The Reset 101

In a corner of the Earth, a boy named Manuel stood at the edge of the abyss, ready to end his life. But in a moment of clarity, an idea emerged in his mind: to save the world. With renewed determination, Manuel set out to gather a group of brave individuals to face the evil plaguing the Earth. And just as he was about to plunge into the void, a purple light enveloped him and teleported him to World 0.

There, he met Jotean, one of the gods of that world, who was surprised by the overwhelming power Manuel emanated. But Manuel denied being a god, simply wanting to do what was right and save his world. The conversation with Jotean led him to Counselor Fritz, who revealed the existence of a hidden power capable of eliminating the supreme gods. Manuel found himself entangled in a plot larger than he had imagined, a battle between light and darkness, between creation and destruction.

Meanwhile, in another part of the universe, Joe, the god of creation of World 0, felt especially confident tonight.

"My dear companions," he said, raising his glass gracefully, "in a hundred years, my World will be the greatest and most powerful of all."

The other gods smiled benevolently, but Kaguya, the goddess of life, arched an eyebrow.

"Are you so sure of that, Joe? Time always reveals the truth."

Joe laughed, a sound that echoed through the palace halls.

"Ah, dear Kaguya! Always so cautious. But you see, my vision is clear and my determination unwavering."

As the gods shared laughter and toasts, Joe began to feel unease in his chest. An indescribable sensation made him look around nervously, as if something was about to change. He decided to test his vision and opened a portal to World 0. But what he saw left him frozen in place.

The village he had created with so much love and care was engulfed in a purple darkness, a shadow that devoured light and hope. And on the horizon, a monstrous figure rose, eager to destroy everything in its path.

"What is this?" Joe murmured, his voice trembling with disbelief.

But before he could react, the figure lunged at him, accompanied by Jotean, Fritz, and two other beings, all with a malevolent aura that chilled the bones. Joe fought with all his might, but it was in vain. His fellow gods lay dead around him, and he was alone, facing the darkness that threatened to consume everything.

Joe fought for his life in World 0, facing the horrifying being that threatened to destroy everything he had created. With a final desperate act, he activated his "Restart" ability, initiating the first reset of the universe.

And so, the story of Joe and Manuel always intertwined in an eternal struggle, an epic battle between good and evil that transcended the limits of time and space.

In reset 101, the sun shone high as Manuel walked to school on a perfectly normal day.

It was a day like any other in the Dominican Republic, but something in the air felt different, a premonition none of them could define. Rayber broke the silence with a comment, his voice laden with worry.

"Don't you feel like something is out of place today?"

Rohwder, always the most skeptical of the group, frowned.

"How can you feel how the day is?" he asked incredulously.

"I don't know," Rayber replied honestly, "I just feel strange, like something is about to happen."

The conversation was interrupted when Manuel quietly got up and left the classroom. No one seemed to notice his departure, but his absence left an echo of unease in the atmosphere.

During recess, as the friends gathered to chat, a dark shadow burst into the room. It was Manuel, covered in blood and holding a knife. Chaos erupted as he began attacking his classmates, plunging everyone into shock and panic.

Rayber, Rohwder, Henry, and Axel acted quickly, taking advantage of the confusion to escape the classroom and devise a survival plan. They went down to the second floor, where the purple darkness enveloping the city became more evident, and decided to escape through the school's back door to a nearby Car Wash. While Axel bravely fought against the creatures pursuing them, Rayber and Rohwder executed the plan to open the door.

After an intense battle, they managed to escape and flee to the Car Wash, where they decided to seek refuge and regroup. With the city plunged into chaos, Rohwder proposed stealing a car for a quick escape. With effort, they found a truck, but before they could get in, Henry was attacked by one of the creatures. With Rayber's help, he managed to break free, and together they headed to a nearby gas station.

Upon arriving at the gas station, the group split up to obtain essential supplies. Rohwder searched for gasoline, while Henry and Axel took care of finding provisions. Meanwhile, Rayber explored the gas station and found a weapon, unleashing a dilemma: none of them knew how to shoot. As they tried to solve the problem, Rohwder returned with gallons of gasoline.

Reunited once again, they took refuge in the gas station to face what was to come. Armed and with fuel on board, the group prepared to embark on a journey into uncertainty, not knowing what awaited them in this new chaotic world.

Thus, on a day that began like any other, the destinies of these young people intertwined in a struggle for survival amidst the darkness threatening to devour them.

The story continues in the dimension of the Undead, where Manuel finds himself struggling with an internal crisis while his body undergoes uncontrolled mutations. Aware that this reset is the hardest so far and without knowing Joe's guard, Manuel debates whether to attack or not.

Despite the uncertainties, he decides to stay and seek advice from Fritz to plan his next move. Meanwhile, the high command continues their torture practices to make money, showcasing the ruthless cruelty that characterizes this world.

Elsewhere, the other gods prepare for battle, with Kor training his bloodlust and Jotean stalking Autumn while he is busy with other activities. Meanwhile, Fritz joins Manuel in preparing for what he calls the "First Assault."

Back in the normal world, Rayber, now imbued with all the world's knowledge, waits patiently for his prey as it approaches. Meanwhile, the legion composed only of Sara, Kella, Moreno, Frank, Axel, and Rayber prepares for the imminent war that is approaching. With their weapons in hand and their spirits ready, they are prepared to face any challenge that comes their way.

The tension in both dimensions is palpable, and the fate of all hangs in the balance. Will Manuel and his team successfully face the challenge that lies ahead in the dimension of the Undead? Will Rayber find and confront his prey in the normal world? The first battle is approaching, and the fate of both worlds hangs by a thread.