What it's like

Turn based game.. it would probably bore most people out of their mind. But there's some who appreciates it like I do.

And although it might look illogical and weird to the character involved in it everything is happening in fast pace.

Although for you are only doing one move per moment.. to the character its a full on movement. A great example of this game woul be :YOMI Hustle: which is a turn base fighting game that would play the entire match in real time. And there you'll see just how amazing were the moves you performed.






"Huh? Where am I?" Zarius mumbles as he slowly sat up. The first thing he do is to look around. The surrounding was gloomy, its dark, and cold. There's countless of trees around. But instead of making the place vibrant as it usually does. The trees actually makes it more somber.

'Maybe because its still night?' he reason as he looks up into the sky.

Indeed it's still night, he could still see the stars in the sky. But he also noticed the moon was at the horizon. He was not sure if its rising or setting though.

So instead he look at his current state.

"W-what?!?" He screamed as he realized something terrifying.. he's wearing a leather jacket!! One of his bane!!

"Fuck! Get it out!!" He yelled as he undress it in panic. But half way through it he realized something.. 'i don't feel like dying?' he ask in surprise.

Looking down he also realized he used to be laying on a GRASSY SOIL! A deadly zone for him! But surprisingly.. 'I'm fine?'

He checked everything and noticed quite a few strange things.

One is he's incredibly pale.. much paler than when he's going into shock or suffering severe allergies.

Second.. he's significantly taller than before. Thats when it suddenly hit him.

'No way.. Noiren Van Helsing?' he gasped in shock as he feel his face with his own hand. "Im in the body of Noir??"





Although the game didn't have a character naming he have long given a name to the avatar he made.. and that's Noiren Van Helsing. The first name coming from Noir which means black and the last name Helsing because its one of his favorite anime. As for the Van.. he just added it to make the name harmonize with each other.

And since then he have went through hundred of challenges together with Noir. Sometimes he was envious and wanted to be like him.. sometimes he pity him and thank god he wasn't him.

And that same avatar was now him.

Zarius couldn't believe it. The realization alone made him quiver in fear. What would happen if he were to die? Will he die to???

Just thinking of it made his heart sink to the bottom of his soul. "fuck, please be a dream!, please be a dream, please be a dream!" He kept repeating it and each time giving himself a firm slap.

And it only make his cheeck painful and swollen.. making him even more sure that this is the reality. Surprisingly and slowly he come in terms with it although he was still salty about it 'I'm doomed.. fuck m-..'

He was about to complain in his mind again when someone cought his eye.

It's the sun. 'oh it's actually morning and the moon is actually about to set.' he said as his earlier question was answered.

But then his eyes suddenly squints in suspicion. 'wait.. if im in the game what class would I be right now?' he thought as he watched sunlight slowly creeps out behind the covers of the horizon.

'if im right.. my race should probably be-...' his eyes widened as he realized. His current race is a [Vampire]!

But it was too late sunlight shined on his face and he experience something he may have experience before.. like a painful itch, a feeling of his skin burning off, and his flesh lighting up in flames.

"ughhaaARRRRRGGHHHHHHG!!!??!!!!!!" A gutteral scream came out of his mouth. It was a sound born of pure agony, as if a thousand tormented souls cried out in unison. The scream began low, a rumbling growl deep in his throat, then rose to a banshee-like shriek, a high-pitched crescendo that split the silence like a knife.

Fortunately he instinctively rolled back before the sun began shining on him. Making it so thag he only got exposed for a brief period of time.. but even then, even though he's already sheltered in the tree's cool shadow he was still screaming

"AAAHHRRRRGG.. HHHAAAAGHH.. AAARRRG" He would let out a long gutteral scream before painfully inhaling sharply and continue his scream.

He couldn't believe the pain would be this bad. He should have passed out from this but the pain also kept him awake.

Slowly his screams died down. And he slowly remove his hand on his face revealing a seared skin underneath.

His eye lid was completely burned off, his eye brows gone, his nose was no more. His skin bubbled and blistered, hanging in ragged, charred strips that exposed raw, red muscle beneath. His lips were almost entirely burned away, leaving his teeth exposed in a ghastly, permanent snarl. His face, though mangled and unrecognizable, pulsed with the grotesque vitality of a creature that refused to die.


"shhiigh..ughh dahgh hurgh.. fughhg"

(Shit.. ughh.. that hurts.. fuck)

he spoke but it was quite unrecognizable as he was still missing his lips.

Groaning he got back on his knees and leaned back to the tree and sat there, heaving as if he just went into a marathon. Although it's done he could still feel like his face was burning.. maybe he's just being paranoid?

After a while he could feel his face.. bumble? Its like he could feel ot twitching now and then and he's also feeling a little cool.

And if anyone was around they would see his face slowly pulse and regrow. His flesh writhing and connecting. It was a grotesque sight yet also fascinating. And soon his face have completely regenerated along with his hair and everything else.

Zarius felt a bit itchy to the point that he couldn't help it anymore and scratch it.. he was careful first wanting to avoid his wounds only to realize that his face have fully healed.

'wh-huh?.... D-damn' he was confused at first and began feeling out his face only to realize that he's now completely fine and soon he began marveling about the power he possess.

'so this is the power of a [vampire] huh?' he in wonder.

When suddenly-

[You found out your race!]

[You found out your name!]


[You have gain the requirements!]

[You have unlock the Status menu!]





[Name: Noiren Van Helsing]

| Lvl= 1. Exp( 0/50)

[Race: Vampire]



Str = 6 (+6)

Spd = 7 (+6)

Agi = 4 (+6)

Per = 5 (+5)

Con = 4 (+1)

Dex = 6 (+6)

Cha = 8 (+6)




| > [Regeneration]

> [Immortality]


Looking at the stats some might say its OP.. i mean yes its op as fuck but Zarius have seen a better one specially the draconic race.. which have a base strength at 20 and a constitution of 25.

And yes they were strong but the game balances it out by giving those race severe weaknesses. For the dragon it will be their reverse scale around the back of their throat.

In their reverse scale even if they reached a hundred in constitution a simple silverware could stab them there and kill them.

And as for the vampire. Of course it's the fucking sun and silvers. Though they can build resistance against silver.. but they can never be fully immune to it.

And they're also very vulnerable to holy type magic. Which could blast a hole on their defense with ease.

Other than that they're good. They still have their shadows, their reflection, and they can still eat garlic, though their enhanced sense might not like how it smells.

Though the worst things about vampires are none of those.. It's the fact that they are hunter down by a specific group of organization called the Vampire Hunters which he have encountered in the game.

He even faintly remember getting invited in it on one of his playthrough. Though he rejected it because it only adds even more challenges in the game.

'I have a new name now' he thought.. quite unsure how he feels about it, but then he shrugged and added.. 'meh. I dont need it imma stay with Zarius, thank you' he scratched his head after he then focused on something different.

'now, how do I even- oh never mind' he was about complain again about the control of the status when he found out he could control it with his mind.



all kind of damage on your physical body can be easily healed to its peak condition in exchange for consuming Blood points. And without blood points regeneration will not activate]


things like ageing, disease, poison, and other negative bodily condition does not apply to you. As long as you have even a little bit of blood points in your reserve you will stay completely fine(does not consume BP)]


'hmm, interesting' Zarius thought

'mostly for survival.. but useful in fights too' he thought as he looks around.

Around him were nothing but sunlight. Excluding the areas under the trees of course.

"Right.. this is how this damned game teaches you about your race.." he sighed adn continue" Its through live experience" he groans.

'should I sleep it out?' he thought before weighting it and deciding against it.

'Wait.. now that I think of it.. why is my face the only one that got burned?' he thought before looking up at the sun.

'is it?' an idea went into his mind.. but he isn't sure if he have enough power to test it.

'but staying here is not a good idea' he convinced himself before steeling himself to stand up.

He then proceed to walk righ on the edge of the tree's shade. 'im 90% it's right.. but It's still quite scary.. specially since I'll experience that pain again if im wrong.'

Breathing in he closed his eyes and brought his leg forward and clenching his butt cheeks to ready himself for the pain.


Opening his eye he looked down.. his leg despite being under the sun was doing fine.

"I knew it" he smiled widely as he confirmed his assumption. "As long as im not directly exposed into the sun I wont get burned!" He said confidently.

"Meaning! If i do this!" He then went and undress his trench coat partially and then draping it over his entire body and hiding himself with the confines of his trench coat. "Then hypothetically I'll be able to walk to the sun!" He finished.

And with a hesitant step he went forward into the sun's radiance.



"Hehehehe.. I'm a genius" he chuckled arrogantly before carefully starting to travel under the sun. He was careful as to not move the clothes too much around and he also quite afraid of a strong gust of wind as it both might cause his doom.





Back when Zarius was still playing he realized something as well, and that's something about the world of Filius.. he realized even though the spawn points differs it's still the same world after all.

That's why he took some time memorizing many landmarks and particular characteristics of different places to easily get around the map whenever he dies. So he wouldn't have to travel blind each time he restarts.

That's why he was looking around the place to see if he finds anything familiar by looking around. He noted that this entire forest is entirely made out of Wailing Trees.

'if my memories serves me right, this forest is situated at the northwest of the eastern kingdom Marias.' he guessed.

'And this forest is quite a popular place called "The wailing graveyard" because the majority of the trees around here were a willow trees or the wailing tree. And also because many adventurers died in this place.' he added.

"But not when the sun is up" he chuckled and made his way to his destinations.

"I guess will take Kingdom Marias as my starting base then." He said before looking up in the distance and smiling.