Underwater: 3

In the chamber filled with strange machines and experiments, Henry, Axel, Aurora, and the group of soldiers advanced cautiously. The atmosphere was tense, and uncertainty weighed heavily on them. Suddenly, they heard screams coming from a nearby hallway. Henry rushed towards the noise, followed by the others. As they turned the corner, they were shocked by what they saw. A group of humans was being devoured by zombies, some still alive as they were brutally torn apart.

"Oh my God..." Henry said.

The horror of the scene paralyzed everyone. Axel and Aurora exchanged worried glances. The situation was worse than they had imagined.

"We have to do something. We can't let that happen to us," Aurora said.

"You're right. We need to move silently and find an exit as soon as possible," Henry added.

As they moved down the hallway, the zombies began to notice their presence. Axel drew his weapons, and the soldiers raised their guns, preparing for the worst.

"Take positions! Stay calm and don't shoot unless necessary," Axel instructed.

Suddenly, the zombies, aware of the group's presence, charged at them with ferocity. Chaos erupted. The sound of gunfire and zombie growls filled the hallway. Axel fought hand-to-hand with some zombies, while Aurora and the soldiers tried to maintain control of the situation.

"Fall back! Let's move back!" Henry shouted.

The group managed to push through, but the situation was critical. Henry, distressed by the brutality of the zombies, was determined to find answers and put an end to all this. Meanwhile, Rayber and his team, led by Carlos, continued their journey through the underwater cave. They encountered more challenges and horrific creatures as they ventured into the unknown. The darkness and mysteries surrounding this place promised to reveal secrets that would change the course of their fight against the shadows.

As Rayber and his team moved deeper into the underwater cave, the tension in the group became palpable. Carlos, once a key member of Legion 101, carried an air of mystery and coldness that intrigued Rayber.

"Carlos, we need to talk," Rayber said.

"We're already talking, Rayber," Carlos replied curtly.

Carlos's response was terse, but Rayber knew there was more behind that unflappable facade. They stopped in a room illuminated by strange bioluminescent formations, creating a surreal atmosphere.

"Carlos, we've been through a lot together. What happened after we got separated?" Rayber asked.

"Things you couldn't understand," Carlos said.

"Carlos, we've fought together. Didn't you ever want to get out of here? If you know the way out, why haven't you left?" Rayber asked, keeping some distance.

Carlos remained silent for a moment, his eyes reflecting an internal torment. Finally, he spoke in a somber tone.

"I was trapped here, Rayber. You don't know what it's like to face darkness every day, loneliness, loss. People change when they face this hell."

"But not everyone changes in the same way. Why didn't you try to leave if they were tormenting you?" Rayber asked.

"No one else was there to help me. And when you realize the only way out is to join the shadows, you do it," Carlos said.

Rayber stood in shock, processing Carlos's revelation. The dark past of Carlos cast a shadow over their conversation. Rayber, though wanting to understand, couldn't help but feel scared in the moment.

"I don't know what you're trying to say, Carlos," Rayber said.

"Sooner or later, we all face our own abyss, Rayber," Carlos replied.

The conversation grew more tense, leaving Rayber with more questions than answers. Meanwhile, Henry, Axel, and Aurora continued their struggle in the depths of the cave, facing unimaginable horrors while desperately searching for an exit. The darkness and mystery surrounding them seemed to have a more sinister plan than ever.

Carlos, once revealed as Hibris, led Rayber and his team into a room filled with zombies.

"Carlos, what... are you doing?" Rayber asked.

"We need more strength, Rayber, and to achieve that, we must kill anyone who tries to stop us," Carlos said.

The room was filled with the guttural moans of zombies, their lifeless eyes fixed on the newcomers. Carlos, with a twisted smile, stepped forward and revealed his true identity.

"I am Hibris. The one who controls the darkness that consumes this place," Carlos said, with half of his body consumed by a purple aura.

Rayber and his team stepped back, stunned by the revelation.

"Why, Carlos? We were a family," Rayber said.

"Family is a weakness. In this world, weakness gets you killed," Carlos replied.

Carlos extended his arms, and the zombies, as if responding to a dark call, advanced towards Rayber and his team. The fight for survival turned into a desperate battle as the GHOST squad faced a figure seemingly dissolving into the air, now transformed into something darker. Meanwhile, in the other part of the cave, Henry, Axel, and Aurora continued facing unknown dangers. The darkness surrounding them wasn't just in the shadows but also in the revelations and betrayals that haunted them. The fight for survival had become more complex and dangerous, leading them to face not only the zombies but also the shadow of their own past.

Carlos, now revealed as Hibris, continued his transformation. A dark energy enveloped him, and his figure began to distort as if merging with the shadows around him.

Rayber, still in shock from Carlos's revelation, tried to find a logical explanation for Carlos's transformation. Meanwhile, Rohwder, along with the squad, faced the horde of zombies, unaware of what was happening in the other part of the cave.

"The Founding Power is the next level of existence! And soon you will all understand!" Carlos shouted.

Suddenly, the dark energy intensified, completely enveloping Carlos. His human form began to fade, replaced by an imposing and terrifying dark entity.

"Carlos, no!" Rayber cried out.

Hibris, now in an indescribable form, began to exert control over the darkness in the cave. The zombies, instead of attacking, knelt before this new entity as if they were puppets obeying their master.

"Welcome to the next level of existence. There's no turning back," Carlos said, transformed.

Meanwhile, in the deepest part of the cave, Henry, Axel, and Aurora continued facing their own set of challenges. The truth behind the darkness enveloping Carlos and the Supreme Shadow was about to be revealed, and the fate of Legion 101 hung by a thread entangled in mysteries and betrayals.