more urgent.

With each passing moment, the pleasure building inside them grows even stronger, and their bodies come together again, their touches becoming even more desperate...

They lay together on the bed, exhausted yet still filled with passion. After a while, Max drifts off to sleep next to her, his body pressed closely to her own.

The rain hits the window, the sound soothing and calming, and the two of them lie in each other's arms, asleep and content.

Max and Sakura spent the night in bed together, Max's body curled up against her soft frame.

The morning light floods the room, and Max slowly wakes up, his eyes half-closed as he turns towards Sakura.

He smiles gently at her, her sleeping face peaceful and untroubled, and he pulls her close to him.

With a yawn, he buries his face in her hair, smelling the sweet scent of her shampoo, and he sighs happily.

He rests his head on her shoulder, his arms around her, as he savors the feel of her body against his own.

He whispers softly, "Good morning," and Sakura slowly opens her eyes and looks up at him.

She smiles, blinking slowly, as she pulls him close, her body snuggling against his chest, her head lying against him.

They spend the morning like this, just enjoying the comfort and familiarity of each other's presence...

Max and Sakura's relationship has just began, and they are enjoying the early stages of a passionate and intimate romance. While they are not necessarily in love, they have developed an affinity for one another, and they are looking forward to exploring their relationship.

Max feels content by her side, and Sakura finds comfort in his presence. Their relationship has a bright future ahead of it, and it will be interesting to see where it goes from here.