Chapitre 4

Ivy was really a nice person. 

We spent the last thirty minutes speaking about our respective lives, our hobbies, and our ambitions.

I learned a lot about her. 

I now know that she is a really clever teenager, borderline genius, who went to great lengths to get everything she has. 

She is one of our rare scholarship students. 

She likes going out, drinking tea, and painting. 


As for me, I also told her some things about me. I told her that I was a law school student in my second year of criminal law. 

I was from a big, upper-middle-class family that had the opportunity to be accepted at Creney Hilton University. 

I liked to go skiing in the winter and running in the summer. I was an active girl. 

Moreover, I also liked reading and swimming in my pool at night. 

Unfortunately, we didn't have time to chat anymore. I had to go to class. 


Waving goodbye to Ivy, I quickly skipped away to go to my class. 

Mister Carlisle's class. My favorite one.

"Hello," I said to my professor. 

"Hello, Cyndie. Are you feeling better?"

" Yes! I am extremely healthy now."

" Perfect. You have a lot to catch on to. You can go to your seat." 

This class, focused on the history of private law, was composed of thirty students, a really small group compared to a normal class.

But this was an elite school known for its suitable environment and close approach program. 

A lot of things were based on participation and interaction. 

But in my opinion, this class, or to be more precise, this professor's class, was one of the better. 

Carlisle Gesgat was a twenty-seven-year-old man who had graduated from law school and became a professor at Creney Hilton over one year ago. 

He was a man of great aptitude. He knew how to stimulate and use the potential of each student. 

" Okay! We will continue on with our chapter about the evolution of the European legal system. Open your books to page 192."

"What can we say about Corpus Juris Civilis? Well,…."





Like that, the hours passed, and two hours later, I was in Professor Carlisle's office. 

"You still look a little tired. Did you sleep early last night?" The man said this from his desk, his gaze fixed on me. 

I leisurely looked around, a thing I did every time I went here. Like I would find something I knew. 

His large office had a simple desk and a chair. There was a big shelf behind him with tons of books. And at his right side stood a huge globe. 

The room had additional windows that opened on the campus, letting the sun come in. 

Then, I looked at him again. 

"Don't worry... I slept extremely well."

I slowly walked towards him, taking my time but not letting go of his eyes. 

Then, when I was at arm length of him, I reached for this tie and pulled him closer to me.



I could hear his ragged breath and his chaotic heartbeat. He was panting under me, eager for my kisses. 

I scanned his handsome face. 

He looked like an appropriate gentleman. Mature and morally decent. 

But more than that, he had a more carnal side. Like an alluring piece of pie. 

You never get tired of it. 

I approached my face even closer, making the space between our lips practically nonexistent. 

To position myself comfortably, I was now on top of him, seated on his laps, while surrounding him with my arms. 

"Do you want me?" I asked, briefly touching his lips, eye to eye. 

"Yes." He said this before pressing my head towards him and directly kissing me. 

"Aaaahhm…"I moaned. 

Our kiss was hot and carnivorous. 

It was raw and rough. No gentleness, no sweetness, no waiting. 

It was fast and intense. Our tongues intertwined with each other, battling in a sensual dance. 

He sucked my upper lips, slowly playing with them before moving to my bottom lip and lightly biting them. Then he pushed his tongue into my mouth again, going deeper and deeper. 

His hands were still on my head, imprisoning me in his embrace with no way out. 

Soon, I was out of breath and panting. 

" Aah..aaahh..hmm." 


He kissed me for one more minute before finally releasing me. But he was still unsatisfied, seeing his frowning eyebrows. 

"Want more?" 


Hearing his response, I laughed. 

But although it was quite great, I didn't like to indulge in my desires. And he knew it. 

We had a deal: we could mess around, but we would never cross the line. Kisses were the limit. 

"I have to go. Bye." I said, standing up before kissing him one last time on his cheek. 

I didn't wait for him to react. Before he had time to reply, I was already out. 

I looked at my phone, looking at my next schedule. I had one more class after this, and then I had a pause of three hours to go eat. 

I briefly messaged Jazz to tell her I would soon finish, asking her to wait for me. 


[-Hi! [You are done?] 

[-No. I have one more class left. And you?]

[ I already finished one hour ago. I'm with Teresa in the basket field. We're seeing a match.]


[ A friendly game was played between some of the new exchange students and a few seniors. [Want to tag along?] 

[No. I have to go to this class. [See you later?]

[Yes! [You will find me here.] 

Then, I went to my private locker situated in the student lounge to get my laptop. This class was a computer class, so I needed one. 

I looked around, seeing if there were a lot of students. 

The place was quiet and deserted; the students were probably going to see the match or go eating. 

Then, I closed my locker and headed in my next direction. 

"Cyndie!" I called someone from behind. 

I turned around to see who it was. 

' Cherry…' I sighed. 

Trouble again. 

"Yes, what do you want?" I asked, patiently waiting.

"What do I want? I want you to disappear; can you do that?" She replied nastily. 

Cherry Manoir was the biggest bitch at Crenet Hilton. The queen be. 

And also, my biggest hater. 

I don't remember quite well when it began, but one day, she started to pick on me—always on my back. She would go to crazy lengths just to annoy me. 

Jazzy liked to say it was because I stole her crush in high school. 

And Teresa, that she was probably in love or something. But I wasn't so sure of this one. 

Cherry and I have known each other since kindergarten but were never close. 

In my last year of high school, I got asked out by my soon-to-be first boyfriend, Tristan Meind. 

And allegedly, he was Cherry's first love. 

But our relationship didn't last long; it took barely two months before he dumped me. Then he moved to Australia, and the rest I didn't know. 

Now, we still ended up at the same university, although in different majors.

Thank God. 

And she still didn't give up on her absurd hatred. I would even say that she amplified it. 

" No. I can't do that. Anything else?" I asked again, still maintaining my calm. 

Just like I did each time, I faced her with a face of indifference. 

For me, it was more tiring to argue with her than just ignore her blatant disrespect. 

"You are really a bitch, you know that?" She began, frowning. 

"Well, you can go." She added with venom, smirking. 

I didn't twitch; my expression was still that of complete disinterest. 

' Don't lower yourself at her level... You are better than that.' I repeated non-stop in my head, walking away.