Chapter 31

[Third POV]

The next month went by in the bling of an eye. Solon got up from his meditation, bulit a single house according to the specifications and then he drank tea while thinking for the rest of the day.

The only noteworthy event was the creation of a garden filled with tea ingredients.

It surrounded the shop dividing it from the rest of the growing village. A small bridge created throught earthbending was created -for any customer to enter the shop- passing above a small stream of water that Solon created for the garden's needs.

It was the perfect enviroment for people to relax, at least that's what Solon thought and, if you asked, most people would agree. A small tea shop where you could relax was perfect to help you forget the constant work burdening you.

That's why most people couldn't wait for the opening. However, they were dissapointed to know that Solon would leave to visit a friend and only after the journey would he open the shop.

However the villagers, now familiar with Solon due to this month, understood that he wanted to experience the excitment of a journey before finally settling down permanently. He was a traveler at heart after all.


With the sound of a door closing, Solon once again found himself in the road leading to the Si wong desert.

'This is boring.' He thought as he looked at the familiar sights.

'I've been walking only for an hour but I am already bored. It seems perfect memory has it's negatives as well.'

Solon immediately used his power to teleport himself close to the library skipping a huge amount of distance, yet allowing himself to walk quite a bit.

'Seems like I will have to extend my visit by a week to make the travel believable.'

He approached the huge library for the second time in his life and got inside, once again getting excited at the sight of a huge amount of books around him, while his chi started trying to go out of his control.

"You know, you are the only being I cannot sense when inside this library. Why is that?" A familiar voice sounded as Solon tried to suppress his power.

Turning around Solon saw Wan Shi Tong standing there looking directly at him like he was a piece of knowledge.

"Will that information cover the cost of visiting the library?" Solon asked with a smirk on his face.

Wan Shi Tong looked at him in silence before he scofed and turned around.

"No, I want something else. You know the rules right? The knowledge in the scroll and then you are free to do whatever you want as long as you don't destroy the books." He said as he pointed at a scroll right next to the entrance.

Before Solon could say anything, the owl flew away without a sound.


Solon let out a breath, walked to the scroll and started writing down some basic information about molecules.

'Even if I don't want to give this knowledge myb pride won't allow me to cheat this particular spirit.' He though, hesitant to share this knowledge with anyone.

Nontheless, Solon couldn't deny the fact that he admired Wan Shi Tong. The owl had lived for over a million years, yet it kept trying to obtain new knowledge throught this library. It was satisfying for him to know that there were creatures that knew the importance of knowledge.

Solon shook his head to clear it once again and turned towards the library's interior. He immediately started walking towards a random direction.

While walking once in a while he randomly stopped grabbed a scroll and started reading through it without caring about what the scroll was about.

This time he wasn't here to find something in particular, he was here to learn.

Time passed as Solon went through hundreds of scrolls that kept knowledge about bending, history, spirituality, chi, chakras, spirits as well as other more simple knowledge like gardening, tea brewing, building, cooking and poetry.

Overall, it was an extremely valuable time. However, what he didn't acount for was the fact that he was so enamored with the knowledge inside the scrolls and the newly created books that instead of staying a single month, it's been 7 weeks since he came to the library.

'I believe it's time to return. I should propably go ask Wan Shi Tong my questions now.' He thought as he moved towards the place he felt the owl's chi.

After a while he found the owl reading what he assumed was the scroll he wrote when he got into the library like a maniac while surrounded by hundreds if not thousands of books and scrolls.

He carefully walked closer to the spirit and looked at the books around it in order to find out what it was studying.

While looking throught the books Solon saw a random line of text that drew his attencion.

'If molecules exist but we are unable to see or feel their existence, does that mean that there are other, smaller things?'

'Seems like his title is not undeserved.' Solon thought impressed at the fact that Wan Shi Tong use the small piece of information that was given to him to find out such a large amount of information.

Not all of the knowledge was correct but that was expected, normal spirits don't possess the same kind of sense with Concept-level spirits after all.

"Wan Shi Tong, I came to ask about something and say goodbye."

After getting no answer from the spirit Solon decided to put his questions aside and let the spirit alone. He knew how valuable new knowledge was for creatures like him after all.

~~~~{chapter end}~~~~