GG! (Goblin Genocide)

In the dark damp cave with a smooth flooring, an occasional traps could be seen placed on the floor, it's mostly a dangerous bear trap or a spike pitfall.

Some of the traps are open and activated with some covered in crimson blood. Some bear trap are even attached on a human corpse that are covered in stab wounds..

While some pitfall contains an impaled body.

This is the usual way goblins in the first floor hunted, by using dirty tactics and way to kill their target, either by traps or ambushes.

But today, there's someone that are doing the same thing as these vile creatures.

He used the darkness to his advantage, observing his target from a distance and ambushing his target that are alone or vulnerable.

And currently he's observing a group of goblins in the distance. He have been following them for a while now. In the group theres 2 goblin that wields a sword, another 2 that wields a spear and 1 that uses a bow.

And at this moment this group of monster could be seen casually walking through the halls of the cave, they were moving silently as to not alert those that are near them.. possibly potential prey.

In their walk, the 2 sword bearing goblin took the lead while the archer was behind them. And the other two spear bearer are in the rear.

'damn.. they're even in a good formation' he thought. 'this guy actually thinks'

He said an at this moment the he noticed the archer signaling the team to halt. Then it began looking around in the dark, then it started sniffing the air while facing his direction.

And that moment Zarius realize that there's a faint breeze coming from behind him. 'w-what? No! The wind will exposed me!'

And just as he expected the archer screeched out and the group became alert making it almost impossible to ambush them as they made circle around the archer with every member looking out in all directions.

Zarius began walking around them.. while of course keeping out of the range of their night vision. 'the Goblin have five tiles of night vision, and I'm guessing that is equal to 5 meters..'

Walking around he observed the alerted group to see if he can find an opening to attack. But alas, they kept a tight lid on the archer.

'taking care of the ranged comes first in the game.. they are the most annoying if you're a close quarter combatants' he thought.

He walked and circled the group of goblins.. and whenever the goblin walk he would follow while also keeping distance.

And this just made the Goblins more wary of him. Because even though the goblin could smell him they could never find the source.. almost as if its moving right outside their range of vision.

He thought out all kinds of tricks like luring one of them out, creating a small distraction before ambushing them and many more but he didn't attack yet.

Mostly because he's a bit uncertain and hesitant. Pretty much his human side being a pussy.

But then he suddenly stopped on his track. 'wait... Back on earth Vampire have an ability the are quite known for...'

Turning his body to the side he quickly and silently approach the wall of the cave. Then he recalled the movie about a vampire that owns a hotel in Transylvania.

'Based on that movie vampire have another ability..' whilr he mutters in his mind, he raised his feet and placed it on the wall.

And slowly he started shifting his weight into the foot that is placed on the wall. And with a smooth shift gravity seems to have changed direction and he smoothly took a step in the wall of the cave.

Almost as if the gravity of the world shifted.

The feeling was surreal, it feels the same as stepping in the flat floor of the cave.. he doesn't feel the original gravity of this world.. his hair doesn't even hang back nor does his clothes..

Smiling like a mad man he took another step, and another and another.. and soon he found himself standing upside down in the caves ceiling.

His hair and clothes completely normal with them hanging downwards instead of up like he have his own gravity.

'Like the skirts of those anime girls..' he thought with glee as he began walking around the ceiling..

Then after a while he turned his attention somewhere else. Specifically back to the group of goblins he have been stalking.

Since he have been busy with the discovery of his new ability they have gotten quite far from him already.

But before he did he opened his stats to see what changed.

[Congratulations! You have discovered and learned a racial skill!]

[You have obtained the skill (Hang)!]


[Name: Noiren Van Helsing](Sunless)

| Lvl= 1. | Exp( 29/50) | BP ( 32 / 50)

[Race: Vampire]



Str : 12

Spd : 13

Agi : 10

Per : 10

Con : 5

Dex : 12

Cha : 14




| > [Regeneration]

> [Immortality]

> [Echolocation]

> [Vampiric Claw]

> [Hang]



| > [Blessing of Estas]



Have the ability to walk on walls, ceiling, or any surface as if walking on the floor]


'Sweet!' he exclaimed inwardly as he saw another additional skill on his list.

'now with this skill, I can probably kill the archer now' he smiled with his vampiric fangs exposed.






Walking quietly in the rough and uneven ceiling of the cave he slowly caught up with the group of goblin.

Walking right directly at them he smiled as he eyed the archer in the middle of the formation.

And with a simple thought, he made a small hop and separated with the ceiling. And while in the midair he twisted his body so that his feet would be the first to land.

Though this cause his coat to flutter in the wind and thus attracting the Archer in their group as it's the one who have the best sense.

The archer hearing this looks up in fright and screeched at his team mate to signal them of the approaching danger.

But alas, it was too late.

With an unstable momentum, Zarius dropped on top of the goblin archer with his left hand outreach, grabbing the goblin in the face while his right hand winded up behind him in preparation for a stab.

And before his momentum could fully stop he strike out with his right hand directly stabbing the goblin in the bottom part of the neck.

And with a blood spilling, the Goblin's body gave out from Zarius weight as it breaks his fall and absorbed the momentum he have.

[You have slained a Goblin Archer!]

[You have received 3 exp!]

====|<[Exp( 32/50) ]

The blood splattering did not even made him flinched.. almost as if this doesn't bother him anymore. He too were aware of this change but he didn't reject this as it helps him alot.

But the other goblins did not just stand still as this happened. Quickly sweeping his gaze around him he saw the other four goblin were already attacking him with their weapons.

The two spearmen goblin step to his side. One to the left and one to the right at simultaneously they stab out, intending to stab him in his side with the spears to keep him in place.

And why?

Well Infront of him he saw one goblins that wields sword in mid air preparing to slice him up in half.

While he saw the other sword goblin right in front of him and is trying to close up the distance between him.

'Damn! They know how to do plane attacks!' Zarius screamed in his mind as he desperately jumped back in order to avoid getting surrounded narrowly avoiding the spears and one sword.

But then he saw the other sword goblin slash at him in the moment his feet was off the ground from process of jumping back.

'SHIT!' he exclaimed as he was about to make an X with his arm to block it but then his instinct told him to do the opposite.

'Right! Im a fucking vampire!' his eyes widened and instead he spread his arm apart while gritting his teeth together.


And with a fleshy tear the sword slash his chest down to his left hips leaving behind a hideous open wounds.

But Zarius didn't just spread his arm to take the attack. He was actually winding it up for an attack of his own.

And with both his hand sporting sharp long nails, he brought his hand together in a double claw attack in a X shape.

And the sword goblin took the full brunt of his attack making it jump back and fall from pain.

A gruesome wounds opening up in its chest, so deep anyone could see its bare heart beating, its lungs and its ribs.

And soon that exposed beating heart began slowing down.

[You have slained a Goblin Slasher!]

[You have received 3 exp!]

====|<[Exp( 35/50) ]

"ARGHH!!" Zarius screamed in pain as his brain finally processed it. Because believe it or not the entire exchange only happened in 3 seconds. And it wasn't even done yet.

He glanced to the side and saw the goblin spearman was stepping closer with its spear winded up from his back.. seems like he's going to perform a horizontal slash with his spear tip.

Turning to another side, he saw the other goblin spearman pulling back the spear while the spear blade is pointed at him.. he seems to be planning on stabbing him.

While the last goblin sword wielder watched him with hesitation in its eye.

'this again!' he exclaimed.. he could already see that if he duck or jumped or step back from the horizontal attack of the other goblin, he would get hit by the stab.

They timed their attack to make him avoid the first one so that he could get hit by the latter. 'This damned shits'

This would have been solved if he have a way to block their attack, like maybe a shield or a sword.. but right now.. he doesn't have those.

He rack his inexperienced mind to figure out a way to avoid getting fucked.. because his instincts tells him that if his heart receives a devastating injury it'll be a huge problem and might even cause his demise.

And so he came up with a plan any human would laugh at.

And with a determined look he ducked from the horizontal slash of the goblin on his right.

But while doing so he made sure he was facing to the right. And with intense focus he watched as the other Goblin stab him. But before it could hit him right in the heart he leaned to the left making the spear pierced through his right lung.

But he didn't stopped there.. even though he already got stab by the spear he took a huge step forward and another step.. and another. He pretty much sprinted into the spear making it go through him and even more deeper.

To the point that he was face to face with the goblin.

"Hello there ~" he muster up with a bloody and sinister smile.

Before jamming his right hand in the goblin's stomach and curving it upward to get ahold of its heart. And with a swift motion he crushed it with his hand.

[You have slained a Goblin Spearman]

[You gained 3 exp]

====|<[Exp( 38/50) ]

And as the goblin he killed falls on its knee he slowly turned around.. with the spear still in his chest, he gave the last two goblin a crazed smile.

"You're next~"

Current stats


[Name: Noiren Van Helsing](Sunless)

| Lvl= 1. | Exp( 38/50) | BP ( 32 / 50)

[Race: Vampire]



Str : 12

Spd : 13

Agi : 10

Per : 10

Con : 5

Dex : 12

Cha : 14




| > [Regeneration]

> [Immortality]

> [Echolocation]

> [Vampiric Claw]

> [Hang]



| > [Blessing of Estas]


///Author's note: i remove the skill dash and stealth as they aren't really a skill and more like a mechanics if you get what i mean

Also sorryy for vanishing for 3 days I just graduated from highschool\\\