Chapter 20

Turns out, Issei was exempted from doing all the schoolwork of the past two months, besides the two tests that he needed to finish. After class, Issei was approached by two of his "friends". Matsuda and Motohama... Issei looked at these two in disinterest. They weren't his friends... were they? No, they were never his friend.

"Yo, Issei my man. How have you been?" Matsuda attempted to grab Issei's shoulder, but Issei grabbed his hand and looked him in the eyes with the same blank face that he gave to the class when entering.

"I've been good." Letting go of Matsuda's hand, Issei decided that he would spend his lunch period alone. Sitting on the rooftops without anyone bothering him, that was what Issei wanted. He would only speak with Ddraig.

"And we thought that the pervert was finally gone." That voice, turning to see one of the many students that had abused him for peeking at them, was Katase. "We really thought you were gone."

"And I thought you learned to keep that mouth shut. Can't really be surprised, a mother like a daughter, your mother showed her mouth to the entire neighborhood and look what happened." Issei motioned towards Katase.

"Even then, being a useless pervert is worse." She remained unfazed by Issei's comment.

"This stupid..." All filters were off. "Coming from someone that can't seem to understand that a simple solution to the peeking was a wooden plank. You knew that it was there, and you kept that thing open for the world to see. Yet, the only people that saw were the perverted trio. Nothing special that the world cared for. You have nothing to offer. Not even that mediocre body of yours."

Turns out that, Katase had her stick in her hand. "Want to say that again?"

Issei got right in front of her, looking straight down at her with a glare terrifying enough to send shivers down everyone watching. "You heard me! You're mid at best. Want me to continue..."

Katase, upon seeing Issei was serious as he was, began shaking her hand with a little bit of fear. She wanted to smack Issei with the kendo stick, but she didn't know anymore. "I dare you to hit me with that. I will bring the pain that you brought me back by a hundred folds onto you. I will break you." Issei continued to stay in front of the woman. His anger reached levels that no one thought it would reach.

Murayama rushed in with her own stick. Pointing the stick right at Issei while he remained unfazed. "Another one decides to join the fight. A two-on-one... I like the odds."

This wasn't the Issei that the school knew. This Issei was someone that was ready to break someone. His "friends" saw this and began getting a little worried.

"Issei, I don't know what happened to you, but you're acting differently." Motohama came from behind Issei, trying to grab his shoulders, but Issei simply grabbed his hand and threw him to the side.

"Don't touch me," Issei growled. Everyone was getting terrified of Issei. He was not only much more buffed but looked absolutely massive, but he was aggressive to the point he wasn't afraid of beating the shit out of people. Not only that but he just threw one of his "friends" away.

"Anyone got a problem with me? I'm here, say it, or keep it shut." The silence was all that he received, nodding to himself and walking away, Issei was going to grab some lunch.

Right when Issei walked out of the door, he was met with Kiba standing right in front of him. "Oh... Are you Issei Hyoudou?"

"A devil." Issei heard from his partner.

"Yeah, got a problem?" Already showing hostility, everyone was quiet watching the "prince" of Kuoh interact with Issei. There was no way that they were going to label him a pervert after watching what he was going to do to the two girls.

"I was requested by my president to bring you along to our club room."

"I don't care. Lunch is short and I will be spending all my free time doing what I want rather than what you want. If she wants me to show up, she better be praying to some God." Issei noticed Kiba quickly grabbing his head. Taking that in, Issei continued walking away, but he felt someone grab his shoulder.

"I highly insist that you..." Issei grabbed Kiba by the hand and threw him over his shoulder and onto the ground.

"Don't touch me again. I already told you, if she wants to talk with me, tell her to do it on her own and do it quickly. Time is a valuable thing." Leaving Kiba on the ground, Issei continued on his way.

Once Issei had left, Kiba finally got up from the ground. Glaring at Issei's direction, he couldn't help but sigh. He couldn't do anything about this. He'll just have to tell his club president about what happened.

While Issei has left alone that day, no one decided to speak with him. However, on the other side of the spectrum, Rias was a little upset that Issei didn't come along with Kiba and that he disrespected one of her peerage members. Sitting at her desk, she was getting ready to meet with Issei at the entrance.

"Rias, you could send me to fetch him?" Akeno spoke while standing in front of Rias, who was about to open the door to leave the club room.

"I would rather Issei not throw you into the wall. I just need to speak with him, just for a brief moment." Rias closed the door on the way out and continued on her way until she reached the front entrance.

There, she sat down against the wall until the bell rang. All the students began walking out of the building... There was a huge problem that Rias didn't expect to happen. The sheer number of students had left her in trouble trying to find Issei in the crowd. Minutes passed by, and Issei was nowhere to find.

'Where the hell is he?' Rias thought another problem with standing here is...

"Is that Rias Gremory?" The people in the school had looked up to her as one of the queens of the school, and her fan club was bound to speak with her. The moment that they began circling her, Issei was found walking through the crowd.

"Give me a second." Rias tried to walk through the crowd, but they weren't budging. They couldn't, there were people walking right behind them, next to them, and in front of them, it was impossible for them to walk away.

Rias watched as Issei walked through the crowd... Quickly disappearing right around the corner. What was she going to do now? Should she wait for tomorrow? No... She couldn't wait for that. Rias could appear right in front of Issei's house...

What was the worst that was going to happen? Didn't Issei like the type of girl that Rias was? Also, wasn't he one of the largest perverts in the school if not the largest pervert? This solidified the idea of being very bright in Rias's mind.

While Rias was going to make her way to Issei's house, she needed to make herself representable to Issei's parents, Issei was sitting down on his bed thinking about what happened during school.

"I would definitely say that the Gremory will be appearing sooner or later. She's still young... I'm guessing she's very impatient similar to many high-class devils." Ddraig started while resting in Issei's head. "I suggest playing dumb... Make sure that you say nothing suspicious. She might be smart, but she's most likely clueless when confused."

"Confuse her, got you." Issei was looking down at his arm, burned by the flames of the ancient dragon. He frowned upon seeing the burn mark, it definitely did worry his mother. He had hoped that he didn't have any markings that indicated that his training was lethal.

"I don't know why the Satans had let their little siblings roam through the human world. It doesn't make sense, the chances of something lethal appearing and snatching them are higher here than anywhere else. Plus, it would take time for the Satans to appear to save them."

"Wait... Why do I sense someone approaching my house?" Walking towards his door and looking down, Issei saw Riss Gremory in all her glory standing in front of his house, breathing heavily and composing herself to enter. Running down the stairs and appearing right in front of the front door, he didn't need his parents to know that he was speaking with someone... Especially when they weren't important to him.

Right when he heard a knock at the door, Issei waited for a little to make it less suspicious and whipped open the door. Staring directly into the eyes of Rias, he kept his emotionless facade. "What do you want?"

"Well... That's a nice way of introducing yourself to someone."

"It is. You must have already known who I am when you showed up at my house. How the hell did you even get my address?"

"School book," The classic excuse.

"School bookz? Okay, now back to what I was saying... What the hell do you want?" Issei wasn't going to deal with Rias right now. He did not want his mother and father to know that he was speaking with someone right now. The less that Rias knew of his connection with his parents, the less of a chance there will be of his parents being used against him. He doesn't trust anyone...

"Well, I was wondering how you survived your trip with the fallen angel that you dated?" Expecting Issei to begin panicking from being called out, Rias's smile quickly turned to a frown when seeing Issei's face remained stoic.

"What? What the hell are you talking about?"

"I think I should sit down an-"

"You got two minutes out here, speak or leave this topic." Issei interrupted and demanded.

"You came to my house, talked about my breakup, and how she left me broken-hearted, reminded me of that moment. Showed up here without permission and expect me to listen to you willingly?"

"But you did mean it. I know you aren't dumb Rias... You knew that it would have been a sensitive topic." This was going really well for Issei.

"Okay, I was just wondering how-"

"What the hell is a fallen angel?" Issei gave a very confused expression. Rias was beginning to lose her confidence in this situation. What the hell was happening? Did the fallen actually kill this man?

"I... A thing with wings. How did she break up with you?"

Issei pretended to sigh and continue, "Since you really want to know, and you won't stop bothering me. She took the gift that I gave her, ripped it into pieces, and said she had another boyfriend that was "better" than me. Left me in pieces." Issei began tearing up...

Rias, now feeling terrible, spoke, "I'm sorry that she did that. I'll be leaving. I didn't mean for any of this to happen... I think I need some sleep." Rias was expecting something terrible from the fallen angel, something like killing, but leaving someone broken and forever traumatized was something far worse.

Once closing the door on her, Issei waited for her to walk away.