Chapter 7 - Suspension Tuesday (2) and Wednesday (1)

"What's the time?"

I woke up with a heaviness in my head that seemed to drag me back into unconsciousness. I blinked several times, trying to focus my vision, but the world around me was still a blurry, indistinct haze. Slowly, the shadows and shapes began to define themselves. I was lying on the cold ground. I'm very lucky not to have been eaten by a wild animal.

I tried to sit up, but the pain in my muscles forced me to let out a muffled groan and fall back onto the grass covering the ground. My body was exhausted; every fiber of my being seemed to have been drained of energy. I then remembered the last spell I cast, how I felt the mana flowing through my veins like an unstoppable torrent until everything went black.

"What the heck happened to me?"

A dull rumble in my stomach pulled me out of my thoughts. Hunger gripped me like a wild beast, and the urgency to eat became the only thing I could think of. I closed my eyes, trying to focus, to gather the little energy I had left. I could feel my stomach twisting, protesting the lack of food.

Using the little strength I managed to gather, I sat at the entrance of my shelter, feeling the exhaustion slowly fade as the sun set behind the hills. I took a deep breath, trying to center myself. I could still feel the residual mana weakly flowing in my veins, a constant reminder of my recent fainting.

Suddenly, a bluish light flashed before my eyes. I knew that light, that feeling. I blinked, and there it was, the system screen, floating in the air with its familiar ethereal glow. Blue letters began to appear, forming words I instantly recognized:


[Congratulations! You have learned the spell Mana Shard by completing the mission 'Learn First Spell'.]


-> Mana Shard [Level 1]

Shoot a Shard that travels at high speed and deals considerable damage to the enemy. A beginner spell that proves you are one step closer to being worthy of the title of mage.

{Damage: 100}

{Cast Range: 5 m}

{Cost: 15 MP}

{Cooldown: None}


[You have obtained 1 'Skill Point'. You can use it to learn a new spell or skill, or you can use it to level up the Mana Shard spell.]

I felt a surge of renewed energy flow through me. Despite the fatigue and hunger, the excitement of achievement and the promise of new abilities filled me with determination. I observed the screen, considering my options. The Mana Shard was a basic spell, but as the adventure progressed, it remained a good option if used skillfully. The knowledge of the spell was already settling in my mind, as if it had always been there, waiting to be awakened.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the screen flashed and the options began to unfold before my eyes.


[Please choose from the following three options:]

[Spell: Freezing - Level: 1]

- This spell would allow you to immobilize your enemies, encasing them in ice, preventing them from moving and attacking, while inflicting damage over time. If the enemy is the same level or higher than the user, the spell duration will be drastically reduced. If the enemy has high resistance to status effects, the spell will only deal damage but not immobilize them.

{Damage per second: 100}

{Duration: 4 s}

{Cast Range: 5 m}

{Cost: 50 MP}

{Cooldown: 60 s}

[Spell: Ice Burst - Level: 1]

- Creates a burst of frost that deals damage and slows the movement and attack speed of enemies in the target area.

{Damage: 110}

{Effect Radius: 1.5 m}

{Cast Range: 6 m}

{Cost: 25 MP}

{Move Speed Slow: 10%}

{Attack Speed Slow: 15%}

{Slow Duration: 5 s}

{Cooldown: None}

[Skill: Icy Aura]

- Grants additional mana regeneration to you and all allies within the area of effect. As you level up this skill, it will gain more benefits.

{Effect Radius: 4 m}

{Base Mana Regeneration Bonus: 1.5}

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, focusing on the skill point I had earned. I could feel its presence, a small spark of power ready to be used. When this was just a game, I didn't give it much importance, but now that I was trapped in this world, this skill point felt like a gift from the gods.

The question was clear: should I choose to immobilize, devastate, or regenerate? Before making a decision, I needed to ask a question.

"What will happen to the options I don't choose?"


[You will be able to acquire them when you earn more skill points.]

With that response, I felt more at ease. Now I just had to choose the best option. After a few moments of deliberation, I decided that 'Freezing' would be the most strategic choice. Being able to stop my enemies in their tracks would give me a considerable tactical advantage. With firm resolve, I focused my mind on the floating screen in front of me and selected 'Freezing.'

The screen flashed again, and a sensation of cold and energy flowed through me, as if the mana inside me was responding to the new knowledge. I felt the spell settle more deeply into my being, its power filling me with renewed confidence.

The screen disappeared with a final flash, leaving me alone under the starry sky. I looked at my hands, feeling the energy vibrate in my fingers and a comforting cold enveloping me. I had taken a crucial step in my journey as a sorcerer.

A dull rumble in my stomach pulled me out of my thoughts. I had to do something about the hunger that was gradually taking over me like a wild beast, and the urgency to eat became the only thing I could think of. I closed my eyes, trying to focus, to gather the little energy I had left. I could feel my stomach twisting, protesting the lack of food.

"Alright, alright, let's go to the village to get something to eat."

With effort, I managed to turn on my side and get up. My legs trembled, but the desire to find food was stronger than the pain. I knew I wouldn't find anything here; I would have to make the arduous journey to the nearest village. I put on the academy bracelet and grabbed the leather bag where I kept my things, including the coin pouch that felt lighter than it was at the beginning. I must have around 100 gold coins left.

I needed to do something quickly to earn money, otherwise, I wouldn't have enough to fund my future projects.

With each step I took, my legs trembled, but I advanced slowly. The feeling of weakness invaded me, but I couldn't afford to stop.

Finally, I left the hill, and the fresh forest air surrounded me. The trees stood tall and majestic around me, their leaves whispering in the wind. Every movement was a struggle, but I pressed on, venturing into the forest. I knew the village was on the other side of the grove, several hours' walk away, but I had no other choice. My stomach growled again, louder this time, reminding me that my survival depended on finding something, anything, to calm the burning void inside me.

The path wound through the trees, and each step seemed to cost me more than the last. I tried to concentrate on my steps, on putting one foot in front of the other, but the hunger was a constant distraction, an unrelenting presence that wouldn't let me think of anything else.

It was clear that this had to do with the 'Monarch of Gluttony's Bandana,' making me reconsider whether this item was worth it.

Finally, after what felt like endless hours, I spotted the first rooftops of the village through the trees. But before I could enter the village, I stopped in front of the guards and showed the bracelet I wore on my hand. The guard just sighed and let me in, with a look of tiredness and frustration.

'Seriously, how much do they pay this guy?'

I let it slide as I made my way to the guild. Upon arriving, I once again ordered the meat stew, which I had loved the last time. Once I had the food at my table, I decided to focus solely on filling my stomach.

The meat stew was delicious, each bite filling me with a comforting warmth that contrasted with the bustle of the adventurers' guild. The hall was filled with laughter, lively conversations, and the constant clatter of plates and glasses.

For someone who had been thrown into this world, moments like these, of apparent normality, were an oasis of tranquility and comfort. They made me forget the fact that I was completely alone, in a world that, although familiar, I couldn't say for sure would have any consideration when I made my first mistake.

I was concentrating on my food, enjoying the perfect blend of spices and the tenderness of the meat, when a change in the atmosphere of the hall caught my attention. Apparently, this world had no intention of letting me enjoy my meal. The guild door burst open, and a familiar figure crossed the threshold with unshakable confidence. Teslinne Koizumi, the main heroine of the game and a martial artist, made her way through the crowd.

Her jet-black hair cascaded over her shoulders, and her eyes, bright and full of determination, scanned the room with intensity. Her magnetic presence quickly caught everyone's attention, including mine. The noise in the guild diminished significantly as she approached the main counter, where Aldwyn was attending to other adventurers.

I tried to eavesdrop on their conversation. I could see how, with a firm posture, Teslinne stood in front of Aldwyn, who seemed to recognize her.

"Teslinne, good to see you. How can I help you?"

"You know what I want."

"Teslinne, I can't let you take the goblin hunting mission alone. It requires at least two adventurers if you're in F rank."

"Please, no one else wants to take that mission."

She said in a clear voice. I could hear the firmness in her words even from a distance. It was a crucial moment in the game, a mission that marked a turning point in her character development.

This is because if the player, as Darius, helps her, you can earn more of her trust, making it easier to add her to your harem. But if Darius doesn't help her, she will appear at the academy completely different, with a shy and somber attitude. In the game, it is implied that by not helping her, Teslinne suffered a traumatic event, which drastically changed her demeanor.

My heart began to race. I couldn't afford to draw her attention. Any interaction with her could alter the story in unpredictable ways. I quickly lowered my head, focusing again on my stew, trying to appear as insignificant as possible. I didn't want to be noticed, not by her, not now.

"Teslinne, the guild rules are clear, no exceptions. Try to find another F-rank adventurer who can help you."

The attendant shook his head, his expression firm. Teslinne crossed her arms, her brow furrowed.

"I don't know any other F ranks. Besides, I can handle it, I've trained for this."

The argument continued, with Teslinne trying to convince Aldwyn, who maintained his firm stance. The entire guild seemed to be paying attention to the interaction. With each passing second, I felt the possibility of being discovered increase.

I shrank in my seat, trying to be as invisible as possible. I quickly finished my stew, aware of every movement. I couldn't stay here much longer; since I had already paid for my meal, I could leave without saying anything, avoiding an unnecessary risk that I couldn't afford.

Carefully, I stood up slowly, keeping my head down. I walked towards the exit with measured steps, avoiding any direct glance towards Teslinne. Each step brought me closer to the door and the safety of the shadows outside.

"A new F rank joined yesterday. You can ask if he wants to join you on the mission."

"Really? Who is it, and where can I find him?"

"I'm afraid I don't know where he lives, but..."

I couldn't help but stop when I heard the conversation. Why did he stop talking? What's happening?

"Rurik, is that you?"

'Why does nothing go my way?'

"Are you the new F rank adventurer?"

"Yes... yes, I'm Rurik."

"I know it's sudden, but can you join me on the goblin hunting mission?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. If you'll excuse me, I must be leaving."


Finally, I crossed the threshold and stepped into the cold night air. A sigh of relief escaped my lips. I had avoided a potential disaster, at least for now. I knew this world was full of dangers and challenges. I hoped this slip wouldn't alter the course of the main events.

After all, Darius will come to help her tomorrow. I know this is an optional event. While Teslinne's attitude changes due to the trauma she suffered, the only repercussion is that it's harder to win her over since you have to help her overcome her trauma. Still, considering Darius's protective attitude towards the heroines, it meant he would surely help Teslinne.

With that thought in mind, I walked away from the adventurers' guild, determined to stay in the background, observing and learning without directly intervening in a story I didn't know too well.


With the dawn of a new day, I had the brilliant idea of going to the guild for breakfast. Once I was seated in my usual corner, I realized how stupid I had been. Right in front of me was Tesline, who was eating my breakfast, while I struggled to avoid having a mental breakdown.

I reincarnated as Rurik, someone of the lowest caliber, whom it seems the world rightfully despises. That's why I couldn't understand why it seemed like fate was intent on putting me in uncomfortable situations. My thoughts darkened as I remembered my previous encounter with Tesline Koizumi, the main heroine of the game.

For some reason, despite my best efforts to avoid her, our lives continued to intertwine in unexpected and unwanted ways.

"I already told you, I have no intention of taking the mission with you."

"Please, I need to complete a good mission to rank up quickly. I have to uphold my father's teachings as soon as possible."

"Okay, I understand, but I have no interest in taking that mission. Besides, you can stop eating my food."

"Come on, what's so important that it's keeping you from taking this mission?"

Nibbling on a piece of bread while mentally reviewing the list of tasks I had pending, until I reached my next goal.

"I have to repair my house."

"Perfect, I'll help you repair it if you help me with this."


"I can't do it alone, and according to Aldwyn, you're a mage. We could get it done quickly if we work together."

My heart sank. I still didn't understand why Darius wasn't showing up to help Tesline, especially since the goblin hunting mission was designed to strengthen bonds between main characters. I had no idea what would happen to the storyline if I got involved, especially since I didn't remember much about it. But refusing Tesline, with her tenacity and persuasive ability, would be difficult and likely raise suspicions.

"Maybe you could find someone else in the guild willing to help."

"I've already asked," Tesline replied, with a hint of frustration in her voice. "And besides, I think you're the best option. I don't understand why you're trying to avoid me. Is there a problem?"

I cursed my bad luck inwardly. I didn't want to have to explain my true motives to her. I took a deep breath, trying to keep calm.

"It's nothing personal, Tesline. I just prefer not to take that mission."

She sighed, crossing her arms. "Look, I don't have time to argue. The goblins are causing trouble, and we need to sort it out. It's just this once, okay?"

I knew I had few options. Tesline wouldn't take no for an answer, and if I continued to resist, it would only draw more attention. So I stood up from the table determined to leave this alone.

"I said no. You can eat the rest, I've already paid for it."

I ended the conversation and prepared to leave the guild, but just as I was about to do so, I managed to overhear a conversation between Aldwyn and Tesline.

"Alright, you can do the mission alone. But I'm not responsible for what happens to you."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

The air in the adventurer's guild hall seemed to grow thicker. My breathing became shallow and quick, my stomach tightened, and a cold sweat began to bead on my forehead. I wondered if this was a panic attack. I closed my mind to new thoughts as I moved further and further away from the guild.

What should I do? I asked myself, the voice in my head echoing with desperation. If I help her, I could change the course of the story. But if I don't help her, she would end up suffering.

'She's just an NPC, a piece in the game. I don't have to get involved, I have to stay on the sidelines and let events unfold naturally.'


I turned my head wondering what that was. I decided to ignore it, but I couldn't help feeling that this argument was logical, despite its coldness. After all, I couldn't afford to take the risk of a bad outcome. But every time I tried to rationalize, Tesline's image, with her determination and strength, stood in my mind.

'She's just an NPC. It's not worth risking helping her.'

I looked around in every direction, trying to find something that didn't exist. The coldness with which those words were spoken was something I couldn't shake from my head. What scared me the most was that I found sense in those words. Even though not intervening when I could make a difference filled me with paralyzing guilt. My hands started trembling, and my vision became blurry. I felt like the world was closing in on me, a downward spiral of fear and confusion.

With every breath, the panic grew. "I can't think! I can't decide!" I wanted to scream, but the words got stuck in my throat. The voice in my head grew louder, more insistent.

'She's just a simple NPC.'

'She has her own struggles, her own challenges. Who am I to interfere in her destiny?'

Is this voice mine? Why am I thinking like this? Tesline wasn't just a series of codes and algorithms; in this world, she was a person with her own goals and dreams. But do I have the ability to help her? Should I allow that cheerful girl to suffer when I could do something?

With a tremendous effort, I forced myself to calm my breathing. I closed my eyes and focused on the beating of my heart, trying to stabilize myself. I felt like the voice in my head wouldn't stop shouting and complaining.

'Why should I even try? Why do I care about her? Is her life really worth it?'

I put my hands on my head, trying to silence that voice. What should I do? It was a question that I couldn't shake from my head no matter how hard I tried. Wrapped up in my thoughts, I walked without paying attention to my surroundings, and suddenly, my head collided with something solid. The pain was immediate, a sharp stab that made me recoil, bringing a hand to my forehead. I looked up, confused, and saw that I had hit a wall. But what really caught my attention was the sign posted on that wall.

The sign depicted a group of adventurers fighting thieves, with a message in bold and clear letters: "Avoid getting into trouble and you'll have a good life."

I stared at the sign for a few seconds, feeling the noise around me fade away. A piercing beep pierced my head. I stood still for what seemed like an eternity. One word escaped my mouth.


I turned around and started walking towards the cave where the goblin hunting mission was taking place. I'm sure this will bring me trouble in the future, but honestly, I don't give a shit.