Imminent Danger

As Axel, Rohwder, and Isabelle continued their desperate search for an exit in the Undead Dimension, Rayber delved deeper into his training in the Temporal Rift.

In the darkness of the Undead Dimension...

Axel, frustrated, exclaimed, "This is endless! How are we going to find an exit in this hellish labyrinth?"

Rohwder, exhausted, replied, "I don't know, buddy, but we can't give up. We have to keep going."

Isabelle led the way with determination, using her knowledge of the dimension to guide the group through the dangers they encountered.

"We can't afford to stop now. There is an exit somewhere, I know it," Isabelle said firmly.

Meanwhile, in the Temporal Rift...

Rayber continued his training under Maya's watchful eye, who observed his progress with fascination.

"Your ability to master time and space is remarkable, Rayber. You're progressing faster than I expected," Maya said, impressed.

Rayber, thoughtful, asked, "I feel stronger, more skilled... How much time has passed since we started this training?"

"Time is relative in the Temporal Rift. What may have seemed like years to you have actually only been a few hours in the outside world," Maya responded mysteriously.

Rayber was perplexed by this revelation. Although his training seemed to have lasted an eternity, only a few hours had passed since they entered the Temporal Rift.

"So, all this time... it's only been a few hours?" Rayber asked, astonished.

"Yes. But time in here is different. It allows you to experience and learn at an accelerated pace," Maya said serenely.

As Rayber reflected on the nature of time in the Temporal Rift, Maya decided to reveal crucial information before he left that mysterious place.

"Before you go, there's something else you need to know, Rayber. The shadows you face are powerful and have names you must remember," Maya said seriously.

Rayber turned to Maya, his eyes filled with determination as he listened intently.

"Autumn, wielding the power of the Sword of Judgment; Kor, bloodthirsty; Frift, the monarch of shadows; Jamil, with the power of darkness; Jotean, the titan of darkness; Yami, with the power of black magic; and finally, the Founding Power, whose name is..." Maya began to say with solemnity.

Before Maya could finish, a rumble echoed in the Temporal Rift, shaking the ground beneath their feet.

Rayber, alarmed, asked, "What's happening?"

"It seems that the mention of his name has triggered a reaction. It's best if you leave now, Rayber. You must face these shadows and stop the Founding Power before it's too late," Maya replied gravely.

Rayber nodded, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders as he prepared to leave the Temporal Rift and face the challenge that awaited him in the outside world.