7. Fox beats a Boar

It had been an hour since Zion had started the fight with the Stone Tusk Boar. After finding out about its stone throwing attack he begun to be more careful so he wouldn't get caught of guard again.

Even with being careful, he had gotten hit a few times, usually only smaller injures and not like the one from before.

He had even managed to do more damage to the boar, however he hadn't been lucky enough to catch its other eye again nor its belly, so his attacks were still hurting it, just slowly.

[[Zion: 65/105]]

[[Stone Tusk Boar: 22/80]]

Zion stood nearby, panting softly as he stared at the boar which was also snorting heavily as it felt exhausted. In the boar's mind it was pissed that this little fox destroyed its eye and hurt its belly so it desperately wanted to smash it to paste.

In Zions mind, he thought that this boar might be the key to getting a earth affinity when he evolved so he was not willing to let it go.

Zion suddenly ran towards the boar, ignoring the pain in his body caused by the boar's magic attacks. The boar lowered its head planning on meeting Zions charge with its own when suddenly Zion leapt over the boar again, vanishing from its sight.

The boar figured that the fox was trying to escape so it squealed in annoyance and turned around only to be confused as it didn't see the fox.

Zion had leapt to a branch above the boar on its blind side, so the minute the boar got confused and lifted its head from its charging position, Zion quickly pushed off the branch towards its head again.

This wasn't a pounce move so it wouldn't boost his attack again however if he blinded the boar, it would take a substantial amount of its fighting ability away.

He landed on its head and it squealed loudly in anger and surprise, immediately getting a feeling of deja vu as the fox slashed at its remaining right eye.

Once again he felt his claws sink into and burst the eye of the boar however, instead of letting the boar to slam him into a tree like last time, Zion did something else.

He bit down onto the boar's neck, letting his teeth pierce into its hide. The boar squealed loudly in twice the amount of pain as Zion watched its health.

[[*Slash* Stone Tusk Boar: 12/80]]

[[*Bite* Stone Tusk Boar: 10/88]]

His eyes widened in surprise as he suddenly noticed the health of the boar dropping by 1 point every 2 seconds, 'Yes! Must have triggered the bleed effect.'

The boar stomped around the area trying to shake him off but he refused to let go, holding on as he waited.

Just as the boar ran towards a nearby boulder, Zion then released his jaw and jumped off, using pounce to get away quickly from the boar as it slammed into the boulder heavily.

Its right tusk took the brunt of the hit and a huge crack appeared in it. The boar feeling the damage squealed again but this time Zion didn't wait.

[[Stone Tusk Boar: 5/80]]

With its health low enough that it would take one good timed attack, he wouldn't wait for it to recover. He dashed under its belly and slashed his claws up, leaving a deep enough gash that blood actually poured onto Zion, causing his fur to turn completely red.

He didn't need to look at its HP as the boar let out a weakened squeal before collapsing, thankfully Zion managed to escape from under it before it fell or it probably would have crushed him.

He panted heavily and looked at the boar then paused as he heard the familiar ding of earning EXP.

[[Stone Tusk Boar (D) killed, 35 EXP earned.]]

[[First earth affinity beast killed, 25 EXP earned.]]

[[Killed beast above personal rank. 20 EXP earned.]]

'I earned 80 EXP after that, with the two bonus's added. The lizard gave me 50 with a single bonus of killing a beast higher rank.' Zion thought as he sat to rest, looking at his status.


Race: Rainbow Fox

Name: Zion

Level: 3 (EXP: 205/300)

Rank: E

Magic Affinity: None

HP: 105/105

Mana: 120/120

STR: 7

AGL: 11

CON: 7

DEF: 8

INT: 12

CHA: 14


Bite (Lv2/10)//Slash (Lv2/10)//Analyse (Lv2/10)//Pounce (Lv2/10)//Kick (Lv1/10)//



'Phew. While exhausting fighting in this area is definitely a boon. Although that boar was still really weak I lost a good lot of health.' He looked at the boar and walked over to it.

'Well, time to dig in.' He thought as he bit down on the boar's hide.

After a moment of struggle, he managed to tear off a piece of meat and ate contentedly. Once the outside hide was broken, it became easier to eat the other meat.

He ate until he was full and once again, couldn't eat the full boar and knew he wouldn't be able to return home with it.

He sighed frowning slightly, 'I wish I had a storage, or an inventory. Something along those lines... hey system! Is there any spell I can craft that does that?' He asked.

[[Spacial magic affinity needed to create a personal storage space.]]

'Space? System what affinities are there?' He began to walk away from the boar. Not wanting to be around it however he also knew he would need to wash quickly so he headed right for that stream.

[[There are 9 magical elements in this world.

Fire - Water - Earth - Air - Ice - Lightning - Light - Shadow - Space. Each element focuses on different types of spell effects.]]

'So... I need 9 affinities. I bet space, light and dark are going to be hard.' He sighed but his eyes had a determined and excited glint.