Chapters 5

Trigger warning: there are some explicit scenes further but nothing too crazy, you can skip this chapter if you want to.

I lived all my life in the shadows of my life, obligated to act accordingly to the family rules.

As long as I could remember, I had to fight myself through everything to fit.

Taunting the devil to come take me with a smile. Never stopping and constantly moving. Unrestrained.

Losing my mother young, I soon found myself alone.

My father, as the bastard he was, didn't wait long before replacing his only just dead wife.

As for his sons, he didn't give a shit about them.

From then on, my brother Andreal and I had to survive on our own.

The first years were rough, trying to process everything as a growing child, but soon I numbed my feelings-detached from everything.

At eight years old, I was already the perfect machine my grandfather, the patriarch-wanted me to be.

But although I was a perfect pawn, I was still a disposable piece against my brother, the legitimate hair of the notorious 'political' family.

But that didn't faze me. I didn't really care about that anyway.

I was lost, plunged into darkness, and slowly dying.

Or at least that's what I thought... until I met her: Cyndie Roux. The princess of Creney Hilton.

And the holder of my heart.

My medicine.

The one we could calm my demons.


It was just another shity night when I had to go survey one of our multiple nightclubs, as the disciplined'manager' that I was.

In the middle of summer, it was the period when people would go out to party. Youngsters and adults alike.

I had settled for my usual formal costume, which was not too conspicuous. I tied my hair at first before letting it down.

The club was already full. People were dancing- or indirectly fucking for some - on the dance floor like crazy.

At the bar, were the more relaxed or slow-paced ones?Or even those who were only searching for a drink.

I was still in my observation when my eyes passed the entrance door, landing on the new arrivals.

A line of young people comes in, the last girl being a blonde girl dressed in a cocktail gown.

I was going to look away when my eyes catched the girl behind the blonde one, previously hidden in the shade of the previous people.

I couldn't help but be surprised.

Without knowing why, my heart began to violently pound in my chest.




Suddenly, I couldn't catch my breath.

The girl I was looking at was the most attractive woman I had ever laid eyes on.

She radiated a feral aura—raw but cold.

She had long, wavy brown hair, reaching her bottoms, and foxy brown eyes. Moreover, she had a tall and well-proportioned figure. She was toned and fresh.

She was wearing a mini black dress, barely covering anything.

I could already feel all the hungry male gazes focused on her, although she seemed oblivious to it.

' She's so fucking hot...' I internally marveled.

I kept looking at her, entranced, until she settled at the bar.

Then, I went upstairs-to my private lounge- to go and splash some water on my face. I needed to calm down.

I was going insane, on the edge of killing every fucker who dared to even look at her with their disgusting, lustful eyes.

I didn't understand that feeling or why it was happening, but I couldn't fight it.

I went downstairs again after a few minutes, pacing back and forth.

The girl was now on the dance floor, dancing sensually to the rhythm of the music - her hips moving seductively.

Without knowing it, I advanced towards her, focusing on her movements.

When I arrived at her level, I didn't know what to do first. I was still shocked by my behavior.

I looked like a teenager, discovering the intricacies of puberty.

As she still didn't notice my presence, I decided to follow my instincts and place my hand in the hollow of her back - directly touching her bare skin.

It felt like touching paradise. So smooth and soft.

Finally noticing me, she turned around before freezing at the sight of me. She visibly looked shocked and disturbed.

But that was not all. I could also see a craving in her eyes—something profound and thick.

She desired me too.

She took her drink to her lips, drinking it in one big gulp.

'I wish this glass was me...' I thought, looking at her lips, that she was feeling thirsty too.

"Hello there!" I began to initiate the conversation.

I hoped I didn't look like a creep.

"Hello." She replied with her crackly voice, looking somewhat lost.

' Oh god that she is alluring.'

For the rest of the evening, we danced and discussed. Me doing mostly the discussions as she was still in a trance, acting clumsily.

After that, we went to another nearby, but more quiet bar - after she notified her friend. There, we continued to talk, laughing and learning about each other.

But as she got drunk, I decided to go accompany her to her hotel room so she could rest.

" Hey! Do you know your address?"

"Hhhmm.. Why?"

"So I can take you home."

" No! I don't want to... Let me stay with you!"She yelled, dissatisfied. She looked up at me with her foxy eyes, acting cute.

" No. You have to go home. Now tell me where you live."

"I don't want to. I am not telling you!"

Sighing, I decided to change strategies. Maybe she would respond better if I pretended to go her way.

"Please. And after, we can stay together."

" Really?!"

" Yes, really."

She looked at me deeply, staring at me for a long time before uttering a 'no'.

Then, I tried new tricks, but she didn't fall for them either. It's like she could read me like an open book.

I looked around to see if she had any information on herself, but she didn't have a purse or handbag.

Only her phone.

Which I didn't have access to.

'I would have asked for the friend's phone if I knew this would happen.' I sighed again, rubbing my forehead.

Finally, I decided that I would reserve a hotel room for her for the night and take another one for me to make sure she would not be endangered.

"Here we go!" I said to her, putting herself on the bed. " Okay! Time to go to bed."

"Ain't no way. You're not leaving!" She exclaimed before jumping on me, making lose my balance and fall.

I was now under her, supporting her, and looking up at her close face.

Before I could react, she put her lips on mine - shyly kissing me.

That was the last barrier. A firework exploded inside me, burning everything in its path.

I sat, positioning her on my lap while not distancing myself. Afterward, I closed the line, kissing her again.

Seeing her react, I pushed my tongue inside her mouth. I played with her soft, elastic tongue, gently rubbing it with the tip of mine.

I sucked her lips, alternating between that and biting.

I grabbed her hips, lifted her, and putting her on the bed again.

"Are you sure you want to continue?" I asked her, making sure she would not regret her decision.

"Kiss me. Don't stop. Take me."She ordered, her eyes not wavering.

She seemed strangely lucid.

"Everything you want, babe."I replied before lifting her head and softly kissing her.

Then, as gently as possible, I kissed every part of her face. I kissed her forehead, her nose, her cheeks, her ears and her chin.

Slowly descending lower, I made sure to ask every right and then if she wanted to continue.

I kissed her neck, leaving thick hickeys everywhere.

I passed my lips on her cleavage, slightly biting them. Then I went lower, just above her chest.

At the same time, I moved my hands against her back, descending dangerously lower. I stopped right above her buttocks.

I looked up at her eyes again, and then I asked one last time.

"You still want to continue?"