Chapter 3

Just as the rumors described them to be, they were handsome.

And when I said handsome, I meant on another level of handsome - not your average handsome guy.

At this point, they were Adonis, carved directly from the hands of God, forever to remain unattainable.

The first man looked to be of British origins, with vivid blonde hair and sparkly hazelnut eyes. He was like a cherry boy, full of bright energy. Or maybe an angel.

As for the second boy, he had a more mature and natural kind of beauty. He had long, beautiful hair and gray blue eyes, accentuating his atypical but mesmerizing traits.

The girl, her, was just divine.

It was probably what painters meant when they talked about 'chef-d'œuvre.

She was long and straight - even straighter than steel - platinum blonde. Her long, curvy eyelashes surrounded her charming blue eyes.

She did indeed look like a supermodel. A Russian supermodel.

As I observed them, I suddenly stilled, recognizing a familiar-not so familiar - face.

'The one-night stand!?'

Similar to a flashback, I found myself coming back to that particular night—me in his arms as he caressed my body - exploring me from top to bottom.

And like a basin of cold water, I remembered the day after when I found myself all alone in the hotel room - abandoned.

'What a world!'

Seeing him here a few months afterward, was like a bad joke.

I didn't need that right now!

"Sorry I thought you were…well there have been complaints about the 'activities' of some lovers here recently in this cottage, so..." I began, half embarrassed.

I did my best to not meet his eyes, harboring a face of indifference. Just as usual, some would say.

" Oh! You thought we were fucking?"The blonde one exclaimed, his laugh hovering in the air as his bangs shook under his vibrations.

Then, the other boy who had long, shiny hair and sharp but captivating features, nudged him to stop-to the obliviousness of his friend.

"Stop laughing!" He finally interrupted.

The former, to comply, ceased his childishness. He then raised his hands, placing them behind his neck, before getting out of the open shelter.

All that with an amused smile, his eyes focused on me.

" Okay! Well, I am going, but children, listen to ma'm, it's not morally correct to have sex in the open air!"

Then, just as he said, he unhurriedly walked away, whistling.

Not understanding what just happened, I stood there, still fixing the back of the tall man.

"Is he mental…" I thought out loud before realizing my mistake. " Oh…sorry, I didn't mean to…"

"Hahaha, don't worry, you're not wrong. Grayson can indeed be a little overwhelming sometimes." Said the girl, speaking for the first time with her soft-spoken voice.

She had such charisma, it was insane.

Her hair, gently placed on her covered chest, looked so soft and pretty.

Her eyes, slightly raised eyes looked like a blue sky in the summer, and her lips, red as blood, could fascinate any man.

Moreover, she was well-proportioned and had a mature, classy vibe.

Basically, the IT girl.

" O-okey…" I couldn't help but stutter a little.

I could spend hours looking at her, and I wasn't even gay or anything. It was just genuine appreciation of the female beauty.

"So you are also a student of Creney Hilton ?"

" Yes…and you must be the new students."

" Oh! How did you know?"

"I heard from friends that there were four particularly hot students on campus, and so I connected."

"Oh my, oh my. What a cute way to compliment someone!" She laughed with her slender hands in front of her mouth.

" I am going too." Said Roze, who had been silently observing me until now.

I turned to him, finally meeting his eyes. Instantly, I felt an electric wave pulsing through my body…

It was like fireworks were exploding in my stomach.

'I really don't like this feeling.' I thought internally.

The man, just like in my memory, had not changed one bit. He was still the bewitching beauty that had succeeded in winning my heart.

'Maybe, I am really superficial.'

Falling in love one night with someone that I barely knew, only because he was handsome, could not be more pathetic.

Sure, he was not just handsome; he represented everything I have ever searched for: his energy, his aura, his voice, the way he smirked at my clumsiness, his big hands on mine, his gentle smile and profound eyes, or...

Well, yes, he was my ideal man, but it wasn't enough of a reason to fall for someone…not like that.

And I did not believe in love at first sight so, …

Without another word, he looked away, visibly annoyed, and then went after Grayson.

Now there was only me—the man who I thought might be Anders and Ivy.

"Are you staying longer?" Anders asked Ivy.

"Oh yes! I'm going to talk to my new friend here." She said this while getting out of the cottage and directly intertwining our arms.

'When did we become friends, exactly?' I thought I was lost, looking up at her.

She was somehow taller than me, although not by much.

Habitually, I was the tallest girl among my friends, so this was kind of …disturbing?

"Okay, I am going then." Anders said, briefly scanning me before also turning away.

" It's only me and you then!" Said the cheerful young woman.

" So…how was your first week in Creney Hilton law school was ?" I inquired while resuming my path.

It was now approximately ten in the morning and I had my first class of law of the day: history of private law.

" It's quite great here! Everything seems so…majestic!"

" Because your previous uni wasn't good?"

" It's my first year... I am a freshman."

" Ah… I see. How old are you then?"

"I am seventeen. And I am in the medical school."

" What!? You are seventeen??"I asked, shocked - my jaw on the ground.

"Yes! I graduated at fifteen, and now I am here!"

How the hell someone was supposed to be so…accomplished!

Not only she was beautiful, outwardly if you asked me, but she was also smart? No. Extra smart!

She was basically god's favorite.

I didn't know who would ever compete with that girl, but they better think twice.

"Don't tell me you do charity, and you're vegetarian, or I might kill myself !" I said, joking.

"Wow! How did you guess?" She replied laughing, her white teeth showing.

" Really!?"

"No, I am kidding. I don't do charity... I am not rich enough to pretend to be benevolent."


" You…don't like rich people?" I asked, half curious.

I was indeed curious about the reasons of her visible disdain, knowing that she was exactly in an elite school known for welcoming the richest people in the world.

It's not money that lacked here. Or daddy's girls and hypocrites.

And although they pretended otherwise, it was not that inclusive either. So this place was probably not the best place for a committed activist.

" I do. But I believe myself to be able to denounce their actions too. One does not prevent the other."

"You are…quite peculiar."

" Thank you." She said, gently smiling, her eyes calm as a flowing river.