The Price of Power

As Rayber exited the Temporal Rift, he emerged into the Undead Dimension, right in front of Rohwder and Axel. They found themselves in a gloomy, distorted landscape filled with unsettling creatures and an ominous silence hanging in the air.

"Rayber!" Rohwder exclaimed in amazement. "How...?"

"How did you get out of the Temporal Rift?" Axel asked, surprised.

Rayber stood up, quickly taking in his surroundings, when a female figure approached them from the shadows. It was Isabelle, the same woman who had helped Rohwder and Axel in their search for an exit from the Undead Dimension.

"It looks like you finally arrived, friend of these two," Isabelle said with a smile.

"Who are you?" Rayber asked curiously.

"My name is Isabelle, and I've been helping Rohwder and Axel find a way out of here," Isabelle replied.

Rayber nodded, grateful for Isabelle's help and eager to learn more about the Undead Dimension and his role in this dangerous mission.

"So, what's next?" Rayber asked, determined.

"Now, we prepare to face the challenges that lie ahead. But first, let me guide you to a safe place," Isabelle said calmly.

As Rayber, Rohwder, Axel, and Isabelle advanced towards "The Safe Place," they encountered Henry, an old acquaintance whose absence had been noted.

"What a pleasure it is to share this journey with you," Henry said with a somber smile.

"Henry, what are you doing here?" Rayber asked, surprised.

Henry remained silent for a moment, his lifeless gaze seeming to pierce through them.

"This is who I am now," Henry replied ominously.

In an instant, Henry's body began to distort and twist as an overwhelming darkness enveloped him completely. When the shadowy mist cleared, an imposing eight-meter-tall figure, a dark and terrifying shadow, stood in his place. Rayber, Rohwder, Axel, and Isabelle found themselves facing a completely different entity, a threat that seemed impossible to confront.

"No matter what you've done, Henry. We're still your friends, and we will help you," Rayber said, ready for combat and activating his power for the first time.

The shadow that had once been Henry let out a sinister laugh as it prepared to attack.

"There are no friends here anymore. Only shadows... and death," Henry said in a distorted voice.

Meanwhile, Valeria was in the library checking the latest supplies when a letter caught her attention. It was a note written by Rayber, strategically left on the table. With trembling hands, Valeria picked up the letter and began to read, "If we don't return in 2 days, I entrust the team to you." The seriousness of Rayber's words echoed in Valeria's mind. She knew Rayber wouldn't take such a warning lightly, and a sense of urgency took hold of her. Without hesitation, Valeria made a decision.

"We can't stay here and wait. If Rayber left me in charge, it means he trusts me to continue the mission."

"You're right. We can't waste any more time. We must head to the Legion's base and find out what happened," Jeison, who was nearby, said.

Sara and Luke, who were preparing the equipment, joined the conversation.

"I'm ready to go. We need to find out what's happening and ensure our comrades are safe," Sara said with determination.

"Let's do it. We don't know what's waiting for us, but we have to stick together in this," Luke said, prepared.

With the team gathered and determined to act, Valeria took the lead and led the way to the Legion's base.

After three days of traveling from their base, the team finally arrived at the Legion's base. However, instead of a warm welcome, they were met by Junior, who was clearly displeased with their return.

"Why did you come back alone and without the others?" Junior asked.

Valeria stepped forward to explain the situation with determination.

"We found a note from Rayber. It seems they faced a dangerous situation and left me in charge if they didn't return in two days."

Junior absorbed the information with a grave expression on his face.

"I understand. But that doesn't change the fact that you left them in an unknown part," Junior said.

"I know, but I think the letter meant for us to return to the base," Valeria responded sympathetically.

Junior nodded with determination, and before finishing the conversation, Rayber's help tracker lit up with an alert saying they needed immediate assistance. Without hesitation, Junior donned his APX armor, ready for action, and rushed out of the base.

The battle against the shadow that once was Henry began with overwhelming intensity. Rayber, Rohwder, and Axel charged forward, prepared to face the challenge before them. Rayber advanced bravely toward the shadow, determination burning in his eyes. Rohwder and Axel followed closely, ready to support him every step of the way. Henry unleashed a barrage of green gamma rays with astounding dexterity.

The paralyzing lightning cut through the air, forcing the three to dodge and block the attacks with all their might. However, in the chaos of the battle, Henry managed to hurl Rayber directly into a wall with shocking force. Rayber hit the surface with a thud, feeling the impact reverberate through his body.

Rohwder and Axel watched in horror as Rayber struggled to stand, his unyielding determination still visible in his eyes despite the pain.

Henry threw Axel and Rohwder aside with overwhelming force, recalling the moment he had been abandoned in a sewer and had to fight to survive. It was then that the shadows found him and offered him power, wealth, and lust at a terrible price: to end those who had once been his friends.

"The shadows called me... they offered me everything I had always desired: power, lust, wealth. Things this stupid world would never give me. But in return, I have to... kill you," Henry said bitterly.

As Henry spoke those words, Junior arrived on the scene in his APX armor, ready to help his friends in the battle. Without hesitation, he delivered a powerful blow to Henry, who staggered back under the impact. Rayber, filled with determination and fury, charged at Henry with overwhelming force.

His body radiated a golden aura as he activated his special ability for the first time. From the palms of his hands, Rayber generated a golden weapon and began firing golden bullets at Henry with lethal precision.

In a final act of rage, Henry hurled Junior into a corner, breaking his armor in half and generating a deafening crash that echoed throughout the Undead Dimension. Alarmed by the sound and concerned for his friend's safety, Rayber rushed to where Junior lay.

"Junior! Are you okay?"

Meanwhile, in another part of his consciousness, Henry struggled against a part of himself that resisted harming his former comrades.

"What are you doing, Henry? These used to be your friends," Henry asked himself in confusion.

But the other part of his mind, driven by darkness and anger, continued to push him forward, urging him to attack mercilessly.

"Shut up! There's no turning back now! The power of the shadows is all that matters," Henry responded with rage.

While Henry fought his inner demons, Rayber approached Junior, concerned for his well-being.

Henry fell to the ground, weakened by the battle, as Rayber cautiously approached. Before he could do anything, Rohwder, determination in his eyes, lunged at Henry with his machete.

With a decisive blow, Rohwder stabbed the machete into Henry's head, trying to end the threat once and for all. However, in a final act of desperation, Henry grabbed Rohwder and pulled him towards him with overwhelming force. In a brutal and sudden move, Henry split Rohwder in half, causing a burst of horror among those present. Axel, seeing the terrible scene, charged at Henry with determination, but before he could reach him, a giant shadow emerged from the ground and pierced him with a sharp edge, causing devastating damage.

Axel's scream of pain echoed in the air as he struggled to stay standing. Filled with rage and pain over the loss of his friends, Rayber prepared to face the shadow that Henry had become, knowing that the final battle would be the most difficult they had faced yet.

Filled with fury and determination, Rayber activated his Divine Eye ability, summoning a golden bullet from the sky that descended with a dazzling glow directly toward Henry's head.

The bullet exploded upon impact, unleashing a devastating force that consumed Henry completely, ending his threat once and for all. As the smoke cleared and the battle came to an end, Rayber recalled Joe's words about the fate of the bearers of the powers he had granted. He knew what he had to do.

Rayber approached Henry's lifeless body and concentrated his energy on absorbing the now-free power. He felt the flow of energy through him, strengthening and filling him with renewed force. With the revived power in his possession, Rayber turned to Rohwder, whose body lay split in half on the ground.

Before reviving him with the power, Rayber noticed the look of satisfaction in Rohwder's eyes at having died in battle. He then looked towards Axel and saw a spark of life in his eyes, a determination to live even more in this life. Rayber made a decision. Using the power he had absorbed from Henry, he channeled all his energy into Axel, allowing Axel's body to revitalize and rise, bringing him back to life.

With his heart full of pain, Rayber stood up, feeling the overwhelming weight of his friend's loss. Axel, newly revived, approached him, sharing his pain.

Rayber nodded silently, unable to find the right words to express his pain. Together, they shared a moment of mourning for their fallen friend before preparing to continue their journey, carrying with them the memory of Rohwder and the sacrifice he made for them.

Isabelle approached Rayber, Axel, and Junior with a deeply sorrowful expression on her face. Her words resonated with sincerity as she explained her role in leading them to Henry, without anticipating the terrible consequences that would follow.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know things would end like this. Please, forgive me," Isabelle apologized with a trembling voice.

Tears welled up in Isabelle's eyes as she desperately sought forgiveness. Rayber, with a serious yet compassionate look, observed her with golden eyes full of determination. Isabelle, seeing that no one responded, felt the weight of the silence. With a gesture of her hand, she pointed to the exit of the Undead Dimension, offering them a way out.

Rayber took Junior, and along with Axel, looked at Isabelle with a gaze that seemed to transcend mortality itself.

"For your sake, make sure my eyes never see you again," Rayber said in a resonant voice.

With those words, Rayber and his companions left the Undead Dimension, leaving Isabelle alone in her anguish and remorse. Unable to move due to fear and overwhelming pressure, Isabelle remained there, contemplating the void they left behind.