Chapter 8 - Suspension Wednesday (2) and Thursday (1)

Teslinne Koizumi's Perspective

I was excited to undertake my first mission. It hadn't been long since I left my hometown to pursue my dream of becoming a renowned adventurer. I had to uphold the teachings my father had imparted to me.

I still fondly remember the days we spent practicing the martial arts that have been passed down in our family for generations. It still pains me to know he's no longer here with me, but things are as they are, and I must move forward.

I want to make the most of my time before entering the academy by building a reputation as a novice adventurer with great potential. Although I'm starting with little, it won't take long until I take on more difficult missions.

The goblin subjugation mission, while challenging, could be done with sufficient caution. Despite that, I felt a strange unease as I approached the cave. The darkness of the cave loomed over me like a heavy shroud, and the air was filled with a nauseating stench. Carefully, I adjusted the bandages on my hand and stepped forward. My footsteps echoed softly on the cave floor.

The silence was deafening. The usual goblin clamor, those high-pitched squeals and sinister giggles that adventurers often described, was absent. Something was wrong. I had to take a deep breath and, with determination, ventured further into the cave's gloom.

The scene that greeted me was horrific. Goblin corpses lay scattered on the ground, their bodies mangled and bloody. Shock and horror left me breathless for a moment. Who or what could have done this? My mind raced with possible answers, but none seemed to fit the carnage before me.

I continued forward, all my senses on high alert. The cave grew darker and narrower as I delved deeper, and the sense of danger increased with each step. Then, I saw it.

An enormous orc stood in the center of a chamber, devouring the remains of one of the goblins. Its fangs dripped with blood, and its gaze lifted to meet mine. A shiver ran down my spine. The orc roared, a deep, guttural sound that echoed off the cave walls.

Before I could react, the orc charged at me, its eyes gleaming with savage lust. My heart pounded as I tried to retreat, but my feet seemed rooted to the ground. Fear seized me, paralyzing me.

Just as the orc was about to grab me, a thunderous noise reverberated through the cave. A colossal figure, clad in armor I had never seen before, appeared out of nowhere and struck the orc, causing it to stagger and fall, dazed. The armored knight, energetic and resolute, opened his breastplate and extended a hand to me.

I recognized him instantly. It was Rurik, the adventurer who had refused to take the mission with me. A myriad of questions flashed through my mind, and coupled with my panic attack, I couldn't move or hear what he was saying.

What is he doing here? What is that strange armor he's wearing? Did he come for me? I could see Rurik starting to get agitated, and perhaps tired of my pitiful state, he yelled at me with all his might:

"Get on, damn it!"

I noticed the urgency and authority in his voice. Without thinking twice, I took his hand and climbed onto the strange armor. He began to maneuver some odd levers, and the armor sprang to life. I was incredulous at what I was seeing, unable to understand what kind of magic he was using to do all this.

As the armor carried us to safety, my mind continued to process what had just happened. I had been sent to subjugate goblins but ended up facing a voracious orc and being rescued by Rurik, who had a strange but imposing armor.

The orc quickly recovered and started pursuing us, roaring furiously. I could feel the vibrations of its heavy footsteps resonating on the ground. Inside the armor, my mind whirled with questions and confusion. How did this strange armor work? Would we make it out of this?

Suddenly, Rurik pressed a button, and the armor's right arm, connected to the rest of the suit by a chain, detached and flew toward a nearby tree. The chain retracted, and the armor shot toward the tree where the hand had landed. The armor changed direction abruptly, and the orc, confused by the sudden movement, stopped, growling in frustration.

Seizing the orc's confusion, which had left it standing near a cliff, Rurik maneuvered the armor to where the orc was and pushed it with all the suit's strength.

The orc fell off the cliff, its roars filling the air as it disappeared into the darkness. I felt a mix of relief and awe as I looked around, trying to process what had just happened. Rurik turned to me, his face showing great relief and joy.

"Ha, ha! We're still alive, ha, ha!"

Rurik turned to me and hugged me tightly, starting to celebrate his victory. I smiled and, without thinking twice, hugged him back. My laughter joined his, a blend of relief and happiness. In the midst of the dangerous mission, the closeness and familiarity of his embrace comforted me.

Rurik suddenly pulled away, his cheeks reddening as he realized what he had done. His nervousness was palpable, and I couldn't help but find it adorable.

"Sorry, I got carried away," he said, scratching his neck and avoiding my gaze. "Honestly, I didn't expect us to survive."

"It's okay, you are my savior, after all."

As the armor continued its march to a safe place, the atmosphere filled with pleasant camaraderie. Although the situation had been extremely dangerous, the victory over the orc and the unexpected encounter with Rurik had lightened the weight of this failed mission.

"I must admit, you are someone surprising."

He looked at me, his eyes shining with a mix of shyness and pride.


As we moved forward, his nervousness faded, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and trust. I think today I made a very interesting friend and ally.


Rurik's Perspective

"Haha, we're still alive, haha."

From inside the armor, the relief and euphoria of having defeated the orc were overwhelming. I couldn't help but laugh and, without thinking, hugged her tightly. Feeling her warmth brought a sense of shared victory.

Her laughter joined mine, and for a moment, all the terror and tension of changing the game's story vanished. But then, realizing what I had done, I quickly pulled away from her, feeling the heat rising to my cheeks.

"Sorry, I got carried away," I said, scratching the back of my neck nervously. "It's just that... honestly, I didn't expect us to survive."

"It's okay," she replied with a smile that calmed me a bit. "You are my savior, after all."

We approached the orc's corpse; we were lucky that this monster was as strong as it was stupid. I helped Tesline down from the armor and we both cautiously approached the orc.

"It's... bigger when you see it in person," I said, trying to break the awkward silence that had settled between us.

"Yeah," she responded, looking at the orc with a mix of fascination and repulsion. "I didn't expect to see one until I was stronger."

I didn't know what else to say. The situation felt strange, like I was out of place in this fantasy world. Adding to that was the irritating growl of my stomach that had no intention of leaving me in peace.

I looked at the orc, and the growling in my stomach intensified. Although the orc had a humanoid appearance, its features were more akin to those of a pig.

In the game, cooking monsters wasn't unusual; you could even gain "buffs" from it. Still, it looked a bit off because of its humanoid features. My stomach growled louder, and I started imagining eating pork skewers.

'To hell with it, I'm hungry.'

"You know what?" I said, trying to lighten the mood. "This guy tried to eat us, let's do justice and eat him."

"Really? I mean, I've eaten monsters before, but not a humanoid one."

"Think of him as a pig. A delicious, juicy pig that I'm going to turn into skewers."

"Well, there's always a first time for everything, I guess."

"That's the spirit. I'll go gather some firewood; take my axe and cut pieces of his meat."

I started gathering dry branches and leaves to light a fire. Soon, the flames crackled, and I began cutting chunks of orc meat, skewering them on branches to make skewers.

While the meat cooked, we sat by the fire. The initial awkwardness faded as we talked about more trivial things. She told me stories of her adventures before arriving in this kingdom and mentioned that her father, before he died, asked a friend to recommend her to the academy. It was comforting to know a bit more about her, considering I didn't remember much of the game's story; every bit of information was valuable.

When the skewers were ready, each of us grabbed one. We both looked at the meat a bit fearfully, but we mustered the courage and took a bite. Apart from the monster's appearance, the meat looked and tasted like regular pork, only with a slightly more intense flavor.

"It's delicious."

"Yeah, although it would have been better with some vegetables and a bit of salt."

"Hey, how many levels did you gain after killing the orc?" she suddenly asked, breaking the flow of our conversation.

I looked at her, incredulous. "Levels? You... you level up too?"

She looked at me, confused by my reaction. "Yeah, of course. Isn't it the same for everyone?"

My mind was spinning. Until this moment, I thought I was the only one who could level up in this world, a unique advantage of having been reincarnated here.

"Of course... of course, I mean, it's obvious."

"So, how many levels did you gain?"


[Stats Updated]

[Name: Rurik] - [Level 3]

-> Vitality: 6

(HP: 280)

(Reg: 3.5 s)

-> Mind: 6

(Mana: 200)

(Reg: 3 s)

-> Strength: 4

-> Dexterity: 3

-> Intelligence: 19

-> Defense: 0

[+2 Stat Points]


-> Arcane Perception [Level 1]

Now that you are aware of the mana within you, your senses have refined, granting you a better understanding of your surroundings.

[Elemental Affinity]

-> Ice

Due to your cold and calculating mind, it was decided that ice is the best element for someone like you.


-> Mage


-> None


-> Carpenter - Novice Rank

-> Cook - Apprentice Rank

-> Lumberjack - Novice Rank

-> Blacksmith - Novice Rank


"Only two?" she said, looking at me with curiosity.

Tesline touched her bracelet, and a screen appeared showing her stats and level. She started checking her new level while giving me quick glances.

"I gained four levels. It's not fair that I, without doing anything, gain more levels than you!"

"Don't get upset. It's because of this bandana; it consumes almost half of my experience but grants me more health and regeneration."

"Wow, that's a very valuable item."

"Yeah, but it makes me horribly hungry since I put it on."

"That explains why you were so excited to eat the orc."

"In my defense, this orc tastes delicious."

I brought the skewer to my mouth to savor the delicious orc meat. Now that my stomach was full, my head was free of the hunger pangs, making me realize I had shared the secret of my bandana with Tesline.

'Damn, hunger makes me stupid.'

I was sure Tesline was a good person, but I didn't know if her mouth moved faster than her brain. If this information reached the wrong ears, it could attract unnecessary trouble.

"Tesline, could you not tell anyone about my bandana or my armor?"

"Don't worry, I won't say anything, this will be our little secret."


Tesline gave me a warm smile as her gaze drifted to the orc's corpse, showing interest in it.

"By the way, what will we do with the rest of the orc?"

"How much do you think we'll get at the guild for it?"

"It's a C-rank monster. I hope at least five gold coins each."

"Well, if we want that reward, we need to take its head. Help me cut it off."


The air of the guild was thick with anticipation as Tesline and I crossed the threshold, carrying a large, heavy sack. Inside was the head of the orc we had cleverly lured over a cliff. The weight of the sack reminded me of the difficulty of the task we had accomplished, despite our strategy being more cunning than brute strength.

Aldwyn looked at us with a mix of surprise and skepticism as we approached his desk. His penetrating gaze seemed capable of seeing through lies.

"Aldwyn, we have something for you," I said, placing the sack on the table with a thud.

Tesline stepped forward, opening the sack with a dramatic gesture to reveal the orc's head. The murmurs in the common room intensified, and I could feel the disbelief in the air.

Aldwyn frowned, examining the orc's head closely. It was an impressive trophy, but the problem was that this orc was well above our rank.

"It was a mission to hunt goblins. How did you end up killing an orc? And you declined the mission, what were you doing there?"

"That's a very good question. How did you know there was an orc, Rurik?"

"I didn't. I just regretted leaving you alone, so I went to help you, and when I got there, I saw the orc. One thing led to another, and now we're here."

I managed to concoct a lie that, combined with my natural demeanor, deceived both Tesline and Aldwyn.

'I don't want them to think I'm crazy if I tell them I knew what was going to happen.'

Aldwyn, with a tired and worried look, began examining the orc's head. Perhaps trying to determine if it was real? Aldwyn squinted his eyes and asked us to recount what happened.

"Let me see if I understand. You say that when you arrived at the goblin cave, you found an orc."


"That's when Rurik arrived and helped you escape."

"That's correct."

"Together, you managed to defeat a monster above your rank using strategy and strength."

"Yes, that's exactly what happened."

"I repeat, this monster is well above your capabilities. You shouldn't have survived an encounter with it, let alone defeated it."

I felt a pang of nervousness, but Tesline maintained her composure.

"You can choose not to believe us. But Rurik and I managed to defeat a C-rank monster while being F-rank."

Aldwyn looked at us, his eyes searching for signs of deceit in our expressions. I could feel the tension rising, the weight of his judgment upon us.

"It's hard to believe," he finally said, his voice laden with doubt. "But I see no other plausible explanation. You've brought proof, and I can't ignore that."

With a resigned sigh, he opened a small chest behind his desk and took out ten gold coins. He placed them in front of us, five for each.

"Still, I have to report this to a friend. So stay alert in case she wants to talk to you."

"Wait, who are you talking about?"

"You'll find out."

"That's not a satisfying answer."

Aldwyn ignored me as he picked up the coins and placed them in two separate leather pouches.

"Here you go, your reward. But be careful next time. I don't want to lose two good adventurers to underestimating their enemies."

We thanked him and left, feeling the weight of the coins in our hands. As we exited the guild, Tesline gave me a conspiratorial smile.

"We did it."

I nodded, sharing her joy. We had achieved a small victory and a reward. But more than that, I had decided not to worry about the changes in the story. I had no intention of acting like a jerk to keep things on the original path.

I had two good reasons not to follow the original story. The first was that I wasn't a good actor, and it was a bit embarrassing to pretend to be a jerk when I was mentally over 20 years old. The second reason was that I obviously didn't want to end up like the original Rurik.

Besides, I had already changed the story by not confronting Darius at the academy these past two days. So any further changes wouldn't be as relevant. Still, I couldn't overdo it, so it was best not to get too involved with Darius.

My best option was to distance myself from Tesline, but for now, I'd enjoy spending some time with her.

"It's getting late; I'd better head home."

"Alright, see you tomorrow."

"Actually, I plan to fix up my house over the next few days, so we might not see each other very often."

"That's a shame. Well, if you change your mind, you can find me at the guild."

"I'll keep that in mind."


The sun was peeking over the horizon, announcing a new day. The day had arrived that I had chosen to begin the renovation of my 'home.' The idea of a house inside a hill had fascinated me since I was a child, after watching a certain movie set in medieval times.

I left early, the fresh morning air filling my lungs. I started by exploring the surroundings, looking for dry wood and fallen trees. The hill and the surrounding forest were generous in this regard, offering abundant material for those who knew how to search.

The ground was covered in crispy leaves and branches left by winter, but I was not discouraged. With patience, I selected the sturdiest logs and the driest wood, knowing that the quality of the materials would determine the strength of my future home.

I took the logs to a clear area. That's where the real task of transforming those logs into wooden planks began. First, I delimbered and cut them to size with my axe, separating the straightest and most uniform sections. Then, with a handsaw, I started making longitudinal cuts, turning the logs into planks. The saw bit into the wood with each pull, and the work was slow and exhausting, but the satisfaction of seeing the planks piling up gradually kept me motivated.

The next step was to obtain nails and other necessary tools. I accessed the store in my system, a convenient magical function that allowed me to purchase essential items without having to go to the city. I browsed through the options, selecting nails of different sizes, a sturdy hammer, and some other tools that I knew would be indispensable, such as a plumb line and a square.

With the materials gathered, I returned to the hill and began to plan the structure. My idea was to create a discreet entrance that integrated with the natural landscape, possibly with a circular door leading to a spacious and cozy main room. While marking the lines on the ground and starting to dig, I heard a familiar sound.

I turned and saw Tesline, her athletic figure standing out against the green background of the forest.

"Do you need help?"

"To be honest, I could use some. But excuse me for asking, how do you know where I live?"

"I followed you yesterday without you noticing."

"I'll pretend that's not creepy."