Chapter 19

Did you know that Issei's favorite food is cheesecake? Found that on the Wiki...


"Gorou! If you don't buy Issei cheesecake right now, you better pray to someone that I don't strangle you with my own two hands." Turns out Issei still loved cheesecake.

"You can't spoil him like this. He is a grown man."

"No the hell he isn't. As long as I live, he'll forever be my baby." This was how the day started. Issei was calmly eating some breakfast, just the regular cereal because he felt lazy, and the moment that he mentioned his favorite food, all Hell broke loose.

"Listen here... I will not buy him that. He's not even bulking. All that extra-"

"Did I ask? You either get him the cheesecake or I'm about to use more of your money for extra boxes of cheesecake."

"You wouldn't dare." Gorou looked at his wife in case she was joking around. She wasn't...

"Gorou, you got 5 seconds." Miki smirked before slowly walking towards the door. "Issei, how many do you want?"

"I'll take five cheesecakes." Issei decided to play along, not noticing that his mother was dead serious about the situation.

"Alright, I'll be in the living room." Miki said leaving the two alone.

"She's going to do it." Gorou could only sigh in disappointment at how slow he was to answer his wife. Now, he was going to suffer five times the consequence.

"She won't actually do it." Issei was confident that his mother was just joking. That was until he heard the door opening and closing. Issei rushed to the window showing the front of the house and saw his mother starting the car. She noticed her son and waved a goodbye before pulling out of the driveway and speeding through the streets. "Never mind, I stand corrected, she actually did do it."

"Somehow, your mother gets whatever she wants. It's probably one of the reasons why I married her." Gorou walked towards the living room. "Don't you have school in a couple of minutes?"

Issei looked at the clock and simply shrugged his shoulders. "Being late isn't that big of a deal."

"Yeah, I know that from experience. I nearly had the most absences and tardies in school growing up. I was shocked that you didn't fall in my steps. I am kind of glad that you're more like your mother." Gorou picked up the remote and put on the news. "I think I'm getting a little old watching the news."

"You definitely are, but that's okay." Issei commented before walking to his room to get ready.

"Great, thanks for the answer, Issei." His father sarcastically said before letting the couch drown him in comfort. "Today seems like a good day to sit down and do nothing."

While Issei was getting ready for school, on the other side of the spectrum, another group was getting ready for their next mission. Raynare, sitting down on her little throne that she made, spreading her wings and looking down on her subordinates, raised her hand and threw a light spear onto one of the priests. Blood scattered everywhere with organs following suit, all those present watched in fear at how cruel and merciless their "leader" was.

"Anyone else wants to reject what Azazel had ordered us to do?" Raynare continued the lie, manipulating all the others into her rule. The reason why it was easy for her to do this was because the higher ups would never listen to their calls. They were busy, as they would say, doing other things like paperwork or researching about potential ways of getting the fallen angels more powerful. "If anyone wants to, line up and get prepared with a battle to the death with me."

With that, everyone stood in silence while Raynare watched everyone there. Most of the fallen angels were sent on a mission that Raynare had "gotten" from Azazel. "Listen, we all must work together... Azazel and the higher ups are dealing with this new threat that has been wiping out our numbers in masses. We must deal with outside threats to make sure that Azazel and the others can properly deal with this monster. Remember, this monster has primarily been targeting fallen angels."

Raynare was still growing her numbers. While she did that, she would train frequently in maintain her power over her stolen sacred gear. "You all are dismissed." With that, they all rushed out of the building. The place that they remained in was a random forest with multiple trap doors. They hoped that they would be able to stay safe from the serial killer in the supernatural world.

How long had it been since she was dismissed from Azazel's hold? Ever since then, she will obtain her revenge. She will get back at Azazel and make him regret looking down upon her. However, at the level that she was, she would still be taken down by a high-class devil with relative ease.

Another thing that Raynare was feeling was that what she was doing would eventually catch up to her. Killing off humans wasn't a problem; they were just fuel for the supernatural world. However, killing these rogue priests and fallen angels that decide to not work alongside her group could potentially bring her problems from the factions.

She didn't mind it too much. What she saw was a solution that she was bringing to the world. Killing off these pathetic excuses of beings and only allowing for those willing to serve actual powerful beings such as herself were justice in her eyes.

"I forgot how tight this suit was." Issei tried his best to not rip apart his school uniform. "I'm not looking forward to gym class. The moment that this uniform rips, the moment that I will be sent back to the office."

"Well, I suggest getting a larger size of your uniform. Your body is far more muscular and much stiffer, with a sharp motion with your arms or legs and says goodbye to the uniform." Ddraig was still training in the boosted gear, trying to maintain his battle tactics, and when he ever does fight another powerful being of his past, he would be able to handle them for his partner.

"That isn't even the problem for today. The real test would be if I can maintain my boiling rage from the students. I already know what they are going to say to me the moment that they see me."

"Leave that to me... I'll remind you when you're losing your control. Right now, we want to stay away from these devils and maintain our distance from the other factions." Ddraig and Issei already were discussing plans on fooling the devils. Currently, the only devils that reside in this territory would be the high-class devils, and they didn't have much insight into them and how to sense their power. Ddraig's master control over the boosted gear and Issei's power would easily be enough to create an allusion that Issei is just a regular human that went sightseeing around the world.

"Issei honey, I'm finally back from the store." His mother's voice was heard from downstairs. "I even got some candy to celebrate."

"Honey, our son has to go to school."

"Going late to school isn't a problem, right Gorou?" His mother spoke with a very sincere tone, but her husband knew very well not to anger his wife... It would only cause more problems for him.

His mother was the best... Issei walked down the stairs with his bag on his shoulders. "Alright, I wouldn't mind taking a cheesecake with me. I'll eat the cake on the way there."

Grabbing one of the boxes, Issei said his goodbyes and left the house. He didn't want to cause a fight between the two again like in the morning because his father would be walking away with two losses against his mother.

Issei already knew the route to his school, walking along, seeing many cars zooming by him, hearing the birds chirping like there was no tomorrow, and then hearing the conversations between the many people that walk past him, Issei forgot how it felt being in society. Being alone was pretty fun, he spoke with his partner the entire time and training, but the interactions between people were something that he truly missed.

That was when he finally got to the school building, taking in a feel breath and removing all of his happiness in preparation for what was going to happen, Issei began walking into the building. Checking in late and finally being able to walk to his first class, which was math. Math class in the morning was rough, having trouble staying on task when it was this early in the morning had always gotten to Issei. Issei hoped that he would be able to perform better with him becoming more dragon and having better cognitive abilities.

Opening the door, everyone stopped to see who entered the classroom. Widening their mouths to see the new buffed Issei with his long hair flowing down to his shoulders, Issei simply stared blankly at the classroom. Even the teacher was shocked in seeing Issei, especially the changes. "Hyoudou? Is that you?"

"Yeah..." That was all that he said before walking to his seat. The murmurs already began, and people already began giving him eyes of disgust. Looking around to see the looks... they hated him. To think that he was oblivious to the amount of hate that he would receive from the others. All this just because he was true to his nature while others covered theirs.

These were the stares that Issei was reminded of when he changed... He was hated and these stares were already angering him to another level. His perversion for women was voided, replaced by his hatred for everyone. Now... he was seeing the truth.

"What?" Issei said while looking around the room. "Is there a problem?" Staring intently at all those that were staring at him in disgust. "If there is, get up and do something about it. I'm standing right here right now."

He wasn't going to take anyone's shit anymore. He didn't see anyone in this room as friends or anyone as someone that he cared about. He would easily wipe them out of existence if he was forced to do so. Everyone stopped speaking and looked at Issei in a little bit of a shocker manner. This was the first time that they had seen Issei this mad before. Finally seeing as though the entire class had finally stopped speaking ill about him, Issei sat down at his desk and stared at the teacher. "What did I miss?"