Underwater: 4

The roar in the cave sounded like a thunderclap that echoed in their ears. The zombies that had been engaged in battle against Henry, Axel, and Aurora suddenly turned around and began to run towards the deepest part of the cave, where Hibris had revealed his presence.

"What's happening?" Henry asked.

"I don't know, but something very bad is going on," Aurora replied.

Axel, with his weapon ready, was prepared for anything. They ventured further into the cave, following the stampede of zombies that led them to the epicenter of the chaos. Meanwhile, in another part of the cave, Rayber and Rohwder, along with their squad, were facing the direct threat of the Supreme Shadow. The dark entity emitted a terrifying presence, and the zombies obeyed its orders without question.

"We have to do something before this gets out of control," Rayber said to Rohwder.

"Attention everyone! Focus on the zombies! Don't let them get close to Hibris!"

The Legion 101 squad struggled to hold back the zombies, but the situation grew more complicated as the darkness of the Supreme Shadow manipulated the cave at will. In the other part, Henry, Axel, and Aurora joined the squad. Rayber and Axel's eyes met, sharing the tension of the moment. Meanwhile, Carlos, in his dark form, turned towards them with a malevolent smile.

The forces of Legion 101 found themselves trapped between the zombie swarm and the terrifying presence of Hibris. The fate of all was at stake, and the battle for survival was about to reach its climax in the depths of the cave.

Junior, the second-in-command of Henry's squad and the first soldier to find him lying in that sewer, determinedly donned the imposing Juggernaut APX armor. The bright armor contrasted with the darkness of the cave. He headed towards the place where Henry had sent the distress signal.

"Hold your position here! I'll take care of whatever's going on with Henry and the others."

The rest of Rayber and Rohwder's squad stayed behind, protecting the rear and fighting off the zombies that continued to emerge from the depths of the cave. As Junior advanced, the Juggernaut APX armor emitted an imposing light, illuminating the dark path. He reached the place where Henry and the others were trapped between the zombies and the Supreme Shadow.

"Henry, what's happening here?!" Junior asked.

"Junior! We don't have time for long explanations. Carlos is controlling the zombies. We need to take him out."

"Understood. Leave it to me."

Junior's imposing presence, clad in the APX armor, changed the dynamic of the battle. Hibris, seeing the new threat, sent the zombies against Junior. The armor withstood the blows of the undead, but the fight was far from easy. In the other part of the cave, Rayber and Rohwder noticed Junior's arrival.

"Look who decided to join the party!"

"Focus on clearing the path! We don't know how much longer we can hold out here."

The cave shook with the intensity of the battle, and the fate of everyone depended on Junior's ability to face Hibris and carve a path to freedom.

The Juggernaut APX armor shone brightly as Junior confronted Carlos. The cave echoed with the clash of blows and the thunderous battle between the hero and the dark being that Carlos had become.

"I'm going to kill you, Hibris."

Carlos let out a dark, distorted laugh, his figure moving with supernatural agility. He lunged at Junior with incredible speed, but the APX armor proved to be a formidable defense. Punches and kicks resounded, creating shockwaves that made the cave walls tremble. Junior used the brute strength of the armor to withstand the attacks, but Hibris was cunning, dodging and countering with agile movements and unpredictable tactics.

Meanwhile, Rayber, Rohwder, and the squad fought against the zombies controlled by the dark aura. The situation grew more desperate with each passing minute. Axel approached Rayber.

"You have to stop that thing. We can't stay here forever."

"I know, Axel. But we need to trust Junior to handle Carlos. We have to hold on a bit longer," Rayber replied.

Back in the central battle, Junior, determined, unleashed a powerful energy beam from the APX armor, striking the Supreme Shadow directly. The dark figure trembled momentarily but didn't give in completely.

The fight continued, a chaotic dance between light and darkness, with the fate of everyone hanging in a delicate balance.

Meanwhile, at the camp, Henry's soldiers managed to get the submarine working again, breaking through the fissure that had trapped them, causing a giant wave to surge in. Henry's soldiers called him, telling him they were heading his way but to prepare for a soaking.

As Junior and Hibris were locked in their fierce battle, the armor seemed to reach its limit, and Carlos delivered a critical blow to Junior, knocking him unconscious. Seeing this, Henry rushed to his faithful second-in-command alongside Rayber. Sensing their plan, Hibris moved to end things by bringing Junior closer to his mouth to devour him, just as the submarine crashed in with a powerful wave, sweeping everything in its path. The wave struck everyone there, zombies and Carlos alike. Rayber ran to protect Aurora, while the others held on as best they could underwater. The submarine operator opened a hatch to allow everyone to enter, with only Junior and the Shadow still in danger. Junior decided to leave the armor and make it explode to end everything once and for all. Just before Junior left, the Shadow said:

"You may have escaped now, but we will meet again, and I will make sure you suffer your worst death."

The armor exploded, but due to the water, the submarine suffered almost no damage, allowing them to escape the underwater cave with everyone safe and sound, leaving behind an explosion so powerful it shook the ocean.

After reaching solid ground, everyone looked at each other while the scientist they had rescued spoke, saying this was not over. The scientist, with a serious expression, approached the group that had just exited the submarine. Henry's eyes reflected both concern and determination.

"This is not the end. The Supreme Shadow is just one piece of a larger puzzle. There is something darker and more dangerous lurking in the shadows," said the scientist.

"What does that mean? What else is coming?" Rayber asked.

"There are unknown forces at play, something that even my scientific expertise cannot fully explain. We need to investigate, understand, and find a way to stop this at its source."

Aurora, still shaken by recent events, approached Rayber and hugged him.

"We can't give up now. We've overcome too much to be defeated by the darkness."

Meanwhile, Axel, standing in a quiet corner, observed in silence. Rohwder approached him, noticing his thoughtful expression.

"Are you okay, Axel?"

"I'm just thinking about everything we've lost and what we still have to face. But we're not giving up."

Henry, recovering from the shock and looking around, spoke up.

"We are united and stronger than we ever imagined. This nightmare isn't over, but neither are we. We must keep going, face whatever comes, and find a way to end this darkness once and for all."

Carlos, with his body deformed by the dark transformation, lay defeated before the group. Despite his defeat, a subtle smile appeared on his face.

"You've beaten me, but you haven't seen anything yet. My friends… my true allies, are waiting in the shadows. You'll meet them soon, and you won't escape."

Rayber, suspicious but intrigued, approached Carlos and asked,

"Who are your friends? What else are you hiding?"

"It's none of your business… for now. But know this, the darkness you face is just the beginning. You won't stop what's coming."

Carlos, with his distorted voice, let out a malevolent laugh before vanishing into nothingness. The group stared at the spot where his figure had been, lost in uncertain thoughts.

"Friends in the darkness? This gets stranger and stranger," Rohwder said.

Legion 101, though they had overcome numerous challenges, faced the uncertainty of what Carlos had warned them about. The darkness on the horizon seemed to expand, and the group members were uneasy about what lay ahead.

"We can't sit idle. We need to prepare for whatever's coming. Any idea who Carlos's 'friends' might be?" Rayber asked.

"No idea, but they're certainly not friendly allies. We need to strengthen ourselves, get more supplies, and ensure the base is attack-proof," Aurora replied.

"I've been investigating for these three years. The darkness has evolved, but so have we. I've made contacts, and there are rumors of other resistance groups in different parts of the world. Maybe we should seek alliances," Henry added.

"Good idea. The more forces we have, the better," Axel responded.

Determined to face any threat, Legion 101 entered a new phase in their fight for survival. As they prepared the base, Axel proposed a bold plan.

"We know the Resisters had powerful technology, especially the Juggernaut APX armor. What if we try to steal another one of those armors? It would give us a significant advantage."

Rayber, with a mix of determination and caution, considered the proposal.

"It's risky, but I'd prefer to apologize to them and see if we can help each other."

As Legion 101 prepared for what was to come, a dark storm formed on the horizon, symbolizing the imminent arrival of new challenges. Elsewhere, in a shadowy corner of the world, a hooded figure watched the situation unfold on a screen. A sinister laugh escaped the darkness as their eyes gleamed with malice.

"The games have just begun, Legion. And I have the last card up my sleeve."

The sun sets on the horizon, painting the sky with warm tones and promising a new day full of challenges and mysteries. The 101st Legion, now more united than ever, prepares for what is to come, aware that its fight is just beginning.