
Seeing it's target die from the shot, the goblin was extremely ecstatic. Giggling all the way he leisurely approached the died guy. Almost as if he's savoring it.

Taking out a rusty dagger from its back waist it happily approach his hunt, intending to gut it out in order to get the good stuff from inside.

When the goblin finally got closed to the dead body. It slowly kneeled besides it, intending to push the body over the side to easily access the stomach.

And then suddenly it felt a deadly presence suddenly erupting from the body Infront of it.

It's body screamed at the goblin to run.. but the goblin was confused.. there no way a human can survive a headshot right?

"Guru-?" It was able to mumbles out a noise of complete confusion before its left eye suddenly lost vision.

This time he got even more confused. Where's my left eye? It thought.. but then he realized with his right eye that the hand of the dead human Infront of him is currently embedded into his skull.



It let out a confused noise once again before falling on its knees and finally died.

"F-fuckkkk!!! Uurgahhhh!!!" Zarius who got impaled by an arrow in his head got up and pulled his hands out of the goblin's skull.

He was screaming in pain. He actually passed out for some moments and woke up with the goblin pushing him to his side.

At that moment an instinctive urge came over him, following it he flex the muscle in his fingers and hands resulting in his nail suddenly elongating and getting as hard and sharp as steel.

Perhaps the survival instinct of his body forcefully showed him the way just so he could survive, or at least avoid getting fatally wounded.

And after killing the cause of everything, the pain immediately came crashing down on him. It was agonizing, to the point the he actually went insane for a moment and ravaged the goblin's corpse with his sharp nails.

And when he's finally calm he realized what he did, but quickly getting over it he grab the arrow still embedded in his head.

Reaching back he broke the back end of the arrow with a agonizing retch.

After that, he quickly pulled out the arrow from his skull and the painful pressure in his brain was finally relieved. And the pain subsided.

Though he could still feel a pulsating pain within his head it's also was slowly fading away.

As for the wounds in the back of his head and forehead, it was slowly pulsing and grotesquely closing and healing as if his own flesh is alive as well.

Heaving out in relief, was relieved to realize he was alive despite the injury he sustained.

"It's good that I lived.. but that pain... I don't want that again" he shivered.

Looking at the goblin corpse, he noticed that it was slowly cracking apart and he watched as it slowly turned into dust and leave behind a finger size, crystal with a blue color.

'this is probably the essence crystal that have 99% of drop rates specially this' particular one, but that still depends on the size though.' he thought as he pocketed the essence crystal.

Looking around he began thinking back on what he have happened earlier.

"I've let down my guard and allowed it to come close to me without mr noticing" he thought..

'I was given a high senses yet I didn't properly used it... If i was not a vampire I would have died right there..' he thought.

But then he began wondering, what would actually happen when he dies? Will he return back to his room like nothing happens? Or....

He didn't even want to continue that thought as he suddenly felt cold fear washing over him.

'lets just avoid dying just to be safe' he cleared his throat and soon began walking around but with a different outlook and goal.

First is to understand more of his capabilities, and to find if his race have other skills hidden within his consciousness.

Second is to get experience, not the EXP that levels him up, but experiencing how fight goes.

And lastly, get EXP and level up.

And as for Exp. You can only get it for killing the same species 50. Killing them more than that won't grant anymore EXP though they still drop items and stuff.

After properly considering his goal and plans for the future he willed the game system out, looking at the previous announcement that it have presented him he smiled as he stopped walking at the moment.

[Congratulations! You have unlocked "Vampiric Claw"!]

[You defeated a goblin archer variant!]

[You receive 3 exp!]

[Your Vampiric Claw have absorbed 3 BP!]


[Name: Noiren Van Helsing](Sunless)

| Lvl= 1. | Exp( 8/50) | BP ( 2 / 50)

[Race: Vampire]



Str : 12

Spd : 13

Agi : 10

Per : 10

Con : 5

Dex : 12

Cha : 14




| > [Regeneration]

> [Immortality]

> [Echolocation]

> [Vampiric Claw]


|> [Blessing of Estas]


[Vampiric Claw:

harden your nail into a sharp weapon that deals lethal damage while at the same time absorbing a small amount of blood from your target!]


Looking at his stats he noticed a new bar which is labeled as BP. He also noticed the skills he just learned.

'the bp should be the blood point that the system mentioned before.. so it is just straight up blood that I have taken from my targets' he nodded to himself.

As for blood, he just have the feeling that taking it from human instead of a monster is better.. though he wasn't sure.. 'is this my vampiric instinct as well?' he felt a chill down his spine as he realized his thought.

'well.. I ain't doing that anytime soon' he shook his head as he began walking forth once again.







In a blinding darkness a goblin slowly and quietly crawl to the ground as it snickered in its mind.

It was feeling ecstatic that it found a trace of another victim. Last time it managed to find a female human that may have accidentally separated with her party.

Giggling it couldn't help but recall all the fun that it got from tearing her limb from limb and using her as a breeding sow.

Too bad they're in this sacred place where creatures other than monsters couldn't stay for more than 5 days or she could have been their permanent breeding cow. Though they only got her for 2 days before the sacred place ejected her out.

Now what will its next victim? It couldn't help but get excited as it's only the first day.. so if it captured another female of another race they could have a chance of birthing stronger gobos!

"Gigigigi" it giggled, with more hobogobs they will have more chance on killing and capturing more other creatures, meaning they could get stronger faster!

But enough of that! Focus on hunting!

The goblin could then be seen sniffing the air with a faintly audible inhale. Grinning eat to ear it couldn't believe it's luck.. it's a female! Not sure race but it's female!

With a renewed vigour it started sneaking forward with a faster pace and less careful approach. The closer it gets the better the smell becomes.. and the more excited it gets.

It was so excited to the point that it didn't notice something moving within the shadows of the place.

It also began thinking of offering the girl to their alpha after it have fun with her to get more meat to eat, and a higher chance to ev-!

But before it could finish its fantasy it suddenly felt a painful blow land on its stomach as it flew back from the sheer force of it.


It cough up the content of its stomach as it retches loudly while laying on its back, and before it could even get up.

A feet slammed down on its chest, keeping the goblin in the floor and in place. Panicking it tried swiping its claw Infront of it. But then it felt a hand grabbing it by its wrist stopping it's attempt.


And before it could even further try to attack or get out, something sharp like a sword pierced through its face and destroyed it's brain.






[You have killed a goblin!]

[You have received 3 exp]

[Exp: (11/50)]

Taking the essence crystal that the goblin dropped her stand back up and pocketed it.

"They must have been surprised that anyone could see them at all in this darkness" Zarius mumbles as he turned his head to the direction the Goblin was staring at before.

He sense a scent, and for him there's a unique scent trail that she has left behind.

"I'm pretty busy.. and besides she could probably manage her self... Right?" He said before turning to another path and following a scent trail that have a color of green and black.

"Now.. lets continue our grind" he smiled as he silently walk forward, the darkness not even affecting him.






4 hours have passed and currently he's face to face with a goblin who held a rusty sword pointed it in his direction.

Seeing this Zarius smiled as he silently step back and slowly started walking to the left. And he noticed that the Goblin still have its sword pointed from his previous position.

'From what I know their sense of smell is good.. but that requires some focus and careful time to pick it out from all the other scent.. so unless i stayed in place for a long time he won't be able to pinpoint my location.' he thought as he circles around the panicking goblin.

'whats more, as a goblin they have a natural night vision.. though it only has a range of 5 meters.. and beyond that its blurry and dark.. ' he said to himself with a smile.

'and I, for one am wearing all black.. he's probably 85% blind against me in this range.' he added as he positioned himself behind the unsuspecting goblin.

'.... NOW!'

And the moment he found the right opportunity he quickly dash forward with an incredible speed and a rumbling noise of his shoes hitting the floor.

This surprised the goblin and prompted it to turn around in panic and lashing out with his sword in hopes to hitting whatever it was facing.

But of course Zarius saw this and he quickly stepped back when the sword was about to hit him and the moment the blade passed him he quickly went for the kill.

'Vampiric Claw!' and with a mental command, his right hand lashed out for a counter. It's nail and muscle hardening like steel as it made its way to the goblins throat.

And with a audible fleshy rip the goblins head almost got decapitated, but the skin on the his nape stubbornly stayed intact.

And with that the Goblin stopped moving on the floor and Zarius finally moved his foot off its chest and heave a sigh of relief.

[You have slained a goblin!]

[You have received 3 Exp!]

[ Exp: (29/50)]

Looking at his exp bar. He recount the kills he have done. 'Since earlier I've killed 4 normal goblin and another archer goblin. And a spear goblin as well.. that would mean I have killed 8 goblins in total right? And the 5 exp i got is from that Husk'

Willing his stats out he checked his progress after 4 hours of hunting around this vast dungeon.


[Name: Noiren Van Helsing](Sunless)

| Lvl= 1. | Exp( 29/50) | BP ( 32 / 50)

[Race: Vampire]



Str : 12

Spd : 13

Agi : 10

Per : 10

Con : 5

Dex : 12

Cha : 14




| > [Regeneration]

> [Immortality]

> [Echolocation]

> [Vampiric Claw]

> [Dash]

> [Stealth]


|> [Blessing of Estas]


"This is too slow for my taste..." He grumbles as he complains about how hard it was to find a goblin that is alone.

He actually discovered quite a lot of them.. but most of them are either in a 8 member horde or more.. the minimum group he found being a group of 5 goblins..

".... Should I risk it?" He thought as he clench his bloody hand into a fist. He have already learned quite a few helpful skills.. specially the [stealth] one.

He was also surprised he took such a short time to learn [Stealth] he was actually expecting to learn it after 3 days of non stop assassination.. who would have thought that he'll learn it in the first 4 hours, right?

But still attacking a group of monster is quite challenging.. 'but thats because I didn't have a vampires regeneration back then'

'So.... Should I risk it?... I also have the darkness on my side.. if I use it well, I'll be able to disengage if the situation arises...' he thought as he began pondering the pros and cons of his risky plan.

"Fuck it, we ball" he said out loud as he realized it will take him ages to level up if he keep using this strat.

Taking a deep breath, Zarius began concentrating as he took a deep inhale of the air around him as the colored scents trails appears in front of him once again.

"Now.. lets go hunting some big fish shall we?"