More GG

And as the goblin he killed falls on its knee he slowly turned around.. with the spear still in his chest, he gave the last two goblin a crazed smile.

"You're next~" the goblin with spear felt a tinged of fear crept up its spine. As he watched the "fragile" human held the spear handle that are sticking out of his chest and breaking it.

Before reaching out behind him and grabbing the remaining shaft that is poking out of his back. And with a rough pull a fleshy tear sounded out again.

And a low groan escaped the human mouth as it looks at the two of them with malice while holding the bloody remain of the spear that was used to impale him.

Seeing this there's one thing in their mind. Survive.

And with that the two ran towards him with a hint of despair in their eyes.

The goblin with the sword went first it screeched out something to the spear man before attack Zarius with a vertical downward slash.

But with Zarius having the heightened sense of a Vampire and their speed he easily step to the side to avoid it.

But he didn't relax, and as he expected a pointed blade lashed out at him with a horizontal slash aiming at his neck, but he saw this and narrowly leaned back.

And seeing their target leaning back to avoid their attack the goblin that wields a sword attacked once again before Zarius could stabilize his for and stand up straight again.

And as Zarius pull himself up after leaning he saw another vertical downward slash coming from the goblin.

He cant side step because he's in an unstable center of gravity.. if he did try to step to the side he might fall on his weight and that would just make his situation worse.

Seeing this he found no other way. So before the blade could descend on his body he put his hand forward and cought the sword by the blade in an attempt to stop it and at the same time using his hardened hand muscle with the skill [vampiric claw] to lessen the damage to his hand.

With a resounding thud the sword stopped right in front of him. And with a gritted teeth, Zarius rised his feet and was about to kick the Goblin in front of him.

But he's forgetting something in here.

He got way too focused to the one in front of him that he have forgotten about the one that uses a spear.


"Ggrrrhhh!?!??" It was too late to regret now, and the only thing Zarius was able to do is groan in pain as he look at the spear blade that is coming out of his chest.

Seeing this the goblins laughed. And the one behind him kicked him, making Zarius fall forward.

The goblins laughed again, the spear user stepping on Zarius back as it pulled its spear back out with glee only to stab him again on his back.

The goblin observed and that he no longer moves.. I mean who would be alive at this point?

This human have already been cut right in the chest.. and even got stabbed right in the back through the chest.. no way this person would still be alive.

Turning around the goblin glanced at their fallen comrade and began approaching them and taking their weapon, intending to give it to another member of their tribe or give it to a newly summoned goblin if needed.



[Bp: 41 > 26]




The Goblin could be seen walking away from the site of battle carrying the weapon of the fallen goblin. They were a bit stiff and gloomy, both because of the intense fight and the loss of their group leader.

They were feeling a little relieve as they survived the fight but then suddenly..


The spear goblin heard a strange sound coming from his remaining comrade making it turn around and see what's going on.

Looking back, the goblin eye was wide open as his eyes landed on his comrade looking down.

The spear goblin followed where the Goblin slasher was looking and it's eye landed on a bloody hand coming out of the slasher's chest.

And that's when the spear goblin realized that behind its friend was a human standing.

Its eyes widened even more. Its the same human they have killed just a moment ago!

Dropping all the other weapon it grab it's spear that hangs behind it. And with a furious screech it ran towards the human with a murderous intent.

But then it was forced to halt its advance when he saw the human throwing the body of his comrade towards him.




'healing the deep wound on my chest and the stab wound on my back took 15 blood points' Zarius thought as he dash forward.

He have just thrown away a goblin corpse making his target stop in its advance. And taking advantage of this he ran forward while making sure the goblin slasher was distracted.

He watched as the last remaining goblin ducked planning to avoid the thrown corpse. And he took advantage of this as well.

Stepping forward he hardened his right claw again and used [Vampiric Claw] to perform a horizontal low slash aiming it right at the goblins face.

'with this you could either choose to receive my claw or leaned back up to avoid the low attack but this would mean you will get hit by the corps-.'

He was still thinking when he already saw the goblin backing out from his claw with a desperate face.

'since you choose this path.. I'll respond with mine as well..' he smiled as he watched the goblin stumbled and get knocked back from meeting the goblins corpse that was thrown to it while also blocking its view.

Gritting his teeth he spread both his arms apart and waited as the Goblin corpse completely fall from the floor.

Meanwhile the goblin finally managed to see what was happening only to be met with an agonizing pain coming to it's neck.

It was too late, time seems to slow down as it watched as Zarius claw pass by and completely splitting it's throat and watched as it's own blood gushed out of it.

That's when it realized it was dying.

Falling on it knees it tries to stop its death even after knowing it's inevitable by holding its throat to stop the blood from coming out.

It then fall and rolled on its back . Its eye looking up the cave's ceiling only to see a black boot crashing down on its head.

Everything fades to darkness.






[You have slained a Goblin Slasher!]

[You have gained 3 exp]



[You have slained a goblin spearman!]

[You gained 3 exp!]

[====> Exp( 38/50) > 44/50]



"Its finally over..." Zarius sighed as he looks around in a tired look. ".... We have to keep moving"

And with that he went through the usual routine of picking up the essence crystal that the Goblin dropped. Checking his pockets he counted that he now have 13 essence crystal with him.

In the process, the corpse finally turned into dust and vanish without a trace. And as for the weapons? He didn't spare a glance at it because of its poor quality.

He once collected them when he was still playing the game. But all he got was around 100+ silvers.. he can't recall how much it was exactly but he knows that it's not above 150. And thats already around 13 goblins worth of weaponry.

And he could get that exact money it provided him by selling 3 low level essence crystal which is worth exactly 150 silvers. So it's not really worth it.. i mean sure, he can do it if he want extra profit.. but the sheer trouble he have to go through so he could get them is just not worth it.. specially now that he's the one doing it and not an avatar.

Currently Zarius walking carefully and quietly away from the previous area and walking for a few minutes, taking a few turns here and there he finally took a rest.

Though honestly, his body want feeling tired. Heck he feels like he could fight endlessly, that's the effect of immortality and being a vampire... But the thing is.. his mind isn't the same .

His brain hurts, not physically.. it hurts in a psychological kind. Its like his soul itself is tired.

'I didn't know fighting is this tiring..' he breath deeply and sighed. 'I almost felt like I would collapse any moment the moment adrenaline went out of my system ' he thought as he looked up at the caves ceiling.

He's currently sitting on the caves floor with his back leaning on the caves wall. His eyes felt heavy and dry. 'I will be needing rest soon... But for now.. I should continue' he sighed and stand up.

And soon he began roaming the maze like cavern with a clear goal.

And it's to get stronger.









There's a few moments when he have questioned himself. Why does he want to get stronger?

Well his first answer is always 'To survive' .. 'to not get killed' but he know for a fact that its not just that.

He have lived his life not being able to go out. Not being able to experience the world. That's why, one of his goal in this place is to experience what's it's like not to be shackled by some disease and experiences all kinds of things he have not experience before.

And as for the second reason why he's doing this because. Within a year in-game, something fucked up will happen. It's the main reason why his best play ended.

'I still get can't get over that Draconic race playthrough' he shivered from sheer frustration and loudly stomp as he walks forward. But soon he quiets down and calmed himself.

'Anyway. The first plan is to get 'that' shit.. though it'll take a while.. what's more I'd probably suffer so much for that' he sighed and almost wanted to change his plan. But he reminded this is one of the best choice to increase his survivability.

'But lets not worry for that. It's in the 7th floor anyway.. lets focus here first.' Zarius thought as he look forward.

'Besides, I've already thought of a characteristic combo that will be suited for this race... And the first one can be acquired in the 2nd floor.. though it'll be difficult for me to get it at the moment.. I need to level up first.'

You might ask.. what is a characteristic? Well its the essence of a monster's Identity. It has the probability of dropping from a slain monster with a very low chance of 2%.

And it also differs from monster to monster. A goblin archer's characteristics is called "snipe" which makes your range attack deal 5% more critical damage and makes it even deadlier. And a goblin slasher's characteristics is called "Sharp Edge" which imbues your blade 5% physical penetration.

Though a person can only have a limited amount of characteristics that makes up their Identity. And their slots is equal to their level.

Meaning a level 5 person have 5 characteristics slots for their Identity.

Though a high level characteristics might require multiple slots depending on their grade level.

A common has 1 slot requirements, uncommon has 2 and an elite has 4 and an epic which requires 6 slots. And the most unusual is the special class which has zero slot requirements.. but you need to meet some prerequisites so you can inherit it.

And yes. The one he was planning to get in the 5th floor is a special grade characteristics that has a simple requirement.

'Though the real challenge is managing to get to that place... But with strength.. It wouldn't be much' and with that he began hunting more goblin around.

And it wasn't even long before he finished his goal for the day.. and currently he's standing with a blood stained right hand while a massive amounts of blood covers his face and body.

And a goblin's corpse could be seen sprawled out with a gaping wound in the center of its chest. While other goblin corpse lay around the wide damp hall of the cavern. There is four of them dead around him and one in front of him.

And Zarius stands at the very middle of this. Savoring a sensation he haven't felt before as he looks up. And at the same time. He reads an announcement that floats right in front of his vision.

[Congratulations! You have leveled up!]

[Deep within your being a slumbering power awakes!]

He have actually leveled up in the middle of the battle when he killed two of the 5 goblin. And only now was he able to view his stats.


Name: Noiren Van Helsing

| Lvl= 2. | Exp( 9/75) | BP ( 46 / 50)

[Race: Vampire]



Str : 12 -> 14

Spd : 13 -> 13

Agi : 10 -> 11

Per : 10 -> 12

Con : 5 -> 8

Dex : 12 -> 14

Cha : 14 -> 14




| > [Regeneration]



[Vampiric Claw]




| > [Blessing of Estas]


'thats a pretty good' he sighed as he bathe himself in the sensation of leveling up. It felt... Other worldly.. like that good stretch you got while laying on the bed that would make you shiver and malfunction. Like that little shiver you get when you pee.

It felt good almost addictive.. but slowly it began fading.

'I didn't expect it to feel that good' he groan as he stretch his slightly enhanced body..

'now that I'm level 2, I could safely challenge the second floor now..' he thought as he finished stretching. And turning his head to the left he smiled.

"Let's head to the next level shall we?"














Name: Noiren Van Helsing

| Lvl= 2. | Exp( 9/75) | BP ( 46 / 50)

[Race: Vampire]



Str : 14

Spd :13

Agi : 11

Per : 12

Con : 8

Dex : 14

Cha : 14




| > [Regeneration]



>[Vampiric Claw]



| > [Blessing of Estas]
