Chapter 6

I woke up early today. 

I had to go get Jazzy at her house before going to class. 

This one lost the right to drive after her parents learned of her little night trips. 

It was not befitting the behavior of a lady of a good family, they say. 

Well, that surely didn't stop jazz from going around. 

If she couldn't drive, she would get a private chauffeur…so me. 

[I'm here in twenty minutes.] [You are ready?] 

[Yes. I'm eating breakfast. [Get in directly.] 

[Okay. Ciao.]

[Kissy kiss!] 

I entered my car, started it, and exited the garage. 

Departing, I turned on the radio to hear the news. A ritual of mine. 

-Ring -ring-ring 

"Hello?" I answered my phone. 

It was an unknown phone number, so I didn't know who it might have been. 

Normally I wouldn't have picked it up, but this time I did it by reflex. 

" Cyndie?" The voice of a woman answering.

"Yes. Who is it?"

"It's me, Ivy. Remember me?"

"Oh yes, Ivy! How are you?"

"I am alright. I wanted to know when you finished today so maybe we could eat together?"

" Oh! Yes. I'm finishing around twelve p.m. today. You will find me in the law section." 

" Okay! See you later, then."

" Bye."

It has been approximately one week since I frequented Ivy. 

Contrary to what one might think, she was a really bright girl. She still had the innocence of her teenage years. 

Well, she was still a teenager and a minor legally. 

In France, one was legally a legal adult at eighteen years old. 

But she was also many things at the same time. She was smart, kind, and funny…she was a bit like Teresa, without the perverted side. 

Although we had a bit of a match gap, we surprisingly linked very well. 

The only problem was that her three lapdogs were always running after her. 

That was the name I decided to give the 'trio' after a week of having them around me. 

They were always stuck on Ivy, like they were trying to protect her from some dangerous creatures. 

Well. To be more precise, Anders and Grayson were the ones who'd always stuck to Ivy. As for Roze, I didn't get to see him quite often after that day. 

He seemed to avoid me. 

Which I found hilarious, knowing that he was the one who had abandoned me. I was supposed to be the one to vehemently avoid him…not the other way around. 

Well, I didn't care. 

Out of sight, out of mind. 

But I still wondered: what was the relationship between those boys and Ivy?

They were not of the same age or major, so it was probably not a friendship made during high school. 

Moreover, from what I understood, they were not even from the same backgrounds.

The trio comes from influential and powerful political families, and Ivy is from an average household. The only link was that they were all British students of different origins. 

Whatever their relationship was, it wouldn't stop me from being friends with Ivy. 




Taking the next turn, I finally arrived at school. 

I went to the private parking lot and parked in a free space. 

Before getting out, I turned off the radio and sprayed myself with some vanilla perfume, my favorite scent. 

After checking that everything was okay, I then went to the enormous glass building. 

This was the building intended for the law students. Where we had most of our courses. 

As I entered my class, some of my classmates were already waiting for the professor, Miss Evelyn. 

Normally, we had to call the professors by their last names, but Miss Evelyn didn't like it, saying that it made her look old. 

It was comprehensible, knowing that she was only in her thirties to begin with. 

She was a pretty little woman with a kind vibe. But she was also the most fierce when it came to learning. 

She didn't let anyone slack off. 


A few minutes later, she came in with her hands full of books, walking with difficulty. 

I was going to help her when someone took half of the books at my place. A student that came from behind her. 

"Here, Miss Evelyn." He said with a charming smile, melting the hearts of every girl in the class. 

'Roze Tarensio…' I thought, looking at him. 

"Thank you, Roze! You can go to your seat." 

He then turned around and walked his way to his designated spot, just behind me. 

Brushing off me, he didn't even look at me. 

Like I didn't exist. 

Suddenly I felt really dirty…like an unwanted piece of trash, used and thrown away. 

Gritting my teeth, I tried my best not to let my anger out. I hid my trembling hands under my table. 

"Okay, so let us begin our first class!" Said the professor, as cheerful as always. 

To get him out of my mind, I totally immersed myself in the class, only listening to Miss Evelyn. 

Miss Evelyn was the professor of corporate and white-collar crime, focusing on crimes committed in corporate settings and regulatory frameworks.

Today we began a new study on the historical development of some key cases during the century. 

We spent the next two hours discussing and analyzing the subject. 

Raising my hands, I asked her a question for more explanation. 

"I do not quite understand the psychological implications of this. "

"That is good notice. You will just make me a report on it for next Monday. You can go now."

Finishing the class, I took my bag and stood up. 

I was thinking of going to the restroom first before going to my meet up place with Jazzy, Teresa, and Ivy. 

"Oh! Cyndie, come here!" Requested Miss Evelyn, and at her side, Roze was politely standing with his nonchalant face. 

'Oh god, he makes me mad!' 

I couldn't help but want to strangle him when I saw his face, looking like he didn't care about anything. 

Moreover, I just couldn't understand how he could be so unaffected by the situation. 

Did I mean so little to him? 

Or did he already forget me? 

In the end, I didn't know anything. About his thoughts or feelings. 

We were strangers…

"Yes, miss?"

"You know the new student, right? Mister Roze Tarensio arrived at Creney Hilton two weeks ago, directly from London. I was hoping you would get him to adapt to the environment here."

"But... But…it has already been two weeks... I am sorry, but why now?"

"That's because I decided to make class groups for the end of the year, and you two will be paired together. It will be an opportunity for Roze to integrate more." She began before turning to Roze, smiling, and turning to me again. "Moreover, I know you are a good girl; he will be in good hands with you." 

" I…" I tried to make excuses before Roze interrupted me. 

" Miss Evelyn, I don't think she is willing. It will be best to pair me with someone else."

'So what? I'm the villain now?'

Containing my buildup of frustration and rage, I took on myself and smiled, giving the best performance of the year. 

" No! I assure you that it doesn't bother me. I will be glad to help a fellow classmate." I said, softly smiling. 

Then I turned to Miss Evelyn. "Do not worry, ma'am; I will take care of him just right!"

I was never the one to pretend or do things I did not like or approve of, but now I would gladly go out of my way to take my revenge.


Because yes, I was going to take my revenge. 

If I didn't mean so little to him, then I would change that. 

I would take him to his knees, begging for my attention. 

I would make him fall in love. 

Go crazy for me. 

Make him cry. 

And finally, I would throw him away just like he did for me. 


Roze Tarensio was officially my prey. 

Let the game begin.