The Harsh Reality

Rayber returned to the Legion's base, but what he found was a heartbreaking scene that chilled his blood. There, before his eyes, he witnessed an unimaginable tragedy.

Valeria, the brave and determined one, was being slowly consumed by the shadows surrounding her. Her cries of anguish echoed in the air as she struggled to stay alive.

Sara, the tireless warrior, fought with all her might despite having lost a leg in battle. Her determination was palpable as she faced the shadows surrounding her, refusing to surrender to the darkness.

Luke, the brilliant mind of the team, lay lifeless on the ground, his head separated from his body—a grotesque image marking the end of his life. The body of Ángel, once imposing and powerful, lay crumbled, his strength defeated by the forces of the shadows.

And finally, Aurora, the voice of reason for whom Rayber remained in this world flooded with chaos, had been split in half, her body lying on the ground. Rayber stood paralyzed for a moment, overwhelmed by the horror of the scene before him.

Filled with fury and despair at witnessing the devastation of his comrades, Rayber found himself face to face with Joe, the enigmatic figure who had endowed him with his power.

Rayber, with a trembling voice, asked, "Why?! Why have you abandoned us?"

Joe looked at him calmly, his eyes revealing deep knowledge and unshakable serenity.

"My dear Rayber, my power only allows me to see the past, not the future. I can't guarantee anyone's safety," Joe responded serenely.

Joe's words were like a dagger to Rayber's heart, further fueling his anger and pain. However, before he could lunge at Joe in an act of desperation, a glance from the enigmatic figure stopped him cold.

In an instant, Rayber felt his body disintegrating, as if he were a puppet in the hands of a puppeteer. The sensation was overwhelming, a mix of pain and disorientation that left him stunned.

Joe calmly said, "I'll give you a chance, Rayber. The chance to decide with whom you want to fight until the end."

Rayber, still recovering from the shock of the experience, looked around, contemplating the shattered remains of his friends. A wave of determination swept over him as he faced the difficult choice before him.

"I'll fight with those who still have the strength to go on. With those who believe in the light even in the midst of so much darkness."

With that decision made, Rayber prepared to face whatever fate had in store for him, hoping that even in the darkest moments, the light of hope still shone somewhere.

With a gesture of his hand, Joe channeled his power into Axel, infusing him with a supernatural strength that fortified his fists, turning them into lethal weapons capable of breaking through any obstacle.

"Let your fists be your tools, Axel. Become the bastion of strength we need."

Then, he turned to Junior, granting him a power that enveloped him in an invincible armor, protecting him from any harm and making him unstoppable in battle.

"Let nothing and no one stop you, Junior. With this armor, you will be our strongest shield."

Sara received the gift of knowledge and agility; her mind sharpened, and her body became more agile, allowing her to anticipate every enemy move and respond with pinpoint precision.

"Let your mind be your greatest weapon, Sara. With this intelligence and agility, you will be our most valuable strategist."

Frank was imbued with the power of a titan, transforming him into a 60-meter tall beast, capable of crushing everything in his path with overwhelming strength.

"Let your strength be unstoppable, Frank. Become the colossus that will protect us from any threat."

Kellah received the power of unleashed fury; her rage became an unstoppable force driving her forward, without fear and without hesitation.

"Let your fury be your guide, Kellah. With this power, you will be our wildest and most ruthless force."

Moreno was endowed with the ability to control knives and machetes with unparalleled mastery, turning them into extensions of his own body and increasing his lethality in combat.

"Let your weapons be your extension, Moreno. With this power, you will be our sharpest and deadliest blade."

Joe looked at each of them with an aura of confidence and determination.

"You won't need training to master these powers. You must trust your instincts and let the strength of these gifts guide you in battle. Together, we are invincible."

Then, in a secluded corner of the universe, far from everyone's view, Joe and Rayber had an intimate and decisive conversation.

"Rayber, I know this is not what you expected, but we have to do it. We can't allow the darkness to prevail. I'm willing to sacrifice everything for the good of all of you."

"No, Joe. I can't accept that. I can't let you sacrifice yourself for us."

"Rayber, understand that this is the only way. I give you the power of the Infinite. You will be the guardian of the universe, the one to fix my mistakes and guide everyone to a better future."

Rayber hesitated for a moment, feeling the overwhelming weight of the responsibility Joe was entrusting to him. But finally, he accepted with determination.

"I accept, Joe. But I promise to use this power wisely, to correct all the mistakes and make your sacrifice worthwhile."

With one last look full of confidence, Joe passed the power of the Infinite to Rayber, and in a flash of light, disappeared into the air.

"Fix all my mistakes, Rayber."

And so, with the fate of the universe in his hands, Rayber prepared to face his greatest challenge yet, determined to honor Joe's legacy and lead everyone to a better future.

With the power of the Infinite now flowing through him, Rayber experienced an unparalleled transformation. His being radiated cosmic energy, his eyes gleamed with the wisdom of the universe, and his presence exuded a determination that knew no bounds.

Rayber felt flooded with Joe's knowledge and experience, as if his mind had expanded to encompass the vast universe in its entirety. Every thought, every memory, every secret of the cosmos now resided within him. A wave of power and responsibility enveloped him, but instead of overwhelming him, it strengthened him.

He felt connected to everything that exists, a thread weaving through the stars and galaxies, a guardian destined to protect the balance of the universe. With a determined look, Rayber stepped out of the corner of the universe, his voice resonating in the cosmic void.

"I... will save... the world... from this... hell."

With each step, each thought, each act, Rayber committed to honoring Joe's legacy and fulfilling his mission to restore peace and harmony in the universe. With the power of the Infinite at his disposal, there was no obstacle he couldn't overcome, no challenge he couldn't face.