The Game Begins







[Choosing another race..]



[Race available]



[Entering The World of Filius]



"W-wait WHAT??!" He asked in confusion. "The fuck you mean unavailable??! What's this bullshit? I only died once!" He complained.

He was about to say another complain but then he saw the loading screen changes.



Str = 6 (+9) - 15

Spd = 7 (-1) - 6

Agi = 4 (-3) - 1

Per = 5 (-3) - 2

Con = 4 (+9)- 13

Dex = 6 (-3) - 3

Cha = 8 (-9) - —1


Currently he found his character in a different place..he guess that he was in a forest base on the amount of trees around him.

And this time he was careful he slowly move around the area and exploring. This time there were no bonus chest and his character was also partially naked with the only thing on his body a peace of clothes around its waist.. though it fails to hide the monstrosity beneath it.

'damn thats huge as fuck' Zarius thought he wonders how those elf in the h*ntai could take something like this without dying. Thats also not the only thing big as his avatar now stands around 9ft with big dark green body brimming with muscle.

'But let us not focus on that.. we should try and move out of this place and see if we could find the starting area or anything of that kind' he thought before making his avatar move pass the trees.

And soon found a dirt trail. 'Nice! Maybe this is it!' he smiled as he began running but not full on sprinting as he did before.

When suddenly-


[You have received minor damage]

'what the fuck?!?' he suddenly jumped out of his chair from surprised. 'Why are they here? Is this the tutorial for combat?' he thought as he watched a three member party of people walks out of a huge bush.

'wait.. who shot an arrow to me?' he wonders as he saw no archer in the group. While looking at the arrow embedded on his left chest.

'never mind that shit, lets focus on what we see' he thought before taking a tile closer on his turn. He was 6 tiles away from the group. Now its 5.

After that he saw the group of people stepping closer as well. Now its 4.

'Heh. Get fucked!' he activated sprint and quickly ran the 4 tiles distance. 'what should I do at my next tu-


[You have fallen into a pitfall trap! You are now trap and immobile!]

"WHAAT?? THATS UNFAIR!! ISN'T THIS TOO MUCH FOR A COMBAT TUTORIAL?? *Cough! Cough! Cough!*" He screamed in madness before coughing like a TB patient.

Calming down he cleared his throat in pain. "Ughh. Fuck.." he sighed before glancing at the screen. He could see the group of people jumping as if they're cheering.. "Da faq? Are they teabagging me? Is this shit online?"

And not soon after the three started attacking him freely. Which made him frown "Fuck! What can we do?"

He went into the action menu and searched for a suitable move when he saw something that made him smile. "Hehe lets see if you like this!" He said before pressing it.

On the screen the Ogre shifted its neck suddenly in a big motion with its maw open. And the nearby Human girl got cought in surprise she couldn't move on time.


[You have slain a Human Girl!]

[2 exp earned!]

Although he expected it.. he under estimated the details of this pixel game. He watched as the ogre bite through the girls skull in half. And once he did the body of the girl fell with her brain juice splashing everywhere.

The other two guys were frozen in shock that they skipped a turn. Still shock and terrified Zarius forced himself to ignore it and take another turn.

[Break out] 11%

He clicked it and waited for the results.

[Failed]. "Fuck, the percentage besides it the success chance?" He guess before seeing a change.

[Break out] 20%

"Seems like im right." He said.. he then once again glance at the dead girl on screen and sighed.."It's just a game" and completely steeled himself and waited for his turn.

He then watched as the two guys despairing faces turn into absolutely rage. He then proceed to watch as the guys practically sprint around him.

"Wait. Fuck! They can do that???" He cursed as he looked around for a suitable action he could do..

[Claw behind you] .

"Yes thats it!" He sighed in relief as he took his turn. Only to watch his avatar awkwardly claw behind him.. he was not flexible enough to reach them.

"Fuck!" He cursed and something cought his eye.

[Break out] 10%

"Even more fuck!!" He cursed again.

'So moving worsen my chance to escape? Then i should probably focus on getting out first!' he thought as he waited his turn.

While on the other he watched one of the guy walk back away from him. His face still seething with rage. 'what is this guy doing?' he wonders while he look at the other dude swing a sword right at his neck!

[You have sustained an injury!]

[You are bleeding!] (Neck)

On his turn he once again tried breaking out which once again raised it back to 20%.

'Shit, is there a faster way?' he looked around the actions menu when suddenly the screen flashes a warning. 'what the fuck happened?'

He then looked at the screen and saw that the guy who walk back now have his sword embedded deeply on his back.

[You have sustained a serious injury]

[You are bleeding Internally](lungs)

[You are bleeding](back)

[Your lungs have been punctured]

While the other one pulled out his sword from his avatar's neck.

[You are bleeding severely](neck)

"Shit! So he used the momentum to stab me deeper!?!" once again he couldn't believe the sheer complexity of this game. And on his turn he just tried breaking out once again hopelessly as the percentage rised into 40 percentage.

And he was once again Force to watch the guy pulls out the sword from his avatar's back and hatefully walk away with a hint of arrogance. And if Zarius is not mistaken he could hear the guy say something. Though he can't understand it as it's pure gibberish.. but the guy looked at him with a mocking smile.

"Damn this shit looks so awesome" Zarius smiled from the sheer details this game could bring out.

And as usual on his turn he tried breaking free again.. raising the percentage to 60. 'come on dont die yet! We're almost there!' he prayed. As for his health.. its indicated as [bad condition]. yep.. no usually health bar.. or even numbers.. just a vague description.

And on the opponents turn he watched as the guy sprint on full speed with a hateful and rage fueled smile stab him from the back.. right at its very center.

[You have sustained a critical injury!]

[Your spine has been broken]

[You cannot move!] (Permanently)

[Your heart has been pierced through!]

[You are bleeding severely!](Internally)

[Your inner trait is fight back!]

[The injuries are too severe!]

[You are dying!]

"Fucked.. im doomed..." He can't do anything anymore..the action menu is all greyed out.. 'so attack organs actually have an effect here, huh?' he sighed.

'that means i could get blind, get crippled, and stuff? Is there mutilation here?' he asked before pressing the button [skip turn]. And his questions were once again quickly answered as he watched the other guy swing his sword at his avatar's neck again.


[You have lost your head!]

[Your trait {ogre's vitality} is in effect!]

He watched as his head rolls on the ground as it spills blood everywhere.

[The injury is too much!]




[You died!]


-Return to menu


'shit.. this will be insanely hard' he sighed as he look at his screen somberly. "But this would be even more fun!"





Its been almost 2 years since Zarius discovered this game.. and he have died 26 times. And he have already been trying to play as safe as he could. Though with every death, his previous knowledge becomes partially unimportant. Because he have learned each race have a different set of rules.

For example he once have been an highelf and he have gone foraging for food only to get exiled for 'harming mother' and he pretty much have to survive alone. He realized too late that each time he eats plants his stress level go up. So when he switched to eating meat his stress are almost at the very peak.. and his avatar pretty much froze when he was about to avoid an attack from a giant bear like creature and took the damage head on dying on the spot.

So when he turned into dark elf he quickly went and meat.. only to realize it made him depressed too. Then he switched to eating plants.. and it didn't change anything. Only for him to realize that Darkelf eats insect's.

He also noted that the darkefl lives underground, while the high elf lives in a mystical forest.. while Woodelf lives in jungles... And as for the wood elf.. he found out they eat pretty much anything.. though the bad things about them are they are always hunted down for slavery..

So his tribe would always move around.. they pretty much live a nomad lifestyle.

He also managed to survive longest in here because he learned not to stray away from his tribesmen.. only for them to get completely cought by a huge ambush that resulted in everyone including him to get captured..

He even thought he actually found a love interest in this game, as he successfully made another Woodelf fall for him.. her name was Maeilina.. and he watched her get raped and used... And it made him and his avatar depressed for real.. and soon after he was sold into a gladiator arena and got forced to fight for his life endlessly.. although he soon died because his avatar got too weak from not being able to eat.. but out of all his play through he got the most kills in here with a total of 400 kills.. and 318 of them are from the arena.

He also played as a Ghoul before only for him to die instantly when a ray of sunlight shined on him. Which of course he blamed on the game because the game didn't say anything about dying in sunlight.

Whats more he finally confirmed it.. everytime he dies.. that race is removed.. meaning he only have one life for each race.

Whats more he also figured out the main goal of the game.. and that's probably getting into the dungeon and finishing it.. why?

Well a most of the game mechanics and points into getting into the dungeon, to get stronger and survive from the outside world. Because he once played a half human half elf. And found out that the main way to earn currency of the game is to exchange the stuff found within the dungeon to currency.. its also the main way you can grow stronger.

He also played as a Beastman and they have a trial like culture where you need to challenge and survive the dungeon for an entire cycle.

He also played as a Draconic before which all were given by their elder to find a lost artifacts in the dungeon and bring it back to their tribe.

Almost all of the race have a reason to go into a dungeon.. as if the games is forcing the player to go.. what else would that mean other than the dungeon being the goal.. of course not all race have a goal connected to the dungeon.. like the green skin. Which is the goblins, ogre, orc, and other humanoid monsters. Because unlike the others they are tasked to pretty much ruin the world and shi.. he's not sure cuz he haven't explored it yet as almost all of the green skin are hunted down like sac of gold.. which is they are..

He once played as a half human half Beastman and found out killing a goblin and giving it to the adventurers guild rewards him with 100 silvers. Which is almost equivalent to a entire cycle in the dungeon. Which can be an alternative if you're not confident on taking on the dungeon which is what he usually do.

Challenging a dungeon is a nightmare even for him who have played 2 years already. One thing he knows is that the dungeon have a hundred floors and every 5 floor you can find something the game calls 'Anchors' which is very helpful in climbing the dungeon.

And the dungeon also have something the game calls 'Cycle' which is pretty much the duration the dungeon stays opened. Which is an entire day from the outside of the dungeon. While to those who are inside its equal to 5 days.

Yep.. time dilation bullshit.. but he found some use for that time dilation shit. Which is something he have been abusing for quite a while now.

He could also speak with the npc in the game as if they're true people.. though the game stops him when he's typing anything related to mentioning that it's a game which is quite strange maybe because it breaks the immersion for the player? And speaking of players he haven't really confirmed that its an online rpg.. because again he cant mention anything about it in the chat. So he just gave up about that.

Currently he's on his 32nd play.

"Fuck!!....!!!!!!!!!!!! " He said before getting off his gaming chair and standing up.. only to get into super Saiyan position and screaming on top of his lungs. Which once again turned into a coughing pit..

'How did I miss that shit! Arrggh dumb dumb dumbbb!!!' he grip his head in despair before calming himself.

'lets go again! This time I know for sure ill succeed!' he then click [restart].


[This is the last available race]

[ Would you still proceed?]

-[Yes] >[No]

'wait what? I thought there's still more race left?' he gasped.. shocked.

'then what will happen if i died?' he asked himself. 'will the game be entirely unavailable for me to play?' he said.. because he have tried it before.. he used another pc entirely.. he even went in a different place and connected into a different network. But his progress and account is always what appears. And he doesn't really have a friend to tell them to try it. He tried telling other to play it..

And sure he succeed in catching their attention.. but the moment he sends the link for the game.. everyone leaves.. treating it as another bot thats spreads malicious links around.. he even got banned once... So he just gave up.

Looking at the screen he sigh..

'all more of a reason to not fail this time' he said to himself before pressing [yes].



[Great level of compatibility have been detected!]

[Would you like to enter the game?]

-[Yes] >[No]

'huh thats new.. and why would they say it like that?.. maybe to keep immersion?' he chuckled. 'sure'

[Would you like to enter the game?]

>[Yes] -[No]





[Welcome to Filius! Zarius D. Ignus!]


And before he could even question how they knew his name.. everything fades to black.